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Full Claret Jacket 10:35 Wed Dec 14
Turning around a lacklustre season
Now the World Cup is coming to conclusion and the Premier league looms with a January transfer window and some more injury problems, I'm feeling less than enthused at the prospect of watching West Ham struggle again.
What do West Ham need to do to bring back some enjoyment and belief. Is it a manager problem, a player problem, board problem? Young players are even bailing out.
Thiniking about the squad, I dont think there is one player who I wouldnt sell for a half decent offer. That says something about how integral I think they are to the future of West Ham.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Texas Iron 4:33 Tue Dec 27
Re: Turning around a lacklustre season
Be lucky to finish @17th

Stubbo 4:29 Tue Dec 27
Re: Turning around a lacklustre season
3 of our 4 starting defenders aren't up to it frankly, with Dawson not far behind....this season looks one too far for Fabianski too who is starting to make costly errors too.

On top of that we have no clue how to score goals from open play, and our threat from corners is now negligible.

Big problems.

I'd start with the wholesale change at the back.

Emerson has to replace the cowardly Cresswell. It's a season too far for his ageing legs and Emerson is at least mobile. Same for Coufal with Johnson, who at least is our future if the board don't fuck up contract negotiations (although Ashby looks better and I'd like to see him fast tracked to see if he's worth a first team level contract).

Kehrer is a total utility player jack of all trades master of none. Makes goal-conceding rickets wherever he goes. get him out.

Aguerd coming back and playing with Zouma is an urgent necessity.

After that we have to got to 3 in midfield, with Rice, Paqueta and Downes.

Then Antonio to replace Bowen, Scamacca in the middle, and Benrahma on the left.





Until the centre backs are available I'd go Ogbonna with Dawson.

Slow as fuck, but wily, and would make us a threat at corners again.

Obviously none of this will happen.

Sir Alf 1:29 Tue Dec 27
Re: Turning around a lacklustre season
The simple answer to this thread’s question is : “we ain’t turning this season around without a change of manager”.

Until Sullivan sees that Moyes has become the biggest part of the problem and is not the solution we will plummet further.

We will be in the bottom 3 next weekend and stay there without change.

Who do we get in? Must be someone who will bring a modern philosophy, system and style of play across the globe?

dealcanvey 11:34 Tue Dec 27
Re: Turning around a lacklustre season
Moyes has the tools at his disposal but he just can’t use them properly.

The side needs a big change around but he is too stubborn.

Soucek is becoming a bit of a scapegoat. I can name 6/7 players who are just as out of form as him but he needs to be dropped.

Needs to be a different player now next to Rice. Whether that is Paqueta, Downes or even Fornals I don’t care at this rate.

Surely it is now worth trying Antonio and Scammacca on the pitch at the same time? I think that is a partnership that could work.

Play a 433 and start to go at teams.

pdbis 11:18 Tue Dec 27
Re: Turning around a lacklustre season
The losing run will carry on under Moyes.

scott_d 11:00 Tue Dec 27
Re: Turning around a lacklustre season

What exactly has Moyes been doing in the break? There was fuck all yesterday to suggest he is willing to make any changes to get us out of this mess.

He just doing the same old thing and hoping that it eventually works.

Texas Iron 11:05 Sun Dec 25
Re: Turning around a lacklustre season
Be lucky to escape Relegation on recent form…

Sir Alf 9:46 Sun Dec 25
Re: Turning around a lacklustre season
Changes needed and it starts with dropping Soucek in midfield. Won’t happen though

LeroysBoots 5:50 Thu Dec 22
Re: Turning around a lacklustre season
We could have Mbappe and Messi and STILL this clown in charge would play a defensive shape

His time is up

Nagel 3:25 Thu Dec 22
Re: Turning around a lacklustre season
OK. I don't see it that way at all. I don't see Benrahma
creating all this space you say he does and I don't think that Bowen playing more like Benrahma is the answer to our problems in any way shape or form.

threesixty 2:39 Thu Dec 22
Re: Turning around a lacklustre season

"I just think that the real issue is working out how to get the best from Scamacca and Paqueta."

That is the big issue, yes getting our striker to score goals. But when you look at it more deeply, the problem is about space.

We need to create space in the final third. When we play on the counter there is naturally space to run into, less defenders to avoid etc.. and we get goals.

When teams sit back and keep their shape we need to pull their defence out of position to create space for Paqueta & Scamaca to operate. This is why using the wings properly becomes a big deal. Using the left and right wings of the pitch forces defenders to leave their central positions and help out, giving more space to our forwards in the middle.

When we play Benny out on the left, you see how he draws at least 2 defenders to cover him, because they dont know if. he's going to cut in or go to the by-line and cross or have a shot. Quite often he will play it into the box which now has less defenders in it..

if we could do that on the other side of the pitch as well I think you would start seeing better play from Scamaca, Paqueta, Soucek etc.. as they could attack the box more.

aldgate 1:23 Thu Dec 22
Re: Turning around a lacklustre season
problem is we are a £500m + turnover business with a manager who hasn't changed a thing for ten years

Russ of the BML 1:05 Thu Dec 22
Re: Turning around a lacklustre season
One of out other main issues is how poor our full backs are.

Must be a priority. I see we are being linked to Wan-Bissaka but I don;t think that'll happen as he'll be looking for more than a relegation scrap.

Nagel 12:27 Thu Dec 22
Re: Turning around a lacklustre season
I just think that the real issue is working out how to get the best from Scamacca and Paqueta. We've got a CF who likes to hold the ball up and play others in, but there's no-one near him except Paqueta, who isn't someone who'll take the ball and run with it like say Lingard would. Paqueta is best at making killer forward passes but the only one in front of him is Scamacca, who has his back to goal.

So what both players need is for the wide players to be more advanced and make forward runs in the half spaces, not just hugging the touchline. Playing with orthodox wingers would just make the situation even worse than it is now.

threesixty 12:08 Thu Dec 22
Re: Turning around a lacklustre season

I'm saying we need a better player on the right wing who can go inside or around their left back. Whether he crosses it or just uses that space, it creates width. If Bowen cant do that and for some reason doesn't know how to play foot ball on the other side of the pitch then drop him. We need to change things, not do exactly the same things and expect different results.

If Cornet was not injured I'd expect Bowen would be dropped by now. As he can do what you think is impossible for Bowen to do. Play both wings and score goals. I mean who'd have though that possible??

Sir Alf 1:39 Thu Dec 22
Re: Turning around a lacklustre season
I make you 100% correct Vexed.

We don’t always agree but the stats and our eyes tell us Moyes is paralysed as he has no experience or know how to play anything other than the tactics of sit deep, keep the shape, have little possession and counter.

We are the team that runs and presses the least by some distance. 13 wins from 43!!

We are hurtling towards the trap door and Moyes is giving BS about us not being far away from European qualification again.

Arsenal without Jesus ( he’s busy this time of year ) will stroll to a routine victory

Vexed 12:23 Thu Dec 22
Re: Turning around a lacklustre season
The only way this season gets saved is if Moyes is sacked. Do t matter who we buy or what fuckin tactics the cunt plays we will continue losing until he is sacked. Dont waste your energy thinking about it. He is either sacked soon or we are relegated.

Nagel 12:14 Thu Dec 22
Re: Turning around a lacklustre season
You still don't seem to get that playing orthodox wingers wouldn't be a positive change. Quite the opposite in fact. We need our attackers closer together, not further apart, pumping balls in to one lonely man up front in his own with no one near him.

I guarantee you that if Moyes did try what you suggest it would be awful and he'd be laughed at for being a dinosaur trying to turn back time.

threesixty 10:33 Wed Dec 21
Re: Turning around a lacklustre season
Nagel 10:22 Wed Dec 21

So if a player has never played there you cant try them in that position? Its a bit like when people said Rice is CB and cant play DM. Or when Arnie was a winger and cant possibly be a forward.

They're all footballers!! They can play in most positions especially if you .. you know.. train for it! They spend months in pre-season, they've had a month off now. Why not prepare the player for a different position?

Bowen is just an example. It could be anyone, it could be any formation. But we have to suprise the opposition on boxing day.

I cant not understand why a left footed player can not play on the left side of the pitch. It makes zero sense. All it says to me is that Moyes doesnt like crossing the ball or creating width. And without width its easy for defenders to sit back against us.

Fornals / Antonio can all play right wing. What do you mean no one on the team can play it?

It feels to me that the reason Moyes doesnt change anything is that psychologically he doesnt like being wrong and if there is success with making the change, he will think he looks like an idiot for the last year.

He didnt mind changing things when it got to the club because it meant that the last manager was the idiot and not him.

Its just simple psychology. He's petrified of being seen as a clown and therefore he doubles down on doing the wrong thing and therefore confirms he's a clown.

marty feldman 8:57 Wed Dec 21
Re: Turning around a lacklustre season
I can't see Moyes turning it around for the life of me . As he will never drop cresswell . Ditto soucek .

Nagel 8:42 Wed Dec 21
Re: Turning around a lacklustre season
Yeah, we've been shit and Moyes should have been binned long ago. No reason to make shit up though when the reality of it is bad enough.

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