Nutsin 7:52 Sat Jan 15
Is Putin about to make a big mistake?
Lots of talk here that he is about to invade Ukraine.
NATO and the US won’t get involved but heavy sanctions have been threatened and Putin has threatened ending all diplomatic ties with the west.
Latest is that Putin will stage an attack making it look like Ukraine starts the conflict.
What’s being reported over there?
Is it about to kick off?
Replies - Newest Posts First ( Show In Chronological Order)
12:27 Sun Aug 13
Re: Is Putin about to make a big mistake?
I’d expect that sort of nonsense remark from you Pickle. Everybody knows you have difficulty with comprehension. Your opinion means nothing.
12:27 Sun Aug 13
Re: Is Putin about to make a big mistake?
I’d expect that sort of nonsense remark from you Pickle. Everybody knows you have difficulty with comprehension. Your opinion means nothing.
Hammer and Pickle
11:08 Sat Aug 12
Re: Is Putin about to make a big mistake?
You won't be able to face it, Moomintroll but Pointy has totally destroyed you here.
10:45 Sat Aug 12
Re: Is Putin about to make a big mistake?
Ok Spike,
Whatever you say.
Make sure you take your pager with you when you go down to the pub tonight!
10:41 Sat Aug 12
Re: Is Putin about to make a big mistake?
20th JANUARY 2021
Incidentally, being energy independent does not give you control of the global OR domestic oil price.
Not unless you nationalise all the oil companies and become a communist state.
Fucking idiot.
10:30 Sat Aug 12
Re: Is Putin about to make a big mistake?
Nutsin 8:16 Sat Aug 12
'Read my earlier posts, At the end of Oct 2020 the price of oil was approx $35 per barrell at the end of Spring it was over $70.'
I did read your post. But you are attempting to claim that the SPIKE in price was down to Biden. But, in fact, most of it happened under DONALD TRUMP. Now you are just pissed off because you have been caught out trying to put the blame on Biden.
And since the formation of OPEC the US has NEVER had any real measure of control over the world oil price.
So your talking shit again. And posting long diatribes and C&P shit can't deflect from that.
You're a fucking lunatic who wants a murderous dictator to win a war just in order to make your own domestic favourite look good. And even this is insane. On the one hand you have denied for years that Trump is buddied up to Putin and on the other you insinuate that the invasion wouldn't have happened with Trump in charge because he is Putin's buddy.
You've actually lost all grip on reality. In the past, as is obvious from my posts on here, on balance I'd rather have had Trump in charge than the idiot Biden, just because he's more pro-UK. But assuming a good number of Trump's supporters are as demented as you, I'll have to start rooting for the other side.
So - good job making your case on here.
9:22 Sat Aug 12
Re: Is Putin about to make a big mistake?
Price Discovery for WTI *
9:22 Sat Aug 12
Re: Is Putin about to make a big mistake?
Price Discovery for WTI *
8:22 Sat Aug 12
Re: Is Putin about to make a big mistake?
Under Trump the US had energy independence we were not beholden to OPEC, spice discovery for WTI was met at the NYMEX futures market.
Then Joe Biden moved in and his attack against US oil companies and fracking put OPEC back in play and well, we’ve all seen the difference now haven’t we.
spike time for you to Jog on. Don’t forget to take your Walkman with you.
8:16 Sat Aug 12
Re: Is Putin about to make a big mistake?
Read my earlier posts, At the end of Oct 2020 the price of oil was approx $35 per barrell at the end of Spring it was over $70.
Oil prices went up after Biden won the election, because we all knew Biden was going after oil. The markets anticipated his anti Oil policies. They Didn’t wait until January to make the move you immense fuckwit!
Shouldn’t you be setting your DVR the big match is on tonight. West Ham will probably be on it.
8:08 Sat Aug 12
Re: Is Putin about to make a big mistake?
So now we have an additional challenge at the fed. The Feds balance sheet recently as high as $9 trillion dollars. The balance sheet grew over time because of Quantitative Easing (QE) The fed were purchasing assets with money created out of nowhere. They then passed any profits on to the treasury.
Now however due to the feds fight against inflation I June 2022 the fed introduced us all to Quantitative tightening (QT) which is the reduction of the feds balance sheet. This is used to combat Bidenomics inflation. It’s way to remove liquidity from the global economy.
Lack of market liquidity is what gave us QE 1.
Mohammed El Erian tweeted about an article in the Financial Times regarding the first wave of QT of $1 trillion was the easy part. The 2nd trillion is gonna be a problem with the higher level of Bond issuance.
On the impact of QT
Do you agree with this from the @FT article on "the #FederalReserve’s drive to shrink its swollen balance sheet [which] is poised to hit $1tn this month":
“The second trillion worth of balance sheet reduction is likely to have more of an impact,” said Jay Barry, co-head of US rates strategy at @jpmorgan. “The first trillion occurred against the backdrop of the federal funds rate moving rapidly higher, and the second trillion matters more because it’s coming against the backdrop of a quicker increase in the pace of Treasury supply.” #economy #econtwitter
It appears the Fed are backed into a corner now and simply raising their balance sheet to buy treasuries to keep yields down is a tool they will have obvious limits with.
Bidenomics ladies and gentleman. Get use to the days where excess liquidity in the markets is reduced dramatically. Life is about to get a lot tougher.
Girdin your loins!
7:33 Sat Aug 12
Re: Is Putin about to make a big mistake?
Only a fucking idiot would directly correlate a doubling of the oil price with a doubling of inflation. Only a bigger idiot would claim that an increase of $14 per barrel from $52 on JANUARY 20TH 2021 to $66 (the highest price in April 2021) was doubling.
And only another idiot would think that the US President has very much influence on the global price of oil. That's why Biden keeps unsuccessfully begging the Saudis to raise production.
And only the biggest idiot of all would be a cheer-leader for Putin because he thinks it will make Trump look good if he wins.
7:33 Sat Aug 12
Re: Is Putin about to make a big mistake?
Only a fucking idiot would directly correlate a doubling of the oil price with a doubling of inflation. Only a bigger idiot would claim that an increase of $14 per barrel from $52 on JANUARY 20TH 2021 to $66 (the highest price in April 2021) was doubling.
And only another idiot would think that the US President has very much influence on the global price of oil. That's why Biden keeps unsuccessfully begging the Saudis to raise production.
And only the biggest idiot of all would be a cheer-leader for Putin because he thinks it will make Trump look good if he wins.
6:10 Sat Aug 12
Re: Is Putin about to make a big mistake?
Nonsense Pickle.
Oil Prices spiked soon after Biden won. As I proved with my charts.
Surf seems to think we live in the 80’s someone needs to tell him it doesn’t take 18 months for money to work it’s way through the system for inflation to show up, it’s a fucking idiotic comment.
When prices go up on a barrell of oil, prices at the pump go up immediately. They don’t drop as quick, we all know that, but the consumer feels the increase immediately at the pump.
In todays world markets move in anticipation of what Government's and central planners are gonna do, which is why everybody now pays attention to the Fed minutes to look for clues if the overall tone of the fed is hawkish or dovish.
Silly nuts Spike is about 40 years behind everyone else.
It is no coincidence that oil doubled after Biden won in a short period and so did inflation.
And no coincidence that inflation went up again and continued to rise after Biden’s $6 trillion dollar spending bonanza was announced.
Spike’s tiny mind seems to think the fed really does have a print press. Someone needs to explain to him that in todays digital world markets anticipate events.
Perhaps someone should explain technology to Spike, maybe that will help him realize that it is he that should be embarrassed as he is obviously clueless on what he is talking about.
Hammer and Pickle
3:06 Sat Aug 12
Re: Is Putin about to make a big mistake?
That was a sterling effort Moomintroll. But even an eight-post run is not going to change it: inflation and the monetary policy response pain is as much down to Trump as it is to Biden. And nothing you have posted suggests Trump would make the required moves to restore the kind of trade relations with the rest of the world that would make sustainable growth realistic.
Northern Sold
1:13 Sat Aug 12
Re: Is Putin about to make a big mistake?
Perhaps the Putin/Ivan army apologists on here can find it in the Ivan war book where they expect to find the excuse of slamming a cruise missile into a kids summer camp??
Act of war?? Yeah right ho... always been a terrorist state
4:08 Sat Aug 12
Re: Is Putin about to make a big mistake?
Not surprised it went over your head.
Based on your posts it’s plain to see why it would.
You’re still living in the 80’s.
2:15 Sat Aug 12
Re: Is Putin about to make a big mistake?
8 posts on the trot is crazy. Have you tried speaking to a therapist nutsin?
2:04 Sat Aug 12
Re: Is Putin about to make a big mistake?
You can cry all you want. Everything you posted was nonsense and was shown to be. You then made two dozen further posts trying to hide your embarrassment. Including an OCTUPLE post. Anyone can check what happened.
Spike that loony.
1:51 Sat Aug 12
Re: Is Putin about to make a big mistake?
C'mon Spike that's not a point that is just you being silly.
I was responding to your summary, which I did and explained in detail why you were wrong and I was indeed correct. However, you continue to ignore the content of the posts because they completely annihilated your argument.
Your problem is, you are stuck in the past, you need to get up to speed with how todays markets work.....That's pretty much the be all and end all of our debate.
I'm still laughing about "Spiked" by the way....That's a classic!
1:45 Sat Aug 12
Re: Is Putin about to make a big mistake?
You were so triggered yesterday you made a couple of dozen posts to hide your embarrassment and push our exchange down the thread. EIGHT (8) of them were consecutive, an absolute WHU record.
You don't even know when Biden came to power and yet you've been posting about it non-stop every day for years. What a clown.
And, back to the point which you are trying to deflect from, you would actually like Putin to win just to further your insane pro-Trump fetish.