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Hammer Oz 7:15 Sun May 28
Luton coming up
Luton fucking Town are back up.
I couldn't give a fuck about many teams outside West Ham but Luton hold a special place for dislike.
Haven't been to Luton since Maggie Thatcher proudly and successfully lead a great nation (unlike the cess pit it is now, thankfully viewed from wonderful Oz)

The place was a dump then so I doubt it has improved an ounce, the club are a tedious, mediocre nonentity.
The Premiership should ban garbage like this from entering, I would immediately relegate (and stop promotion)

Sheff Weds
West Brom
Bristol City (Good to have 1 of the Bristol sides in)

Get rid of the dross

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The Ghost of Sven 10:43 Thu Jul 20
Re: Luton coming up
Its a great story with their climb back from oblivion particularly with the ex West Ham lads in their squad.
Just would like to beat them home and away but other than that I'd like to see them competitive and embarrass some of the big teams.
Watched their playoff home match v Sunderland and a lot of teams wont fancy their physical approach .... they ARE a bit Wimbledon and like a long ball into the MIXER

eusebiovic 10:16 Thu Jul 20
Re: Luton coming up
I've made my peace with Luton Town FC.

They are building their new ground slap bang in the middle of the town across the road from the train station with the canal on the other side. This from a club who originally wanted to build their ground on the edge of the M1 in the middle of nowhere. Coventry managed to achieve it and look how that turned out.

It's a grim old place but they deserve huge credit for rejecting the American urbanist dream/nightmare and having the vision to attempt something which will improve their town by 100%

Plus all the ex-West Ham youth they have used to climb back up the leagues has made me warm to them somewhat in my old age.

Chairman Alf 1:58 Mon Jul 17
Re: Luton coming up
Going back even further into the mists of time, I have disliked them ever since the Texaco cup match at our place in 1974. They flukily beat us 2-1 and their winger, Peter Anderson, did a cocky little dance in front of us in the South Bank.

My first ever trip to Kenilworth Road was in the ZDS, or whatever it was called, when McKnightmare conceded 5 on the plastic pitch. For me, they were the Reading of their day, a horrible club from a horrible little town, with equally cocky and obnoxious fans.

Mad Dog 1:18 Mon Jul 17
Re: Luton coming up
Don't forget their away fam ban and they used to be somewhat of a jinx club. (1981 promotion season anyone?)

Hermit Road 3:57 Sat Jul 15
Re: Luton coming up
I haven’t got any feeling at all about them now but I definitely used to hate them and there wasn’t really a good reason for how much I hated them so that book made sense to me when it came out.

I think it was their shitty little ground and the plastic pitch that did it

Iron Duke 11:53 Sat Jul 15
Re: Luton coming up
Their first home game, and scheduled for a Friday night. What could possibly go wrong?

El Scorchio 11:36 Sat Jul 15
Re: Luton coming up
Hope we’re not their first home game. Always a tricky one to play a promoted team under those circumstances. I do think they’ll be shit and under normal circumstances you’d expect to cruise it, but their fans and players will be so up for it so you have to play the occasion more than the team. See Forest last season, even if we were incredibly unlucky in that game.

muskie 10:59 Sat Jul 15
Re: Luton coming up
Luton are a serious bogey team, just as bad as Brighton.

I remember when we won the 2nd division in 81 we only lost 4 league games, 2 of them to Luton.

The Ghost of Sven 10:08 Sat Jul 15
Re: Luton coming up
I'd like them to settle into 20th after we beat them 5-0 and stay there.

Hello Mrs. Jones 10:02 Sat Jul 15
Re: Luton coming up
I like Luton...there I said it

fraser 9:31 Sat Jul 15
Re: Luton coming up
Makes us their first home game.. If it goes ahead obviously.

Manuel 6:45 Sat Jul 15
Re: Luton coming up
happy - Intriguing news that, well worth the bump, thanks. Can't you post up something useful like a kid from Grange Hill buying a farm :-)

smithy 3:07 Sat Jul 15
Re: Luton coming up
Luton can fuck off! Hated them cunts since Scott Oaks knocked us out the FA Cup back in 1994.

easthammer 2:56 Sat Jul 15
Re: Luton coming up

Obviously, Luton's promotion has you

As mad as a Hatter!

Unless you have been exposed too much mercuric nitrate which might explain your mood

Mad Dog 2:14 Sat Jul 15
Re: Luton coming up
As with forest it means first home game is against us.

Wonder how that will.turn out then?

happygilmore 12:17 Sat Jul 15
Re: Luton coming up
I see they have had to cancel there opening home fixture because the work needed on the stadium won't be completed in time.

A great start to life in the EPL

BRANDED 8:16 Wed May 31
Re: Luton coming up
Eric Morecambe

The Mercernary 6:50 Wed May 31
Re: Luton coming up
They did the double over us in our glorious 80/81 Division 2 Championship season too.

hammer205 9:51 Tue May 30
Re: Luton coming up
I’m with you totally Iron Duke

We also didn’t beat them 85/86 either. Jinx of a team and Tim pot

mashed in maryland 5:08 Tue May 30
Re: Luton coming up
Didn't know anyone had a hatred of Luton, except that bloke who wrote the book "an irrational hatred of Luton".

PwoperNaughtyButNot 12:25 Tue May 30
Re: Luton coming up
I know we are supposed to hate Luton but I struggle to hate any football club really. It seems a waste of energy.
They all just want the best for their clubs and I am sure there are plenty that dislike West Ham and our “we won the World Cup” fans etc.

There were three ex hammers on the pitch in the final for Luton and a few others have been on their journey over the last couple of years. I’m interested to see how they and the club fair in the PL. It’s good to see small clubs punch up.

Football is a meritocracy and always should be. If small clubs with shitty little grounds like Luton or Bournemouth etc can gate crash the money party then as a working class routed club, West Ham should be all for it.

For every little team with a tiny stadium, small budget and journeyman lower league players punching up to the premierleague there is a Sunderland, Leeds, Sheffield Wednesday, Derby County etc that just weren’t good enough no matter how flash their ground and how much money they wasted.

The real worry for West Ham right now is how close we flirted with relation this season and how grim it would be if we got relegated next season and the likes of Forest, Luton, Burnley, Palace, Fulham, Brighton, Brentford, Sheff Utd didn’t.

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