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On The Ball 11:57 Sat Jun 10
Driving away from an accident
No, not me - well, kind of me - 25 minutes before I was getting picked up to go to Prague, a van driver hit my parked car outside my house. We didn't see it, but CCTV shows him smack my car, straighten up, pause (presumably to check the damage), then shoot off.

Got his licence from another angle and my insurance have confirmed that he's insured, so everything's ok from my side. However, I'm curious what will happen to the bloke - it's a criminal offence to drive away without leaving details. Will he just get a letter telling him he's got points or something?

The cunt.

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bruuuno 6:23 Sun Jun 11
Re: Driving away from an accident
The other day I was parking in a cramped space and accidentally bumped the car behind. No harm done and luckily no one saw it. A few hours later i went to get something out the car and while I was in it the girl in the car parked behind got in and went to move off, bumping into the back of my car.

I felt a bit bad as she got out full of apologies but didn’t confess I’d done the same thing to hers a few hours earlier!

On The Ball 6:04 Sun Jun 11
Re: Driving away from an accident
Cheers joe. My claim is approved and excess waived as it wasn't my fault and he's insured - I just need to prove who it was and that he drove away, which the CCTV footage does perfectly.

I just want him to be punished!

Jim C 3:39 Sat Jun 10
Re: Driving away from an accident
A few months back at Hanger Lane, an absolute nightmare of a place, I saw a lorry smash into a small car whilst i was waiting at the lights. The car stopped but the lorry didn't and headed off onto the A40 which was also where I was heading.

Fortunately for the driver of the car, a police car saw it happen and blue lights went on. A few minutes later I drove past the same lorry which had been pulled over.

I would be surprised if he had a job the next day.

joe royal 3:31 Sat Jun 10
Re: Driving away from an accident
Something similar happened to me about 15 years ago in a lorry.

Person ‘A’ alleged I took his mirror out on a roundabout, I told him to pull into south mimms services to sort it ( this was on the roundabout outside) Went back, waited ten mins, bloke never showed, rang boss he said to pull out.

Couple of weeks later I got a letter via the company that the police were going to charge me with failing to stop and failing to report.

I write back with a copy of the taco disc that clearly shows I stopped for the other bloke who no showed.

So he may get a letter from plod he may not, weather he does or not shouldn’t affect your claim.

Far Cough 2:11 Sat Jun 10
Re: Driving away from an accident
Danish son

Danish Hammer 1:56 Sat Jun 10
Re: Driving away from an accident
Makes sense, OTB.

PS: Nice seeing you in Prague. Great day!

On The Ball 1:27 Sat Jun 10
Re: Driving away from an accident
DH - well I'm actually squatting, and I conned an elderly relative out of their car. Much better than working.

On The Ball 12:57 Sat Jun 10
Re: Driving away from an accident
Cough - they're my cameras. Has a car nicked about 10 years ago and it really pissed me off. Plus a friend in the Met said they might come back for the key so it seemed sensible.

iphammer - I've reported it, got the reference number. Ta.

Duke - such an easy 'win' for the Police though - no work involved as I've done it all. Just send a letter with points on!

It just seems wrong that he won't get any kind of punishment other than increased insurance premiums! Which, of course, I'll get too. With any luck 1964's link is right and he'll get points.

The cunt.

Danish Hammer 12:48 Sat Jun 10
Re: Driving away from an accident
I am surprised you have got a car and a house, OTB.

Far Cough 12:11 Sat Jun 10
Re: Driving away from an accident
Something of that nature happened to me in America, bloke rear ended me and just fucked off, called state police as it happened on the exit ramp, they denied responsibility as did local OB who told me to sort it with insurance.

Ball, how did you get access to the cameras?

1964 12:09 Sat Jun 10
Re: Driving away from an accident
This covers it I think:


iphammer 12:08 Sat Jun 10
Re: Driving away from an accident
Make sure you call the police and let them know so that’s it’s on record. They’ll give you a reference number to pass onto your insurance company.

Unfortunately the police won’t do f all about it other than give you that reference number!

iphammer 12:05 Sat Jun 10
Re: Driving away from an accident
If he/she is dishonest then it could go to a small claims court

They won't get any points on their license! Was there much damage?

Iron Duke 12:01 Sat Jun 10
Re: Driving away from an accident
I suspect the police would do nothing. As far as they are concerned, it’s now an insurance issue.

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