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twoleftfeet 12:08 Sun Jan 15
Shooting near Euston Station.
What’s all that about?

A drive by shooting in the middle of the day whilst people attend a memorial service for 2 ladies that died?

London is like the Wild West.

Khan offers his usual words of shock and dismay.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

twoleftfeet 7:56 Mon Jan 16
Re: Shooting near Euston Station.
County lines then.

bruuuno 7:45 Mon Jan 16
Re: Shooting near Euston Station.
I don’t think they ever were really joe. Jamaican organised crime is surely an oxymoron

joe royal 7:41 Mon Jan 16
Re: Shooting near Euston Station.
Are Yardies still a thing?

twoleftfeet 6:23 Mon Jan 16
Re: Shooting near Euston Station.

Safest City in the world 🤣🤣🤣

bruuuno 6:05 Mon Jan 16
Re: Shooting near Euston Station.

There you go 360 you can go and have a crywank now

zico 5:48 Mon Jan 16
Re: Shooting near Euston Station.
Headline in Telegraph - Euston shooting: Drive-by attack at funeral may have links to Colombian drug cartel ---- A drive-by shooting at a funeral reportedly could have links to the Colombian drug trade as the deceased woman whose ceremony was targeted was married to a convicted member of the Cali cartel.

riosleftsock 12:47 Mon Jan 16
Re: Shooting near Euston Station.

So why didn't you open a thread about it, are you suffering from excessive shyness and just want to have a private life like Ginge and Whinge?

Eerie Descent 12:43 Mon Jan 16
Re: Shooting near Euston Station.
You never saw the thread, but you're still angry about it. You're a proper pillock, Sixty.

Indeed rios.

threesixty 12:35 Mon Jan 16
Re: Shooting near Euston Station.
Never saw a thread devoted to it. And never saw his ethnicity raised.

So fuck you all.

riosleftsock 12:35 Mon Jan 16
Re: Shooting near Euston Station.

I remembered the murder as soon as I read his post, McSweeney is clearly a grade a cunt. But possibly the bigger cunt is whoever decided to let him out, no doubt a loonie leftie like 360 who is motivated by feelings and virtue signalling rather than protecting the public (whatever their skin colour or religion)

Eerie Descent 12:14 Mon Jan 16
Re: Shooting near Euston Station.
Ignore that silly baiting idiot, it was posted up on here, and loads of people called the cunt that committed that crime scum of the earth.

riosleftsock 12:00 Mon Jan 16
Re: Shooting near Euston Station.

You do realise that you were perfectly at liberty to post a thread about it when it happened, its obviously important to you, why didn't you?

What are you trying to say here? Let me guess, we are all racists and need to make reparations to people of colour or we should apologise for being white?

How about you go fuck yourself with a rusty farm tool?

Boycie 11:54 Sun Jan 15
Re: Shooting near Euston Station.
JAC 9:22 Sun Jan 15

London is fucking terrifying and that is from someone that used to live on the border of East Ham/Custom House. Life is so cheap now

threesixty 11:12 Sun Jan 15
Re: Shooting near Euston Station.
You know what’s weird.. a few weeks ago a white English man was sent down for life for killing that young women on cranbrook Rd in Ilford. An absolutely disgusting crime.

Yet I saw nothing on this site about it. Not a peep. Yet, anything that could remotely involve black people in a crime and you get a whole thread about it. BLM this, BLM that..

I just can’t think how to explain how that happens… like what could possibly be the reason for the lack of coverage????

I’m all ears….


PwoperNaughtyButNot 10:54 Sun Jan 15
Re: Shooting near Euston Station.
Ray - I’m not blaming him for this killing

I am asking you to tell me what he has done for London and specifically which of his 2016 and 2021 pledges he has kept / achieved?

eusebiovic 10:52 Sun Jan 15
Re: Shooting near Euston Station.
That used to be known as the Portuguese Church because a lot of the immigrants used to go there back in the 70's and 80's. A fair few Spanish too.

I'm pretty sure I was dragged there a few times as a kid for some kind of memorial service or another.

None of that skullduggery back in the day but then again we weren't so far advanced down the line of copying the American Dream. We reap what we sow

This is now our harvest

twoleftfeet 9:59 Sun Jan 15
Re: Shooting near Euston Station.
I blame him because he, the Labour MPs who run London and the BLM movement have basically forced the police to stand by and do nothing for fear of being branded racist.

You reap what you sow.

iphammer 9:31 Sun Jan 15
Re: Shooting near Euston Station.

JAC 9:22 Sun Jan 15
Re: Shooting near Euston Station.
Khan is killing London all by himself.
All this bollocks about London being safe etc is horseshit.Add the shit roads due to unused cycle lanes and ULEZ its a slow painful death by a bloke who drives around London in a 5 litre Range Rover.
Hypocrite cunt,at least that lump of lard Boris did actually use his bike sometimes.

mallard 6:06 Sun Jan 15
Re: Shooting near Euston Station.
To be fair, none of Khan’s predecessors were much better with their achievements.

Bit of a pointless role IMO

ray winstone 6:06 Sun Jan 15
Re: Shooting near Euston Station.
PwoperNaughtyButNot 5:21 Sun Jan 15

I understand your dislike for him, there are many people with the same opinion but blaming him personally every time someone gets shot in London is a bit strange.

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