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Kite 12:02 Sun Nov 19
What is wrong with him, started naming who is on the bench tomorrow. Can he not show the manager some respect.

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wanstead_hammer 1:28 Sun Sep 16
Re: ExWHUemployee
Can easy make any changes the minute the game kicks off at 3 o'clock if it don't look right.

And I wish them lying, shyster cunts would just fuck off/be forced out sooner rather than later, after what they've done to our club.
Greedy no-good tossers.

boleynkid 1:22 Sun Sep 16
Re: ExWHUemployee
Who knows but I doubt very much that John Lyall ever did.

collyrob 1:11 Sun Sep 16
Re: ExWHUemployee
Does every manager have to tell their chairmen the starting eleven ?

boleynkid 1:08 Sun Sep 16
Re: ExWHUemployee
It was a real shame that TC's consortium never happened because the vision of what they wanted to do I'm sure would have been welcomed by most fans. Working on the club's youth policy and re-development of the East Stand taking the capacity up to 45k were all part of that vision.

cartis 1:00 Sun Sep 16
Re: ExWHUemployee
The slipping of standards and lack of professionalism started the minute these two old cunts walked through the door.
Everything about the club has changed for the worst since they have been here.
I simply long for the day they either fuck off or drop dead.

Bernie 12:44 Sun Sep 16
Re: ExWHUemployee
I think we all know what's happening here, Pellegrini tells David Sullivan the night before, which he probably feels he has to do, Sullivan I'd imagine asks him, Pellers can't really tell him to fuck off, Sullivan then like an excited schoolgirl tells his idiot sons, who in turn like excited schoolgirls tell the idiot exwhufcemployee bloke.

It's why twitter was invented, for scenarios like this to keep idiot schoolgirls happy.

Oh Billy Billy.... 12:40 Sun Sep 16
Re: ExWHUemployee
Assuming the 1.30 submission is true, which I believe it is, in your scenario, the decision to play wallcot is made before any knowledge of the West Ham line up - therefore, the only section to make is what wing he plays on, which is what they would have planned for and can make that decision at 2pm when the teams are made public

I am not an advocate of what ex is doing and agree to the point of “why create the risk” (however small) - but there are far more fundamental reasons why we keep losing

Alex V 12:32 Sun Sep 16
Re: ExWHUemployee
A simple hypothetical for today. Maybe Silva would prefer to play a pacey wideman if Zabaleta plays to exploit his lack of pace. If Fredericks plays he won't bother. Maybe he's thinking of switching Walcott on the left if Zabaleta plays and they did a bit of work on that in training. He's not sure which selection to go with.

The leaked team comes up, and it persuades him to make that move with Walcott. And maybe this time it doesn't work out and we win anyway. Maybe it even backfires and weakens them on the other flank. But maybe the next time with the next opposition coach it does work and their pacey winger goes off and is instrumental in us losing.

Are the leaks doing no damage in this narrative? Is this really such an unlikely scenario? Aren't those sort of decisions what every coach is weighing up before a selection?

And if similar examples were already happening game to game, how would we ever know?

moorethanjustananon 12:29 Sun Sep 16
Re: ExWHUemployee
Alex how likely do you think it is that the club is able to completely kill leaks of any kind?

It happens all over the country, a bit like in politics, where people for all sorts of reasons are putting snippets of news from the ‘inside’ out into the press or social media.

Now we’ll have to agree to disagree on whether ‘rumoured’ team news being on twitter would have any impact at all on a match.

My original point remains that there are bigger fish to fry in the professionalism column of problems that face our club and ironically the fact that one bloke gets so much attention for tweeting a bit of news given our the plight of our club in the last 3 years is laughable.

boleynkid 12:28 Sun Sep 16
Re: ExWHUemployee
Moorethanjustananon 11:44

Agree re priorities and all that but I'll tell you one thing all this leaking and stuff wouldn't have happened in John Lyall's day. Standards in the club have slipped badly.

If everything was on the pitch was ok then this wouldn't be considered such a problem but everything's not ok and that's why it's an issue with some fans.

collyrob 12:19 Sun Sep 16
Re: ExWHUemployee
It’s not just a “rumour” if the cunt is always right with the team. He knows the starting xi and it doesn’t help anyone at west ham for him to be announcing it. Pretty simple really.

Alex V 12:15 Sun Sep 16
Re: ExWHUemployee
>>> Alex in the absence of fact it’s perfectly okay to come to a reasonable judgement using common sense.

Or even better just kill the leaks that are even raising the issue.

>>> it’s very very very unlikely that the manager of a football club in a multi billion pound revenue league is so fragile in his belief in the preparation done, that shortly before submitting his team he would change it based on what is effectively a rumour on Twitter.

The same straw man argument. That's not what I'm suggesting - we're not talking about coaches throwing out the agreed tactics an hour before the match, I agree that would be absurd. We're talking about what you accept is happening at large - analysts are prepping coaches on a range of circumstances. It's not an all-or-nothing decision that changes the result, but early team news is a factor that might increase the likelihood of a certain tactic or selection working.

Why take that chance?

moorethanjustananon 12:02 Sun Sep 16
Re: ExWHUemployee
Alex in the absence of fact it’s perfectly okay to come to a reasonable judgement using common sense.

Knowing what we do know about professional football clubs (or sports clubs in general) the amount of investment in analysis and work that goes in to prepare a team for a match suggests to me that, it’s very very very unlikely that the manager of a football club in a multi billion pound revenue league is so fragile in his belief in the preparation done, that shortly before submitting his team he would change it based on what is effectively a rumour on Twitter.

Alex V 11:58 Sun Sep 16
Re: ExWHUemployee
>>> the point ex makes is that he only releases the AFTER both teams have formally submitted their line ups to prem league at 1.30

That has been the case at times, for sure. At other times it has been hours before. Pretty transparent hints have been posted even further in advance in the past.

>>> The opposition could get an extra 30 mins to change formation - which I doubt is much advantage as they would have planned for different West Ham line ups anyway and just make those tactical changes in a matter of minutes

I disagree - picking one selection or formation over another because you know the team you're facing would be an enormous advantage whatever the timeframe.

>>> this is not as big a deal as its being made out to be

Well, we simply don't know how big a deal it is. Because we don't know what all opposition clubs do. Anyone who says they does is lying.

Alex V 11:53 Sun Sep 16
Re: ExWHUemployee
You're announcing things as facts that you have absolutely no idea about, or any chance of verifying as true.

The truth is, you or I do not know what the opposition are doing before a match. They don't announce that sort of thing publicly because even that info would be exploitable.

Oh Billy Billy.... 11:51 Sun Sep 16
Re: ExWHUemployee
Alex - the point ex makes is that he only releases the AFTER both teams have formally submitted their line ups to prem league at 1.30. So in reality unless the opposition “fake” a late injury to change their line up - they can’t - and I don’t recall that happening too often. If they are warichomg for this, The opposition could get an extra 30 mins to change formation - which I doubt is much advantage as they would have planned for different West Ham line ups anyway and just make those tactical changes in a matter of minutes

I don’t care one way or another but this is not as big a deal as its being made out to be

Am not buying his “I guess it” comment though!!

moorethanjustananon 11:44 Sun Sep 16
Re: ExWHUemployee
Alex - I’m telling you right now that no premier league manager has ever been given a tip off from their analysts (who are not on Twitter looking for out team news anyway) and said 15 minutes before teams are exchanged and said “right lads, we’ve had a tip off from Twitter, we’re changing things”

Johnson / Boleyn - sure professionalism in the club is an issue, I’d say the professionalism of the playing staff, the training ground and the scouting network are higher on the list that someone supposedly leaking the team news! I’m sure we could find a twitter account for almost every club doing this.

Alex V 11:38 Sun Sep 16
Re: ExWHUemployee
>>> ...the point is that by the time Saturday rolls round each club has a pretty good idea of how the opposition is likely to play

Of course. They could have prepped a number of selections or tactics to exploit those likelihoods. When the team news comes in, if they have a chance to respond they will. If they get it early, they have more chance to respond. Might they even pick a different team because of it? I don't know, but it's possible. As you say, clubs literally employ analysts these days to look at this, and this is exactly the sort of edge they can exploit.

The days where formations don't really matter and coaches just send out players to be 'up and at em' are so long gone. It's a squad game, and how you match up against the opposition is often the difference between winning and losing.

boleynkid 11:35 Sun Sep 16
Re: ExWHUemployee
Correct. It is indicative of the lack of professionalism/discipline which has been running through the club for far too long now.

Johnson 11:20 Sun Sep 16
Re: ExWHUemployee
It’s not him that’s the issue per se here.

You’re massively missing the point.

moorethanjustananon 11:14 Sun Sep 16
Re: ExWHUemployee
AKA ERNIE 10:07 Sun Sep 16
Re: ExWHUemployee

I’m not saying it’s a good thing mate, I’m saying it really isn’t worth all the outrage over it.

It’s nothing new, and it really has no impact on the game or club. He’s just a bloke on social media who shares info he gets which happens to be about a club he supports.

Maybe he likes the attention, maybe it’s a bit of self promotion - he’s certainly done some very valuable charity work through that account and if that’s the way he generates followers as a means of raising more money for the less fortunate who’s to judge?

The point being EVERYONE who has a problem with it can just not follow him on Twitter, there are certainly bigger problems to concern ourselves with when it comes to West Ham.

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