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Woodford Green 10:45 Tue May 2
Season Ticket Prices: Sign the petition
Please can the mods pin this for a couple of weeks.

We are in the midst of the worst economic crisis in 50 years, we have double digit inflation, record energy and food prices and for most people the cost of living is outrunning their income.

Against this backdrop, West Ham United has announced the age at which Senior Season Ticket concession rates apply will increase from 65 to 66.

The Club also announced it will increase Season Ticket prices by 4% for bands 5 & 6 and by 8% for bands 1-4 and 1966 STs.

Hammers United believes the Club should:

1: Reinstate the Senior Season Ticket concession at age 65.
2: Review ST price increases for every ST level.

Please sign and share this petition with your fellow West Ham United fans.

Your support is much appreciated. Link to the petition below...


Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

brundal 5:27 Wed May 10
Re: Season Ticket Prices: Sign the petition
On the ball,
She probably still keeps in touch with her old work mates at Villa.

On The Ball 10:57 Wed May 10
Re: Season Ticket Prices: Sign the petition
brundal - she left too long ago for that to be anything other than coincidence.

chav_corner 10:49 Wed May 10
Re: Season Ticket Prices: Sign the petition
We got to 5000 which was our aim.Keep signing please,every single signature counts.

brundal 10:37 Mon May 8
Re: Season Ticket Prices: Sign the petition
The head of ticketing at West Ham is Nicola Keye, who prior to joining West Ham was head of sales at Aston Villa the only other club to increase the OAP discount age.

chav_corner 8:11 Sun May 7
Re: Season Ticket Prices: Sign the petition
approaching 4500 now.Moving along nicely.

On The Ball 2:38 Sat May 6
Re: Season Ticket Prices: Sign the petition
teddyp 7:15 Fri May 5

I'm sure they'd love 60k single match ticket holding tourists every week, all spending £300 in the shop on three full kits (which Club wouldn't?). But I can tell you for a fact that they know that doesn't exist - hence they see 'normal' STHs who spend a little a couple of times a season as 'safe' money in the bank - their bread and butter. They may hold us in contempt as well, but I assure you they know we're their most important customers. A necessary evil maybe!

brundal 12:52 Sat May 6
Re: Season Ticket Prices: Sign the petition
If there is only 5% of season tickets holders which is a high estimate that are 65 and would have qualified for the discount, the club would only make around 100k which is a lot as less of Areola’s weekly wage . Nice why to treat loyal fans .

E13 Forever 8:00 Fri May 5
Re: Season Ticket Prices: Sign the petition
The Hammerschat video was good and hit the nail on the head.
The more who sign the petiton the more chance of making a change.

teddyp 7:15 Fri May 5
Re: Season Ticket Prices: Sign the petition
Sullivan would rather have 60% tourists. They purchase tat in the shops. Buy half/half scarfs and pay more for tickets. People like me who has had a season ticket for 43 consecutive years mean nothing to the Sullivan and Brady.

brundal 5:26 Fri May 5
Re: Season Ticket Prices: Sign the petition
Not sure how many on here watch Hammers Chat YouTube channel, but they have hit the nail on the head regarding the ticket prices and OAP age change.

chav_corner 1:51 Fri May 5
Re: Season Ticket Prices: Sign the petition
The petition is gaining momentum now.Thanks everyone for support.-tell yer mates!

wanstead_hammer 9:07 Thu May 4
Re: Season Ticket Prices: Sign the petition
Yeh, already signed.
And ave spread the word further afield.
Good stuff HU

fraser 7:57 Thu May 4
Re: Season Ticket Prices: Sign the petition
Signed by me and the Mrs.

Fo the Communist 6:57 Thu May 4
Re: Season Ticket Prices: Sign the petition
You did, mate. Will leave it with you.

chav_corner 6:32 Thu May 4
Re: Season Ticket Prices: Sign the petition
Ive replied mate,or at least I think I have,always struggle with WhoMail.-Cheers.

chav_corner 6:22 Thu May 4
Re: Season Ticket Prices: Sign the petition
For the Communist.

I cant open in mail mate,only out.Any tips?

Fo the Communist 5:27 Thu May 4
Re: Season Ticket Prices: Sign the petition
chav_corner 3:43 Thu May 4

You have pm, mate

eswing hammer 5:02 Thu May 4
Re: Season Ticket Prices: Sign the petition
I signed it last night as did most of our group , the Wentworth,,I’m not the most technically minded to say the least but l managed to work it all out after they emailed me to confirm, as you say it is confusing but not rocket science!

chav_corner 3:43 Thu May 4
Re: Season Ticket Prices: Sign the petition
One Iron is spot on,as usual.
Bill,I just spoke to 4 mates.Every one of them agreed with the petition but not one had signed.
Three have now signed and the fourth cant sus out how to navigate it,I must say it is confusing.
Never thought I would see a once proud fan base,probably the best in the country,reduced to apathy and subordination
All we can do,those of us who still have some fight left in us,is do our best mate.LONG LIVE WEST HAM.

brundal 1:00 Thu May 4
Re: Season Ticket Prices: Sign the petition
The other problem is why have they charged some only 4% increase and others 8% on the season tickets, this needs to hit the press and the only why to do that is by signing the petition, we need to make then think that they just can’t get away with it without some form of protest. We all need to stick together with this .

brundal 1:00 Thu May 4
Re: Season Ticket Prices: Sign the petition
The other problem is why have they charged some only 4% increase and others 8% on the season tickets, this needs to hit the press and the only why to do that is by signing the petition, we need to make then think that they just can’t get away with it without some form of protest. We all need to stick together with this .

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