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SUM A DING WONG 11:12 Thu Jul 20
Selling our best players to Arseanal.
As some of you may, or may not know, I’ve been very forthcoming with my views with regards to us selling our best player to Arsenal.

The main reason for me starting this thread, is not so all the the people who are not ok with the move, and all the people that are not so bothered about the move, start arguing amongst themselves about who’s right or wrong.

Although, it’s important on a personal level, I think there’s a bigger discussion to be had.

For me, I feel like we have set a dangerous precedent, because unlike when we sold off the family jewels to Chelsea & Tottenham ( which was fucking terrible) it was made very, very clear, that the fan base was far from happy and that this shouldn’t be a regular occurrence.

The danger we have with selling to Arsenal, in my opinion, is that we as a fan base, won’t make too much of a fuss, thus potentially, leading to our board thinking that it’s ok for us to be selling more of our best players to them in the future.

For those of you that are more bothered about us selling our best players to Arsenal, how can we as a fan base, stop this from happening?

Would those that aren’t so bothered about us selling our best players to Arsenal, be more bothered, if it were to become a more regular occurrence? Or maybe, you still wouldn’t be too bothered?

Finally, I’d just like to make you all aware, that this is the first ever thread I’ve ever created.

Please don’t be too rough with me - take it slowly, be gentle and please lubricate well.

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SUM A DING WONG 4:57 Fri Jul 21
Re: Selling our best players to Arseanal.

I know it’s fighting a bit of a losing battle - but I’d rather us show a bit of pride.

Like if it were Chelsea or Tottenham. I wouldn’t have had to create a thread if he’d gone to one of them.

Eerie Descent 4:53 Fri Jul 21
Re: Selling our best players to Arseanal.
I have read them.

Back in the real world...

SUM A DING WONG 4:53 Fri Jul 21
Re: Selling our best players to Arseanal.
By the way, yes the deal was excellent.

Just not to certain teams.

SUM A DING WONG 4:50 Fri Jul 21
Re: Selling our best players to Arseanal.

Read sand irons post. That’s what we need to aim for.

Of course, it’ll never probably happen, but it’s what we should aim for.

Eerie Descent 4:44 Fri Jul 21
Re: Selling our best players to Arseanal.
It's where we are in the food chain under this owner and manager. We can't be turning down £105mil on a defensive midfielder who wants to leave and won't sign a contract.

Just move on.

SUM A DING WONG 4:37 Fri Jul 21
Re: Selling our best players to Arseanal.
Eerie Descent,

If that’s aimed at me.

Yes, of course I’m overreacting, but it’s to emphasise that we shouldn’t let this happen again.

Eerie Descent 4:25 Fri Jul 21
Re: Selling our best players to Arseanal.
I've think you're overreacting.

SUM A DING WONG 4:19 Fri Jul 21
Re: Selling our best players to Arseanal.
Swindon hammer.

* shrugs *

SUM A DING WONG 4:17 Fri Jul 21
Re: Selling our best players to Arseanal.
Oh sand iron, is wonderful’

Oh sand iron is wonderful’

He hates Chelsea, Tottenham and Arsenal!

Oh sand iron is wonderful!’

‘Oh sand iron’!

swindon hammer 4:13 Fri Jul 21
Re: Selling our best players to Arseanal.

I’m not. More perplexed about why someone is so obsessed with what Arsenal & their fans might do in the future.

It’s weird.

scott_d 4:07 Fri Jul 21
Re: Selling our best players to Arseanal.
We shouldn't be selling to our London Rivals in normal circumstances but this was not exactly normal circumstances.

As said before, when we sold the likes of Carrick, Defoe, Johnson, Cole etc to Spurs and Chelsea, above all else they were shocking deals that not only did not include a sell-on % but were short of the players value.

To be fair to Sulli, he has managed to get £105m out of Arsenal, a british record, even though it is the club Rice clearly wanted to go to.

We all wanted a bidding war to drive the price up but that is unlikely if the player has chosen his team already. In that case we've got the best deal we can in this situation.

SUM A DING WONG 4:07 Fri Jul 21
Re: Selling our best players to Arseanal.
Oh no, no, no, Sand Iron.

You can’t say that?!

* giggles *

SUM A DING WONG 4:04 Fri Jul 21
Re: Selling our best players to Arseanal.
Swindon Hammer,

Why are you so bothered what I think?

sand iron 3:58 Fri Jul 21
Re: Selling our best players to Arseanal.
Regarding the club selling our best players in the future.

The club shouldn’t sale our best players to ANY of our london rivals, end of.

That should have included Rice to Arsenal.

Sullivan should have made it clear from the moment he got tail wind he wanted Arsenal to find another club, then firmly stood his ground with it. He allowed Rice & his old man to much rope, they ended up dictating the move.

I don’t believe for one minute we wouldn’t have got the same dollar from another club either, City would have paid it if they knew they had a chance. The fact they knew he wanted Arsenal and nowhere else they blew it out.

Rice wouldn’t have downed tools & see his contract out either, not a chance, he’d have got his head rd it and moved to wherever, most probably City.

Given the rivalry’s with ALL our neighbours and the way we’ve lost our best players in the past then the board should make sure that doesn’t happen again.

swindon hammer 3:48 Fri Jul 21
Re: Selling our best players to Arseanal.

this whole thread is nothing to do with selling our best players, it’s all to do with your hatred of Arsenal and their fans. Worrying about whether Arsenal will try and sign other good players that we haven’t even got yet, worrying about Arsenal fans being in our end and cheering IF Rice scores, worrying about them singing certain songs IF they score/win.

Then telling us we will wish he had joined Man City.

Rice is gone and we sold him to the club that offered the best deal. Who gives a fuck what the Arsenal fans think or what they sing.

He’s just another player that has moved on. Just like so many others before him. Most of us don’t care what he does from now on.

SUM A DING WONG 3:33 Fri Jul 21
Re: Selling our best players to Arseanal.
Sorry, I might be wrong there, with the last line.

Some of our lot judging by people on here will probably be clapping along with the Gooners.

SUM A DING WONG 3:23 Fri Jul 21
Re: Selling our best players to Arseanal.
Like I’ve said before on another thread.

When Rice knocks in the 3rd at the LS, loads of their fan’s , jumping up and down in our end, along with our ball boys and singing “he left cos you’re shit (OK, maybe only their fans in the away section will sing that) .

You’ll all wished he’d signed for Man City.

SUM A DING WONG 3:12 Fri Jul 21
Re: Selling our best players to Arseanal.
Pickle Rick

Accept the Man City offer?

And no, I don’t care that Rice wanted to join Arsenal.

Swiss. 3:08 Fri Jul 21
Re: Selling our best players to Arseanal.
El Scorchio 3:05 Fri Jul 21

Well had better bloody hurry up and marry her. Then buy out S&G.

El Scorchio 3:05 Fri Jul 21
Re: Selling our best players to Arseanal.
Swiss- yes i think you're right actually. Very wealthy indeed, wasn't he? (I think he's dead?)

Swiss. 3:01 Fri Jul 21
Re: Selling our best players to Arseanal.
El Scorchio 12:51 Fri Jul 21

I think Kretinsky's gf is even richer. Well her old man is the richest man in Czech.

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