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katie93 9:35 Sun Jan 30
Newham City Farm
Please sign and share if you have a sec. As a local this is gutting. Newham can’t afford to get any worse…


Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

MaryMillingtonsGhost 3:47 Mon Jan 31
Re: Newham City Farm
No longer live in London, but signed anyway.

Good luck Katie.

Mike Oxsaw 3:43 Mon Jan 31
Re: Newham City Farm
I've only read what a couple of posters on here have put up links to, but my thoughts are that this should be something the Education Department should be funding at the infrastructure level, given what it offers to people - and not just school kids. Must be able to accommodate 2 coach loads of kids a day during term time, at least.

If it can run a small cafe/farm shop on top of that to generate profits, all the better. Maybe one of the bigger supermarket chains can run one of their express outlets on the site to bring in extra income?

katie93 3:23 Mon Jan 31
Re: Newham City Farm
Cheers Fifth

That figure of £7 mil was given by the council. They have at other times quoted £440k and £2 mil but all existing buildings were in good shape at the time of the closure so this is all highly suspect. By their own admission they did not seek sponsorship. Sadly it seems there is a long term hidden agenda relating to the development of the land, and the pandemic was the perfect smokescreen.

We have 13 city farms in London and some of them operate with next to no council funding. Definitely viable if you have the commitment from management/investors and a good business model, IMO.

Kaiser Zoso 3:14 Mon Jan 31
Re: Newham City Farm
I thought it said Firm and expected an altogether different type of thread

Fifth Column 1:30 Mon Jan 31
Re: Newham City Farm


I admire your fight. And I'll sign the petition...

... But what is your solution? That article suggests two charities have tried to run it and handed it back to the council as presumably it wasn't financially viable. And it would cost £7 million just to bring it up to acceptable standard. It sounds like a white elephant, taxpayers money would have to subsidise it running into millions. Like a more smelly version of the Olympic Stadium.

katie93 1:20 Mon Jan 31
Re: Newham City Farm
Possibly re Khan, but to be fair we have received great support across the community including mosques

Knew I would get ribbed on here but all for a good cause haha. Thanks everyone.

Mike Oxsaw 1:01 Mon Jan 31
Re: Newham City Farm
Ag! Ag! Ag!

Maybe it's because of What Katie Said.

Pentonville 12:58 Mon Jan 31
Re: Newham City Farm
and still nobody has flirted. jesus

ironskej 12:51 Mon Jan 31
Re: Newham City Farm
used to love going there when I was at Tollgate School

Mike Oxsaw 12:42 Mon Jan 31
Re: Newham City Farm
Perhaps the livestock mix doesn't meet his ideals?

bill green 12:22 Mon Jan 31
Re: Newham City Farm
signed and shared

katie93 12:07 Mon Jan 31
Re: Newham City Farm
Also on his doorstep now that City Hall has moved to the Royal Docks.

The campaign team have appealed to him and gotten nothing back so far. Thought he loved the environment *cough* ULEZ money

Mike Oxsaw 2:58 Mon Jan 31
Re: Newham City Farm
What does Sadiq think of this?

It's on his watch, after all.

marty feldman 1:57 Mon Jan 31
Re: Newham City Farm
Signed .

katie93 1:36 Mon Jan 31
Re: Newham City Farm
Appreciate it, thank you. The farm's been there since 1977 and lots of fans will have visited with their kids. The current council adminstration are a disgrace for trying to close this on the quiet.

For anyone interested there is a demo at the town hall at 4PM on the 8th (before West Ham v Watford)

joyo 12:56 Mon Jan 31
Re: Newham City Farm

Don Ravioli 12:10 Mon Jan 31
Re: Newham City Farm

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