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Westham67 11:09 Fri Jan 27
HS2 may not run through to central London - report

They are making it up as they go along

Its not surprising as ground was broken too early just to push to the project through

Crossrail on steroids

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ray winstone 7:20 Sat Oct 7
Re: HS2 may not run through to central London - report
Haha, didn’t realise the 5 posts, my apologies and yes, gawd help us when Labour get in, it’s going to be a circus, but at least the last 13 years of The Big Top will mean we won’t notice it all that much…

CrowleyHammer 7:18 Sat Oct 7
Re: HS2 may not run through to central London - report
I get the sense these days that most people vote to keep one party out than really wanting a specific party in.

Far Cough 7:08 Sat Oct 7
Re: HS2 may not run through to central London - report
ray file mou, I was referring to your five posts of the same thing hence the Parkinson's comment as to the post itself, I don't really have a point of view on it except to say it's Labour's can that was kicked down the road by Sunak, to deal with as it looks like Starmer is going to be PM. Gawd help us.

ray winstone 6:34 Sat Oct 7
Re: HS2 may not run through to central London - report
Κοφ, so which part of my post don’t you agree with?
I understand that you’re a retired old Tory but the world still functions outside the walls of sunny Ilford.
I work in the freight industry and one of the main benefits of HS2 for us was going to be a renewed infrastructure to take us into the future, increasing capacity and speed that would improve the movement of goods which is a service that is in ever increasing demand.
So Sunak and his incompetent cabal think that by cancelling it they are doing us a favour, cunts, the lot of them.
Πάρκινσονς? Οχι. Απογοητευμένος, ναι.

Far Cough 5:47 Sat Oct 7
Re: HS2 may not run through to central London - report
Ray, eisai malakes, exeis Parkinsons?

Side of Ham 3:16 Sat Oct 7
Re: HS2 may not run through to central London - report
The previous government was the other party who fucked us over too…..you numpty….when are you going to wake up and see nothing has changed they are all the same type of cunt people destined to fail….pretending they want to save us….

RM10 2:59 Sat Oct 7
Re: HS2 may not run through to central London - report
This govt has taken us backwards in 15 years, yes 15 bloody years you cunts. Awful party mugging off the working people.

ray winstone 1:07 Sat Oct 7
Re: HS2 may not run through to central London - report
The opportunity to update some of rail infrastructure away from the current one built in Victorian times was going to be beneficial not only to passenger rail, but the rail freight industry that has been crying out for this for decades.
MASSIVE missed opportunity to modernise the movement of freight around the nation by rail once all electric road vehicles take over, the incompetence of these fools is amazing, cunts.

Westham67 1:03 Sat Oct 7
Re: HS2 may not run through to central London - report
I agree all image and no substance . I blame it on the media and then social media

Westham67 1:03 Sat Oct 7
Re: HS2 may not run through to central London - report
I agree all image and no substance . I blame it on the media and then social media

ray winstone 12:51 Sat Oct 7
Re: HS2 may not run through to central London - report
The opportunity to update some of rail infrastructure away from the current one built in Victorian times was going to be beneficial not only to passenger rail, but the rail freight industry that has been crying out for this for decades.
MASSIVE missed opportunity to modernise the movement of freight around the nation by rail once all electric road vehicles take over, the incompetence of these fools is amazing, cunts.

ray winstone 12:43 Sat Oct 7
Re: HS2 may not run through to central London - report
The opportunity to update some of rail infrastructure away from the current one built in Victorian times was going to be beneficial not only to passenger rail, but the rail freight industry that has been crying out for this for decades.
MASSIVE missed opportunity to modernise the movement of freight around the nation by rail once all electric road vehicles take over, the incompetence of these fools is amazing, cunts.

ray winstone 12:41 Sat Oct 7
Re: HS2 may not run through to central London - report
The opportunity to update some of rail infrastructure away from the current one built in Victorian times was going to be beneficial not only to passenger rail, but the rail freight industry that has been crying out for this for decades.
MASSIVE missed opportunity to modernise the movement of freight around the nation by rail once all electric road vehicles take over, the incompetence of these fools is amazing, cunts.

ray winstone 12:41 Sat Oct 7
Re: HS2 may not run through to central London - report
The opportunity to update some of rail infrastructure away from the current one built in Victorian times was going to be beneficial not only to passenger rail, but the rail freight industry that has been crying out for this for decades.
MASSIVE missed opportunity to modernise the movement of freight around the nation by rail once all electric road vehicles take over, the incompetence of these fools is amazing, cunts.

Side of Ham 11:04 Sat Oct 7
Re: HS2 may not run through to central London - report
There is no trust in any of the political parties, regardless of it being 3 Tory terms….that just tells us how bad the opposition must be….it’s only the party politics numpties that keep these parties going,

Westham67 5:08 Sat Oct 7
Re: HS2 may not run through to central London - report
Its about trust for the next election. The Northern railway/ powerhouse has been in 3 Tory manifestos . The current PM has no mandate from the electorate. " Stop the Boats" " Build the wall "

zebthecat 1:03 Sat Oct 7
Re: HS2 may not run through to central London - report
I get you Side.
I am an old git and Blair's first term was good as he had the luxury of a budget surplus to fix some of the things that were broken. He then got a God complex that was disastrous on many levels not least the chaos it unleahsed in the Middle East.
Cameron's coallitoin term was tolerable but their austerity policy sowed the seeds of where we are now with so much just broken.
Liz Truss plainly thinks that she can have another go and so do some of the conservative party which is pretty astonishing.
I don't hold up much hope for Keir Starmer but it is low bar to be better than the last four PMs.

Side of Ham 12:51 Sat Oct 7
Re: HS2 may not run through to central London - report
It’s been 13 years of the tories not because they are any good but because the opposition has been utter shit they (Tories) then got a free term in office because they promised to get Brexit done….prior to this stint of the tories it was a good stint of the Labour mob which was equally shit….this seems to get forgotten like they will be our saviours this time…..they won’t….they are ALL shit….

zebthecat 11:50 Fri Oct 6
Re: HS2 may not run through to central London - report
13 years actually but I get your point. Rishi Sunak's attempt to present himself as the change candidate is laiughable.
HS2's last action was to cumpulsarily purchse an estate on Birmigham/Manchester route for £1.5m on Tuesday days after Sunak had had prerecorded the announcement in number 10.
A microcosm of where this gevernment are at.

RM10 11:21 Fri Oct 6
Re: HS2 may not run through to central London - report
Still making excuses for a govt that has been in What 15 years wrecking the country

Mike Oxsaw 8:02 Fri Oct 6
Re: HS2 may not run through to central London - report
What would Labour's view have been had the government remained committed to the full, as originally planned, route?

I strongly suspect they'd have moaned about that as much as they;\\'re moaning about it's cancellation.

What part of "We don't need it, we can't afford it" do they not understand?

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