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twoleftfeet 2:57 Thu Jun 6
D Day commemoration.
I won't lie, I had a tear in my eye watching that memorial programme last night.

Over 4000 graves of young men who fought to bring an end Nazism, most younger than my own son.

I also need to praise the BBC, which is a rare thing, about their programme called the unheard tapes. Whoever came up with it is a genius, an amazing programme heard through the voices of those who were there.

Makes you proud to be British.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Mike Oxsaw 7:18 Wed Jun 12
Re: D Day commemoration.
Was it a loopy leaver or a rabid remainer that introduced Brexit into this thread?

Russ of the BML 4:30 Wed Jun 12
Re: D Day commemoration.
(Walk's into D-Day Memorial thread. Removes jacket and sits down. Hears Brexit argument. Stands up, puts on jacket and walks out).

Council Scum 4:27 Wed Jun 12
Re: D Day commemoration.
The whole issue with Brexit, is the people in place to action it, never wanted it.

Mike Oxsaw 4:26 Wed Jun 12
Re: D Day commemoration.
OK - for me the main benefits included not having to shovel shit-loads of taxpayers money (that we couldn't really afford) across to Brussels to fund their trendy, socially aware "caring" EU-wide projects, from which the UK received absolutely zero (ZERO) nett benefit.

Also the removal of the Freedom of Movement gave the UK the chance to start managing the population size in order to plan the infrastructure over the next 20-40 years.

FoM meant that the UK had no idea how many people needed to be catered for, both today and years down the line - I suspect the UK probably has closer to 85 million inhabitants rather than whatever the official figure is but the authorities seem disinterested in the physical/financial impact of that and more interested in promoting a figure that suggests that they actually know (/care).

The fact that the authorities deliberately stumbled repeatedly on this could be seen as them obstructing a Brexit benefit, but that's the fault of the authorities, not the Brexit result or Brexit itself. Pretty sure as many illegals entered the UK before Brexit but they would never have been detected because of the free passage of goods & services; the post-Brexit boats are both highly visible and highly photogenic/media friendly.

Trade, again, is down to the bargaining skills of the authorities; they could have had it all sewn up in the 4 years of remain-driven dithering, ready to go once Brexit finally was delivered.

Blue passports? Meh! It'll soon be an app on your phone, so not overly bothered about that.

And Farage? Again, media spin. Not about repelling at all. All about managing numbers so that they can be integrated into society and society's infrastructure can be planned to meet their needs.

Never mind Education! Education! Education! or Location! Location! Location!

It's all down to Numbers! Numbers! Numbers!

Side of Ham 3:54 Wed Jun 12
Re: D Day commemoration.
Repelling Johnny Foreigner = Stopping the East of Europe moving West because the EU hadn't factored in there is no major trade in the East of Europe so they all move West to get trade.

That Johnny Foreigner?

Fauxstralian 3:42 Wed Jun 12
Re: D Day commemoration.
I wasnt expecting any benefits so cant help
I dont like this federal EU and always thought it should remain the trading bloc its was originally intended to be.
But that wasnt on offer

As for Brexit as is
Control of borders? Nope
Worldwide trade better than was? Nope
Blue passports? YES!
Desperate gammon Farage finally admitting it was all about repelling Johnny Foreigner? YES

Mike Oxsaw 2:06 Wed Jun 12
Re: D Day commemoration.
Fauxstralian 1:08 Wed Jun 12

Let's start by YOU listing the benefits YOU were expecting from Brexit and work forwards from there.

All a civil servant has to do is request a project/requirements review as part of his/her/their civic duty "to save the taxpayer money" and the project is put on hold until such time can be found to instigate such a review.

I'm sure they all knew which projects would make Brexit easier and took "extra special care" to make sure the taxpayer was getting value for money on those projects, unlike the oversight of the covid/NHS App or even the lease of our new home.

They even had an extra 4 years to get things sorted on acount of the entitled remainers' sneaky dirty tricks to try and get the referendum result overturned and yet several sysyems are still behind schedule.

Fauxstralian 1:08 Wed Jun 12
Re: D Day commemoration.
What benefits of Brexit have civil servants obstructed?

zebthecat 12:27 Wed Jun 12
Re: D Day commemoration.
Poor Rishi Sunak.
No Sky TV and having to endure boarding school at Winchester.
Such deprivation is tantamount to child cruelty.
Definitely worth skipping the Omaha commemoration to drop this shocking revelation.

Mike Oxsaw 12:01 Wed Jun 12
Re: D Day commemoration.
Hardly surprising that people are struggling to see any benefits from Brexit given the lack of enthusiasm in the Civil Service and the upper echilons of power to actually try to make it work.

The Civil Service because they are inherently left leaning and like a "caring" society where people are told what's best for them - and the Civil Service, naturally, will be the (only) ones doing the telling.

Politicians because they are just the puppets of big businesses (which many, even on here, mistake as "the economy"). Both ends of the political spectrum don't want Brexit to be deemed a success, but for polar opposite reasons.

Couple that with the brilliant (it must be said) Expectation Management campaign from the (very) Remain oriented media and you've got millions of people whove been led by the nose who expected the equivalent of a magic money tree to grow in their gardens overnight. (and people to stop wanting to come to the UK just to claim benefits).

Now. Back to the D-Day commemerations: We asked 100 people to name something you could do at the D-Day commemorations. Our top answer was "Fuck off early."

JayeMPee 11:32 Wed Jun 12
Re: D Day commemoration.
Sunak made a massive cockup and has apologised profusely time this was given a rest. Doesn't make Starmer look any better. twoleftfeet, if you want to see more about the Canadian contribution watch Passhendaile (Netflix) if you can reach the end without a tear coming to your eye you are a better man than I am!

Fauxstralian 11:17 Wed Jun 12
Re: D Day commemoration.
I think many are struggling to see the benefits of Brexit and there is a general frustration with the performance of all politicians
I am due to get a BLUE PASSPORT when I renew next year so was all worthwhile

Mike Oxsaw 10:46 Wed Jun 12
Re: D Day commemoration.
The Brexit referendum was perfectly fine and delivered the correct result - that being the will of the people who could be arsed enough to vote.

How it has been handled post exit however, resembles the actions of a sulking spoilt brat who couldn't get the way he feels he was perfectly entitled to and aims to make life difficult for everyone. Bit like some on here, in all honesty.

If you can't separate the two events then you shouldn't be allowed anywhere near anything that has moving parts - let alone be given the opportunity to vote for a future government.

northbankboy68 8:55 Mon Jun 10
Re: D Day commemoration.
Another upstanding advocate of Leave! We have been utterly duped by these wasters!

Far Cough 12:43 Sat Jun 8
Re: D Day commemoration.
The cunt couldn't last the whole day and yet he wants to introduce National Service.

Fauxstralian 12:26 Sat Jun 8
Re: D Day commemoration.
But , but ... he had an interview booked with ITV
Beyond belief that noone in his team didnt say D Day is blocked out and you can do your interview tomorrow
Man lacks in judgement .... except when he cracked onto his billionaire wife

Texas Iron 8:47 Sat Jun 8
Re: D Day commemoration.
Disgusting by Sunak…leaving early…

Opinionated entitled arrogant midget brained fake…

Mickey Rat 5:06 Sat Jun 8
Re: D Day commemoration.
Spot on Yngwies Cat, the Beeb get a lot of flack and sometimres it's justified but this series is brilliant. My Dad was a gunner in the Roay Navy during the war, mostly on MTB's and MGB's but leading up to D-Day he and some of his matelots got seconded to help sail the landing craft over to Normandy, his landing craft made it over there ok but got so badly damaged he was stuck on the beach for 2-3 days working their socks off helping to get getting ammo, food and equipment unloaded to supply the army. My Dad & My Hero!

yngwies Cat 4:34 Fri Jun 7
Re: D Day commemoration.
The D Day Tapes broadcast over 3 days was brilliant.

Consider myself as a bit of a nerd when it comes to June 6 after reading so much about it over the years, but that programe brought some stuff I didn't know, also good to hear the German side, and was brilliantly made.

BBondsBootlaces 11:51 Thu Jun 6
Re: D Day commemoration.
I'm overseas but will find this to watch.

2 good books about the Canadian effort on D-Day.
Juno Beach
Holding Juno

Fauxstralian 3:49 Thu Jun 6
Re: D Day commemoration.
The Allied troops were primarily British, US & Canadian but also included Australia, Belgian, Czech, Dutch, French, Greek, New Zealand, Norwegian, Rhodesian & Polish

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