\\\\ ˈsplat \\\\ Definition of splat (Entry 1 of 2) : a single flat thin often ornamental member of a back of a chair splat noun (2) Definition of splat (Entry 2 of 2) : a splattering or slapping sound
splat The term is usually referring to a stolen car but, in some cases the car belongs to a baser who gave it up for some drugs. "Bruh how the fuck we gone get to the party?"
"Dawg I got a splat that we can take out there."
splat when a guy ejaculates onto someone or something...
Splats The act of moving to the ground with the legs fully apart while keeping the torso erect, when done by a fat woman. Basically, the splits done by a fat chick. When that fat ass stripper did the splats in front of Bob, he started laughing uncontrollably.
splat an asterisk. Used by UK truck drivers. Because it looks like something squashy, like mashed potato, that has hit a wall in a comic (like the Beano) accompanied by the word SPLAT!