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chav_corner 8:17 Sat Jul 31
GSBOUT is our no.1 priority; trust in Gold, Sullivan and Brady is lost.

Our next publicised protest, where fans can join us, will be Sun 19 Sep. We will leaflet fans against Leicester & Palace, when full details will be released.

Join us and read our vision:www.hammersunited.com

In the meantime, we will continue to protest and campaign on behalf of our members at every game.
Protests that require less planning and publicity than the event on Sun 19 Sep will be ongoing, until we are instructed by our membership to cease these protests or Gold, Sullivan and Brady have left our club.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Manuel 3:31 Fri Nov 26
Re: Protests.
Moyes has done well, very well, but I'm not prepared to give him ALL the credit for where we are now as a club. That would be a nonsense, and no doubt he'd agree.

Dicko75 1:24 Fri Nov 26
Re: Protests.
Maybe they did get lucky.

But equally they were probably unlucky when they spunked £170mil around pellagrini.

Maybe we should just enjoy the football and get behind the best team and club position I’ve seen in nearly 40 years going.

jfk 1:08 Fri Nov 26
Re: Protests.
We’re a good team
That’s hard to beat ,as good as any I can remember.
The appointment of moyes second time around is what’s turned us around,
Gsb have got lucky ,off the hook for a while,it’s fucking obvious Moyes won’t let them interfere,now he’s proved himself.
Finally looking like their tenure is coming to an end.
We’re massive no thanks to gsb.

Takashi Miike 12:57 Fri Nov 26
Re: Protests.
what a surprise, the nodding dog cunt has come to your rescue again. hahahahahahaha

Takashi Miike 12:56 Fri Nov 26
Re: Protests.
" It's all about perspective and you need to know that we need to lose for you to win. "

you must have a bad memory, I've told you numerous times now that I have zero connection to hammers united or any fucking protests, I 'win' when west ham play well. I also think the shitbags that own us can and will be held to account if or when they do wrong. taking such attitudes personally on behalf of billionaires is strange, you're either related to them, employed by them or one of them :.)

joyo 12:55 Fri Nov 26
Re: Protests.
Irons2010...ignore moaning Mike he doesn't even go to any games anywhere, me I'm we pleased, but bit gutted as was all booked up for Vienna ...you're right though good times ahead and hopefully a good few years

Iron2010 12:48 Fri Nov 26
Re: Protests.
Fair play Mike but I can’t remember the last evening when we qualified for the last 16 of a European competition.

I’m bright enough to know that there will be many nights in the next two or three years when you guys can crow about the move being bad and this will be due to poor results.

It’s all about perspective and you need to know that we need to lose for you to win.

I refuse to make that easy.

Expect a copy and paste.

Takashi Miike 12:38 Fri Nov 26
Re: Protests.
no one has posted on this thread for almost a month but this 2010 twat again digs it up to have another childish go, hahahaha. what an utter plank

Hermit Road 12:09 Fri Nov 26
Re: Protests.
I was for the move and regretted it after.

In what way has the ground we play in contributed to the performances this year?

I could understand the logic if, as a result of the move we recruited a manager who would have been out of our reach before and lavished him with a massive budget. That’s not the case though. We got a manager who couldn’t get work and chucked him the same amount we would have given him if we were at Upton Park.

ATBOG 11:20 Thu Nov 25
Re: Protests.
Alright dwarf one

Or is it dwarf two?

Iron2010 11:06 Thu Nov 25
Re: Protests.
That’s not the case mate. He was employed, given a budget and provided with a base.

He’s not to been in the job long enough for that claim.

Lily Hammer 10:59 Thu Nov 25
Re: Protests.
I put our current success down to our manager and his coaching staff, not the move to the stadium.

Iron2010 10:58 Thu Nov 25
Re: Protests.
Manuel 5:19 Thu Oct 28

Reference was to this post

Iron2010 10:52 Thu Nov 25
Re: Protests.
I actually agree with this post and recognise what a “wanker” you look when continually highlighting the problems with this “protest” group when we win.

However, I also live in the football and education industries and recognised what the move from Upton Park was trying to achieve.

Our traditional fan base had its roots in a very different world to everything that the London Stadium represents. The communication around the migration was always going to be a near impossible task and was handled poorly.

However, it has yielded the results we all craved. To be in Europe in March is an incredible achievement and a fantastic base to grow the club.

Many can’t get over the way the migration was handled and I can understand that. However, they also have to accept the reality that they will only get their “revenge” if the team starts to do poorly on the pitch.

This is a time to forgive, forget and be as one again.

Manuel 3:45 Thu Oct 28
Re: Protests.
''I was initially worried about protests impacting the on field performances to highlight we're still very unhappy with the owners is imperative''

Who is 'we' Block?? Who are you talking for, a handful of posters on here, or the few hundred who turned up for the last protest?

Block 3:40 Thu Oct 28
Re: Protests.
Pub Bigot 3:27 Thu Oct 28
Re: Protests.


Yes, it's great things are going excellent on the pitch, this is in no doubt down to Moyes and the coaching team.

GSB, whilst in charge are going to stop this current squad from going even further, whilst I was initially worried about protests impacting the on field performances to highlight we're still very unhappy with the owners is imperative.

Manuel 3:37 Thu Oct 28
Re: Protests.
Pub - You mean protests are necessary in your opinion? Just that looking at the numbers on the last protest I think most would disagree with you.

I agree though that the group itself is necessary, all clubs need groups like HU who can act as an go-between between the fans and the board, and go to the board with genuine complaints/ideas about any matter to do with WHUFC.

The other beef many had with them is that they never gave any indication who they wanted to come in and why, in the unlikely event the owners left anytime soon. No point in the current board going if better owners don't come in.

goose 3:28 Thu Oct 28
Re: Protests.
Pub Bigot 3:27 Thu Oct 28
Re: Protests.

Pub Bigot 3:27 Thu Oct 28
Re: Protests.
Hammers United are necessary. Protests are necessary. The board are still not forgiven for their lies. And a lot you have short memories, but if things change you'll be the first to whinge about the board.

Manuel 3:15 Thu Oct 28
Re: Protests.
You love me really, troll.

When does your mother let you our the basement, is it when she has finished sucking cock, the whore?

⚒️ 3:12 Thu Oct 28
Re: Protests.
Cunting off fellow West Ham fans. What a shambolic, tranny cock sucking moron you are, Manuel.

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