David L 9:29 Sat Aug 6
"Persistent standing in the East Stand"
Apparently loads of people complained about this on the Founders Feedback and stewards have now had strict instructions to stop this on Sunday and beyond. Standing while the match is in progress is STRICTLY NOT ALLOWED.
There we go, the end of the club as we know it.
Spectators welcome, true supporters not so.
Replies - Newest Posts First ( Show In Chronological Order)
12:40 Sat Oct 1
Re: "Persistent standing in the East Stand"
DANNY66 6:46 Mon Sep 26
RE: "Three blokes in the very back row of block 131 were arguing with stewards about sitting down during first half.
Come half time they were asked to come out which they did and they never came back.
Very strange as to weren't blocking anyone's view there is some boarding right behind them which is higher than them"
So the moral of the story is not to allow oneself to become isolated from the rest of the fans, so that these Baroness Gauleiters can pick off individual loyal West Ham fans, one by one...
6:53 Mon Sep 26
Re: "Persistent standing in the East Stand"
Had that at the Stanley game, Danny. Same scenario and no disableds above us either. He basically ended up saying we could sit on the top of the folded up seat. Nonsense really.
Yesterday folk in the row behind us were sat, they were in those same seats. I offered to swap but they said it was fine as they understood everyone else is standing. I was still conscious of it though so fucked off to the back row of the next block.
I'm a decent bloke, after all.
6:46 Mon Sep 26
Re: "Persistent standing in the East Stand"
Three blokes in the very back row of block 131 were arguing with stewards about sitting down during first half.
Come half time they were asked to come out which they did and they never came back.
Very strange as to weren't blocking anyone's view there is some boarding right behind them which is higher than them
Lily Hammer
2:49 Fri Sep 23
Re: "Persistent standing in the East Stand"
In the Standard article about the Crate shutting out colour wearing West Ham fans, theyalso mention that it's not allowed to "chant etc."
I'm really curious as to what they mean by "etc," exactly.
mashed in maryland
2:24 Fri Sep 23
Re: "Persistent standing in the East Stand"
"Then there was silence, and then everybody clapped"
2:16 Fri Sep 23
Re: "Persistent standing in the East Stand"
I got told to sit down as I was going for a slash and Istopped momentarily as a cross went into the box, I turned politely and said Perhaps you want me to leave on my hands and knees, oh and by the way it's not the fucking opera people do move about at a football match. I then even more politely told him that should he wish to accompany me to the concourse I would be more than happy to continue the discouse, I then may or may not have used a profanity describing him as a ladies special place
1:22 Fri Sep 23
Re: "Persistent standing in the East Stand"
ag ag ag ag
Absolute piss taking lying cunts.
Hasans Fish Bar RIP
1:19 Fri Sep 23
Re: "Persistent standing in the East Stand"
Feedback forum has just been cancelled. Rescheduled for 5th October
7:51 Thu Sep 22
Re: "Persistent standing in the East Stand"
The standing issue might not be down to BERKS Inc to ignore if the stadium owners get the hump with the capacity not being upped.
Oh Billy Billy....
7:40 Thu Sep 22
Re: "Persistent standing in the East Stand"
I got told to sit down by some bandwagon jumping old cunt when I stood up to cheer payets goal - can't even cheer a goal now
11:52 Thu Sep 22
Re: "Persistent standing in the East Stand"
A good few of the Accrington boys stood, surrounded by stewards, who looked a bit miffed as what to do. Good for them.
On The Ball
10:45 Thu Sep 22
Re: "Persistent standing in the East Stand"
They are.
But they cannot go anywhere near anything to do with standing. That's down to you to work out.
10:44 Thu Sep 22
Re: "Persistent standing in the East Stand"
They would still know who they are. I doubt anyone would get a warning. I dont understand why they dont just get together with the fans and work it out. Its hardly brain surgery is it?
On The Ball
10:43 Thu Sep 22
Re: "Persistent standing in the East Stand"
You can't fight it because there's no threat - that's why hardly any Clubs bother.
With us and other home fans, the Club/council can threaten to take their season tickets away to make them comply with these ridiculous rules.
There's no "danger" when we stand, just as there's no "danger" when away fans stand. The council (and presumably certain people within it) are just doing their bureaucratic best.
ornchurch ammer
10:27 Thu Sep 22
Re: "Persistent standing in the East Stand"
Think about it logically, what is the point of trying to get away fans to sit? They are there once a season so it is a pointless battle. Better to target those who are there every game as that is a battle that can be won.
I'm surprised the stewards were taking note of seat numbers last night as there were a lot of people in place of ST holders.
Bom Stickle
8:45 Thu Sep 22
Re: "Persistent standing in the East Stand"
They were the only ones that were sang last night stewie and although small in number were probably the loudest we've had over there. It just bugs me that they've been on our case all year but away fans can do what they want as they fear it might kick off. I mean how the fuck to they allow a drum at the same time they are taking lids off beer bottles. Just because they add noise doesn't make it right.
I had some fuckwit Italian and his bird in our end kept complaining that he couldn't see in the BML when everyone stood up when we did go forward (very rare), he said he'd had to move 10 times because of it. in the end someone just said to him, mate there are about 20,000 spare seats not in this end just pick one of them. Some of the cunts we have going now are unbelievable.
stewie griffin
8:31 Thu Sep 22
Re: "Persistent standing in the East Stand"
Not a dig, Bom, but I hope people stop complaining about them not targeting away fans. You had 600 Accrington fans last night and they were superb (although annoying and repetitive and csrrying a fucking drum) the only people adding any atmosphere to that dump and very obviously having a good night out. In the second half a shed load of stewards started going down and getting amongst them and to be frank it was just over the top and unnecessary.
You need away fans for a decent atmosphere, nowhere more so than in that hellhole
Fwiw, stood all night with no problems.
Bom Stickle
8:04 Thu Sep 22
Re: "Persistent standing in the East Stand"
First time they've come into the BML last night. There was only about 10 rows of 152 standing but they still went OTT and nearly caused 2 rows in 151 and 153.
The usual but you're blocking kids views and it's just my job from the stewards when questioned. I pointed out my kids were next to me, are smaller than most and they want to stand and had no complaints as they've always done it. I also asked the big lump why he wasn't asking the away fans to sit to which he said it wasn't his area. Maybe he could swap ends on Sunday if he's so keen to stop all standing.
They really do cause unnecessary confrontation but is starting to be the only thing that lifts flat atmospheres these days.
7:18 Thu Sep 22
Re: "Persistent standing in the East Stand"
There were some very busy stewards tonight.
Pointing at various people and areas and taking note of seat numbers.
Which was strange as there was hardly any persistent standing,if any
1:23 Thu Sep 22
Re: "Persistent standing in the East Stand"
There were about 20 standers tonight.
1:22 Thu Sep 22
Re: "Persistent standing in the East Stand"
#crew145 told them bollocks.