goose 10:37 Fri Apr 23
Happy Birthday Bill Shakespeare
Furnish me with your favourite work by the bard of Avon.........
Replies - Newest Posts First ( Show In Chronological Order)
7:27 Mon Apr 26
Re: Happy Birthday Bill Shakespeare
arsene york-hunt 8:49 Sun Apr 25
Plate Bisons with gold ? He must have been loaded to even think about doing that or tripping
4:58 Mon Apr 26
Re: Happy Birthday Bill Shakespeare
He wrote what should be every West Ham supporter's motto.
"Come what come may, time and the hour runs through the roughest day".
arsene york-hunt
8:49 Sun Apr 25
Re: Happy Birthday Bill Shakespeare
Plate bsins with gold, And the strong lance of justice hurtless breaks. Cover it with rags, And the pygmies straw will pierce it.
From King Lear.
9:46 Sun Apr 25
Re: Happy Birthday Bill Shakespeare
My apologies to the Bard Material girl
9:27 Sun Apr 25
Re: Happy Birthday Bill Shakespeare
Material world was decent ode as well
9:26 Sun Apr 25
Re: Happy Birthday Bill Shakespeare
Like a virgin was his best ode
Cheezey Bell-End
11:05 Sat Apr 24
Re: Happy Birthday Bill Shakespeare
It's not certain that he was born on April 23. However it is known that he died on April 23, by which time he was likely sick of birthdays anyway.
4:40 Sat Apr 24
Re: Happy Birthday Bill Shakespeare
Nagel: rest assured it was a typo. My go to excuse in class is usually this: just seeing if you notice my deliberate mistake.
Mike Oxsaw
3:54 Sat Apr 24
Re: Happy Birthday Bill Shakespeare
Not a fan of paragraphs, then?
3:45 Sat Apr 24
Re: Happy Birthday Bill Shakespeare
I have of late—but wherefore I know not—lost all my mirth, forgone all custom of exercises, and indeed it goes so heavily with my disposition that this goodly frame, the earth, seems to me a sterile promontory; this most excellent canopy, the air—look you, this brave o'erhanging firmament, this majestical roof fretted with golden fire—why, it appears no other thing to me than a foul and pestilent congregation of vapors. What a piece of work is a man! How noble in reason, how infinite in faculty! In form and moving how express and admirable! In action how like an angel, in apprehension how like a god! The beauty of the world. The paragon of animals. And yet, to me, what is this quintessence of dust? Man delights not me. No, nor woman neither, though by your smiling you seem to say so.
1:50 Sat Apr 24
Re: Happy Birthday Bill Shakespeare
LAF, "playwrite"? Seriously hope that's a typo or autocorrect, what with you being an English teacher.
1:42 Sat Apr 24
Re: Happy Birthday Bill Shakespeare
I’m an English teacher and have taught Shakespeare for years. I love it. By the end, some of my GCSE students quite like him, some don’t - that is in spite of my enthusiasm. Fair enough, that’s the way it is. I also live in hope that the older you get, the more you might appreciate his works. Of course, lime Mike O, that’s not always the case. Like him or not, we should all be proud that he sits on top of all the worlds literary giants and his works are performed around the globe constantly. Also, his works have been turned into films more than any other playwrite. The re must be something there that he’s tapping into.
Sven Roeder
10:45 Sat Apr 24
Re: Happy Birthday Bill Shakespeare
Speaking of April 23rd births .... it was also the birthday of the artist JMW Turner in 1775. Born in Maiden Lane in Covent Garden on the site what is now the Porterhouse pub.
Mike Oxsaw
9:15 Sat Apr 24
Re: Happy Birthday Bill Shakespeare
English Lit. was the only dark spot on my schooling - everything else I quite enjoyed, even the sports I was a complete dork in.
I gave it 4 years which included a lot of Shakespeare, but I was never able to find a "way in" to see it in the light others enthused about.
I even read loads of it (again) during the time I was performing dull-as-ditchwater routine maintenance tasks as a telephone engineer, but still nothing clicked. Decided then that it wasn't for me.
1:38 Sat Apr 24
Re: Happy Birthday Bill Shakespeare
I hated Shakespeare for a good 5 years after school put me off.
I didn't need no edukation like that.
*there were good bits too, only in science and maths*
1:34 Sat Apr 24
Re: Happy Birthday Bill Shakespeare
I've been in a few, and for every theatre audition, you had to do a modern and a Shakespeare. I'd normally do Mark Anthony in JC or Coriolanus, in the play of the same name.
The lines can be incredibly difficult to learn unless you fully understand the text and that is where the drama teacher was going wrong.
At the RSC or the National, the cast spends the first month of rehearsal on the text alone. Each line dissected and discussed.
That's great if you're playing a principal role but once I had one scene and six lines in one of the Henry's and had to sit in the rehearsal room on a hard chair for three weeks until they got to my bit - and within half an hour they moved on to the next scene.
The problem with teaching Shakespeare in schools is that the person teaching often doesn't have a great understanding either, so it's the blind leading the blind.
1:13 Sat Apr 24
Re: Happy Birthday Bill Shakespeare
“all that glisters is not gold”
Proof that no nob wrote Shakespeare.
A Count or Baron would've had a decent spellchecker.
Bill couldn't afford to pay some highly literate Baldrick a shilling a year.
8:01 Fri Apr 23
Re: Happy Birthday Bill Shakespeare
I liked the merchant of Venice cracking yarn that
Nurse Ratched
7:50 Fri Apr 23
Re: Happy Birthday Bill Shakespeare
*bites thumb at Cough*
Far Cough
6:55 Fri Apr 23
Re: Happy Birthday Bill Shakespeare
Nurse, get thee to a Nunnery
Nurse Ratched
6:51 Fri Apr 23
Re: Happy Birthday Bill Shakespeare
Oh I know you knew it was glisters. I assumed you dangled a hook to see which of us sad, pedantic wretches would bite. 😉