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arsene york-hunt 8:39 Mon Feb 20
Anybody on here been done for not having a TV license?

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Mike Oxsaw 8:18 Wed Feb 22
Re: Anybody on here been done for not having a TV license?
Side of Ham 8:10 Tue Feb 21

I don't even bother with streaming that much - if I can't get a decent stream foe a West Ham game I don't really bother at all.

The exception is to links somebody puts up on this site in support/defence of their point of view, and even those are no more than about 2 per month.

paulon 10:57 Tue Feb 21
Re: Anybody on here been done for not having a TV license?
Eerie Descent 9:21 Tue Feb 21

Fair enough, just genuinely interested

The Leeds DJ gets mentioned a lot on here as a reason to shut it down, funnily enough the fact football has had more nonce cases/cover ups identified doesn’t get mentioned much if we’re applying the same argument

No government is likely to agree to a subscription service mind you

roltrader 10:26 Tue Feb 21
Re: Anybody on here been done for not having a TV license?
..not all on here of course

roltrader 10:26 Tue Feb 21
Re: Anybody on here been done for not having a TV license?
....over 60,000 per year apparently !

Eerie Descent 9:21 Tue Feb 21
Re: Anybody on here been done for not having a TV license?
paulon 8:37 Tue Feb 21

Stopping short of mentioning the DJ from Leeds, and how the are trying to amend certain parts of history, the fact they enforce the 'law' on people just to have a TV, and send people round to the doors if those people, particularly the poor, the elderly and the vulnerable, makes me sick.

It should be a subscription service, and those that want it can pay for it. Those that don't want it, shouldn't need to pay for live TV that doesn't include the BBC.

Mr Anon 9:07 Tue Feb 21
Re: Anybody on here been done for not having a TV license?
Auntie Thermite 8:55 Tue Feb 21
Re: Anybody on here been done for not having a TV license?
The BBC is a communist instrument of the state

You could just ignore the news and watch everything else it has to offer

Side of Ham 9:04 Tue Feb 21
Re: Anybody on here been done for not having a TV license?
Everything is brainwashing.....even your postings on here telling us your thoughts Auntie.....the key is to not take EVERYTHING so seriously so you can draw your own conclusions....going off grid is the only way for those who can't abide communication.....but you choose to remain almost hunting for evidence on shit you cannot stop nor really want to otherwise you wouldn't have time to be posting on here....

Auntie Thermite 8:55 Tue Feb 21
Re: Anybody on here been done for not having a TV license?
The BBC is a communist instrument of the state, responsible in large for the degradation and decline of Britain.

The key differences between Pravda of Soviet Russia and the BBC is that at least the public were by and large aware that pravda was purely a mouthpiece for the state and the commies at least never had the bleeding cheek to charge their victims for their own brainwashing.

For anyone that wants advice on avoiding paying for your own abuse through the retardobox, from friends of mine concerned about this sort of shit the only way is by simply refusing to engage with them.
Don't answer your door to them or reply to any correspondence as once you do you'll be be pursued relentlessly.

paulon 8:37 Tue Feb 21
Re: Anybody on here been done for not having a TV license?
Genuine question Eerie - what's vile about the BBC in your view?

Eerie Descent 8:15 Tue Feb 21
Re: Anybody on here been done for not having a TV license?
Great to read that some of you love the BBC, bully for you.

Those of us that don't, should not be getting letters through the fucking door. They are a vile corporation, and I hope they pop.

Side of Ham 8:10 Tue Feb 21
Re: Anybody on here been done for not having a TV license?
Mike, nearly everyone streams it like you do instead......

mallard 8:10 Tue Feb 21
Re: Anybody on here been done for not having a TV license?
More TV = Less time on here

Mike Oxsaw 7:58 Tue Feb 21
Re: Anybody on here been done for not having a TV license?
Got rid of my telly yonks ago and haven't missed it for a second; you might should you do likewise, that's not my call (or problem).

I recommend you try it, then you won't be troubled whether or not the BBC is Woke City or the ads on commercial TV are pony.

chim chim cha boo 7:42 Tue Feb 21
Re: Anybody on here been done for not having a TV license?
I hardly watch or listen to anything other than the BBC and although I'm not happy paying ANY bill I certainly get my money's worth.

My missus watches any old shit and for the first time in about 30 years I am forced to watch adverts on Sky, ITV and Channel 4. How do you cunts put up with it? They make my blood fucking BOIL.

Not only do they pander to 'inclusivity' in virtually every advert but spout absolute fucking nonsense like 'it's a people thing' to the point where my missus says 'you don't really have to shout so much at the TV, they can't hear you'.

Thank God for the greatest broadcasting company in the world, even if they do make Eastenders and Strictly Come Dancing. Oh, and turn Friday nights on BBC 4 into music nights.

Oh dear 4:19 Tue Feb 21
Re: Anybody on here been done for not having a TV license?
"It now provides me with a pension so up yours all you non payers."

The most pertinent comment so far

aubRM1 1:52 Tue Feb 21
Re: Anybody on here been done for not having a TV license?
This thread has brought back memories of the Young Ones episode:--

"The old trick, eh? Eat the telly before I get a chance to nick you!"

Percy Dalton 1:43 Tue Feb 21
Re: Anybody on here been done for not having a TV license?
Haha we didn't do Jokes at the Beeb that was also a sackable offence.

Willtell 1:37 Tue Feb 21
Re: Anybody on here been done for not having a TV license?
It was a joke Percy...

Percy Dalton 1:32 Tue Feb 21
Re: Anybody on here been done for not having a TV license?
The pension is pretty good I'm not complaining.

only1billybonds 1:15 Tue Feb 21
Re: Anybody on here been done for not having a TV license?

You should have bought your kid a bar of soap instead.

Fair play to you tho, its not everyone who would publicly state that their kid 'did not wash' :-)

Far Cough 1:15 Tue Feb 21
Re: Anybody on here been done for not having a TV license?
They made you pay for a licence even though you worked for the cunts?

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