arsene york-hunt 12:33 Tue Jul 27
Woke watch
There is a very good section on GB news where the ludicrous idiocies of Wokeness are looked at
I thought we would should have one for WHO. I'll start with Baptiste on BBC: In Hungary,an ambassador's family are kidnapped by Islamic terrorists and carry out atrocities. At the end of the last episode Baptiste finds out that it is a false flag operation and conveniently, the real culprits are white supremacists who want to stop all immigration.
Coronation Street ITV a gay black footballer is stopped by the police, because he is driving an expensive car. He is pushed to the ground during an altercation, and damages his leg threatening his career. Could have been written by Dawn Butler or a BLM activist.
Replies - Newest Posts First ( Show In Chronological Order)
ray winstone
5:21 Tue Sep 3
Re: Woke watch
Surf, stop crying, you right wing Tory cunt.
12:30 Tue Sep 3
Re: Woke watch
Stupid Marxist cunt.
Has Ray got another username?
Council Scum
5:07 Mon Sep 2
Re: Woke watch
Anyone who thinks Two tier policing doesn't exist is either a liar or blind.
3:35 Sat Aug 31
Re: Woke watch
British is Best do you go to watch football? If so you can tell the way plod reacts to fans compared to BLM and Roma who they run away from Definitely two tier policing,and I've seen it at Notting Hill Carnival with my own eyes,but plod was more hands on this year probably because of the riots As for the Palestinian marches you can see how soft plod is with them
british is best
9:38 Sat Aug 31
Re: Woke watch
The whole thing is an utter joke . The right wing media are playing the working classes like the royal phillamonic orchestra. I've even fell out with my dopey brother who lives in new Zealand over it . He goes on the shitty daily mail website and absorbs their nonsense like a sponge . The daily mail isn't even based in this country yet their constantly stirring it day in day out .if they really loved this country like they pretend . Why don't they pay their taxes here .
british is best
9:29 Sat Aug 31
Re: Woke watch
This two tier policing accusations are total bollox. Was it two tier policing when students up in derby were fined £10 000 for throwing a party during lockdown . Yet when bunter and his fellow toffs threw one after another in 10 downing street they got away with £150 fines . The upper classes get away with absolute murder in this country .
7:40 Fri Aug 30
Re: Woke watch
This happened in 2022. Not heard anything about it until now
Lee Trundle
6:00 Thu Aug 29
Re: Woke watch
2 Tier Keir's language is right out of the WEF handbook.
mashed in maryland
5:57 Thu Aug 29
Re: Woke watch
goose 1:44 Thu Aug 29
Also from Germany, their police launched an investigation about someone on a social media platform no one uses cos a user called a politician "fat"
Apparently, accurately describing someone's appearance is worthy of police time and resources in that country. Authoritarian thought police culture is in their blood I suppose.
5:00 Thu Aug 29
Re: Woke watch
“If they banned smoking IN pubs, I might go to them”
Erm, that’s been in place since 2006. Where do they get these people from and what kind of editorial set up is in place to give such fucking imbeciles air time?
4:47 Thu Aug 29
Re: Woke watch
I hope the proposed smoking ban extends to the outside smoking areas at the HOC
3:26 Thu Aug 29
Re: Woke watch
Don't see a problem with smoking bad as disgusting habit
2:37 Thu Aug 29
Re: Woke watch
And at the same time that two-tier Kier was in Berlin blabbering on about "the snake oil of populism and nationalism"
1:44 Thu Aug 29
Re: Woke watch
meanwhile in Germany:
In the aftermath of a knife attack in Solingen, Germany, carried out by a Syrian national, the chairman of the German Police Union (DPoIG), Manuel Ostermann, has voiced strong criticism of the country's immigration policies and security situation.
Ostermann, representing nearly 100,000 police union members, stated in a video message, "Germany is no longer a safe country. We have a massive problem with knife crime. The migration crisis is first and foremost a crime crisis." He emphasized that Islamism poses the "greatest danger to life and limb of people living in Germany,"
Obviously nobody has told this guy about the great food that comes with all the great immigration.
1:24 Thu Aug 29
Re: Woke watch
The second caller challenging this has been told by Nicky Campbell, that his points are a fallacy, yet the expert before, can state “smoking is not a choice” with no comeback?
Day in, day out.
An ‘impartial’ broadcaster that we are paying for.
1:19 Thu Aug 29
Re: Woke watch
The BBC truth verifier in full force again this morning.
R5 and apparently “smoking is not a choice”
*scratches head*
Hammer and Pickle
1:16 Thu Aug 29
Re: Woke watch
Of course a brief reliability check reveals this Labour smoking ban is in fact an option contained in some Whitehall papers leaked to the Sun.
But that shouldn’t stop some having an embolism about it.
1:14 Thu Aug 29
Re: Woke watch
give it 5 years and Jeremy Clarkson will be running for parliament.
1:07 Thu Aug 29
Re: Woke watch
If there’s one thing the dying pub industry is crying out for, it’s a move that will lead to even less people going to pubs. So smokers who currently smoke in pub gardens will now instead go outside the garden and assemble instead closer to residential housing next door to the pubs? A real win/win for all concerned.
mashed in maryland
9:03 Thu Aug 29
Re: Woke watch
Labour want to ban smoking in pub gardens.
No one is asking for this. Literally no one who voted Labour thought "well they might ban smoking in even more places". Not a soul.
Just sums up the Labour party and all this woke shit. Its the party for meddling busybody lawyery HR types whos worst nightmare is other people getting on and minding their own business.
3:53 Thu Aug 29
Re: Woke watch
If it had happened in Belvedere there would be 50% reductions in posts on this website