GreenStreetPlayer 3:05 Fri Nov 13
Why The BBC All Over Cummings Leaving Story?
I thought he said ages ago he was going at the end of the year. Why the top headline then when there’s Sutcliffe dying who killed thirteen women. Obviously the BBC think Cummings is a bigger story than one of the country’s most prolific killers. Speaks volumes how Cummings has hurt them!
Replies - Newest Posts First ( Show In Chronological Order)
Mike Oxsaw
3:14 Sun Nov 15
Re: Why The BBC All Over Cummings Leaving Story?
Exiled In Surrey 12:45 Sun Nov 15
Might be a spelling mistake, might not.
It's not up to me to decide though, is it?
Queens Fish Bar
12:47 Sun Nov 15
Re: Why The BBC All Over Cummings Leaving Story?
Its german for remainer, the thick twat can't even get his xenophobic jibes right.
Exiled In Surrey
12:45 Sun Nov 15
Re: Why The BBC All Over Cummings Leaving Story?
Mike Oxsaw 11:00 Sun Nov 15
What is a a Remaner?
12:23 Sun Nov 15
Re: Why The BBC All Over Cummings Leaving Story?
Did anyone think Princess Nut Nut was sane in the first place? You can't be to let that fat cunt father another kid he'll soon forget.
Mike Oxsaw
12:20 Sun Nov 15
Re: Why The BBC All Over Cummings Leaving Story?
the last eastender 11:09 Sun Nov 15
The Educated Englishman spoke in an Indian accent on account of his parents being stationed in India up until 1948.
Mike Oxsaw
12:18 Sun Nov 15
Re: Why The BBC All Over Cummings Leaving Story?
Has anybody on here applied for the now-vacant position?
I'm sure there are several who are adamant that they could make a much better fist of it (because NOBODY could make a worse one (Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Hah!))
Sven Roeder
12:10 Sun Nov 15
Re: Why The BBC All Over Cummings Leaving Story?
If any comment on the Prime Ministers sexual history is taken as an affront to most men who don't chase anything that moves I apologise for any sexist implication contained therein. Obviously NOONE wants to be tarred with the same brush as the gibbering bumbling mess.
11:57 Sun Nov 15
Re: Why The BBC All Over Cummings Leaving Story?
Much casual sexism from some of our more right-on contributors here.
11:53 Sun Nov 15
Re: Why The BBC All Over Cummings Leaving Story?
Give Princess no nuts a chance because she might be better at running England than Cummings.
Sven Roeder
11:34 Sun Nov 15
Re: Why The BBC All Over Cummings Leaving Story?
If Cummings problem was with the PM's current partner (Princess Nut Nuts) not sure why he didn't wait for the next one who might be more amenable. Am sure he got on just fine with the Yank pole dancer
11:25 Sun Nov 15
Re: Why The BBC All Over Cummings Leaving Story?
So Bozo's divvy brass is running the country via Whatsapp. Ha! Keep up the good work Dom.
11:12 Sun Nov 15
Re: Why The BBC All Over Cummings Leaving Story?
Senior Tory MPs have now called on Mr Johnson to use Mr Cummings’ departure to “reset the Government” following complaints the party and Parliament had been sidelined.
The ports are pretty much full up so there’s some big work to be done.
the last eastender
11:09 Sun Nov 15
Re: Why The BBC All Over Cummings Leaving Story?
Mike oxsaw in casual racism shocker.
Come on Mike how about an Indian or Chinese or perhaps even a carribean accent.
Bernard manning alive and well.
Mike Oxsaw
11:00 Sun Nov 15
Re: Why The BBC All Over Cummings Leaving Story?
A Remaner Trade deal.
French peasant: "'ello, Eeeenglish. 'ave zom Camembert!". Educated Englishman: "How much is it, my good man?" French peasant: "Iz 10 Euros." Educated Englishman: "Here's 15. No, not at all. Nice doing business with you. Anything else in your, ahem, shop" French peasant: "I 'ave ziz nice North zea 'erring, Caught this very morning off Grimsby" Educated Englishman: "Really! I'll take it all. That lot up in Grimsby couldn't catch a cold."
10:53 Sun Nov 15
Re: Why The BBC All Over Cummings Leaving Story?
Princess NUT NUTS
ray winstone
10:48 Sun Nov 15
Re: Why The BBC All Over Cummings Leaving Story?
Hasans Fish Bar RIP 4:25 Sun Nov 15
Hit a nerve did I?
Hasans Fish Bar RIP
4:25 Sun Nov 15
Re: Why The BBC All Over Cummings Leaving Story?
Ray winstone
Fuck off you ignorant twat. Are you deliberately being obtuse?
Do you really think we got more back than we put in?
2:08 Sun Nov 15
Re: Why The BBC All Over Cummings Leaving Story?
Yeah, why are the BBC all over this meaningless cosmetic change?
Must prove they've a right-wing bias...
1:56 Sun Nov 15
Re: Why The BBC All Over Cummings Leaving Story?
Incidentally, why do you think the armed forces swear an oath of allegiance to the Queen and not parliament?
This one:
I... swear by Almighty God (do solemnly, and truly declare and affirm) that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Her Heirs and Successors, and that I will, as in duty bound, honestly and faithfully defend Her Majesty, Her Heirs and Successors, in Person, Crown and Dignity against all enemies, and will observe and obey all orders of Her Majesty, Her Heirs and Successors, and of the (admirals / generals/ air officers) and officers set over me.
1:48 Sun Nov 15
Re: Why The BBC All Over Cummings Leaving Story?
I do. Parliament isn't sovereign.
Let's take a further example.
Should we one day get around to having a written, codified constitution, it would be pretty pointless having one without some sort of 2/3 or 3/4 majority requirement to amend it.
How would this be brought about? Why, Parliament would pass an Act (or statute) making it illegal to present a bill to Parliament seeking to repeal or amend the constitution without such a majority.
This would then become the law - which parliament is subject to. So that's the law AND the people that have greater claims to sovereignty than Parliament. That's without going into the whole role of the Monarch in Parliament thing.
1:41 Sun Nov 15
Re: Why The BBC All Over Cummings Leaving Story?
SurfaceAgentX2Zero 1:20 Sun Nov 15
Oh FFS! Stop being deliberately obtuse. You know full well how the Legislature, Executive and Judiciary works in the UK.