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Fortunes Hiding 2:14 Tue Aug 22
Pakistani cable car nightmare

Prayers. 🙏🏽

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chim chim cha boo 1:03 Thu Aug 24
Re: Pakistani cable car nightmare
More word soup from you I see so have the last word on this thread and I won't post on it again.

While you were abroad Thamesmead really missed its idiot.

So fire away with more unintelligible nonsense, my guard is down and I'll gracefully take the shot.

The floor is yours.

Mike Oxsaw 12:08 Thu Aug 24
Re: Pakistani cable car nightmare
chim chim cha boo 10:45 Thu Aug 24

"I used to think" was the only phrase needed there - all else is superfluous waffle.

If you're suffering from hurt feels and need to take legal action I can recommend a good lawyer from Hong Kong - So Soo Me.

Side of Ham 11:32 Thu Aug 24
Re: Pakistani cable car nightmare
Maybe the cast system needs a little mention before excepting all the wrong doings of our lovely upper classes in India no?

Hammer and Pickle 11:07 Thu Aug 24
Re: Pakistani cable car nightmare
Shame the Raj was such an uncompromising, exploitative affair - the UK would have gained so much more from its colonial experience than a false sense of cultural superiority, the chance to get soundly beaten at cricket and a PM who nobody seems to like very much...

chim chim cha boo 10:45 Thu Aug 24
Re: Pakistani cable car nightmare
If it means anything, I used to think you were alright.

chim chim cha boo 10:43 Thu Aug 24
Re: Pakistani cable car nightmare
I can't say your last post surprised me Mike with your complete lack of contrition and usual word soup, but why someone would flail around on a tiny website in the internet galaxy trying desperately to appear righteous despite a couple of self-damning nasty posts is fairly disappointing.

I'm just pointing it out mate. You crack on with hoping asylum seeking children die terrified if it makes you sleep better.

Mike Oxsaw 9:10 Thu Aug 24
Re: Pakistani cable car nightmare
chim chim cha boo 2:08 Thu Aug 24

Mike Oxsaw 8:33 Wed Aug 23 was the post you actually referred to.

That post read:

"India's had every chance possible over the last 5,000 years to form a global empire.

Not Queen Victoria's fault they fucked it up."

Not a word about the cable-car incident.

Are we all to assume that when you claim that you support West Ham, you really mean that you support Millwall?

Hammer Oz 6:12 Thu Aug 24
Re: Pakistani cable car nightmare
I know this is off the petty arguing below but..

When people put 'Prayers', who am I/anyone praying to?

Is it the God to weak to stop it happening?
The God who made it happen?
The God they don't probably believe in?

Really get confused by this sort of statement

chim chim cha boo 2:08 Thu Aug 24
Re: Pakistani cable car nightmare
Mike, the post I was referring to was '* requests the company that built it to string a clone up across the English Channel.*

Why not just say 'sorry, in retrospect that post was a bit out of order' and move on gracefully? Sometimes we all say things that miss their mark, it's called being human.

As an aside, if you think British rule in India was good for the indigenous Indians you should perhaps get yourself to night school. As one example, when we arrived in India it was the second biggest economy after China and had a well educated population (for the time). We fucking RINSED the place and it certainly didn't serve us to have an enlightened population so we (and I don't mean 'we' as I am sure my family had fuck all to do with it, we were too busy trying to get enough food to survive in Britain), made sure that they had plenty of illiterate coolies to carry their wealth to the ships bound for England.

An argument of 'so fucking what? If we hadn't done it the Dutch would and it was a completely different time' might stand you in good stead, but let's not pretend that British rule made India a better place for Indians.

Mike Oxsaw 10:58 Wed Aug 23
Re: Pakistani cable car nightmare
chim chim cha boo 10:48 Wed Aug 23

Fuck knows what you're on about - the post you refer to was nothing to do with the people in the chair-lift, but it was all to do with the fact (FACT) that what is now the Indian subcontinent had a successful civilisation long before the Egyptians had found a word for sand and decided Israelites would make jolly good slaves..

chim chim cha boo 10:48 Wed Aug 23
Re: Pakistani cable car nightmare
Mike Oxsaw 8:33 Wed Aug 23

I can always tell one of your posts without needing to see it's you and I don't know if it's a compliment or a curse but I didn't know you could be so nasty.

There were frightened out of their minds children in that cable car mate.

Hammer and Pickle 10:47 Wed Aug 23
Re: Pakistani cable car nightmare
Pee Wee is right - after 1857, India was British and British rule was all about profit going in one direction: Britain.

As for me being a tool, I certainly have a lot to learn from Pee Wee.

goose 10:27 Wed Aug 23
Re: Pakistani cable car nightmare
The missus is going to Pakistan for a work trip in September. Hopefully there won’t be any cable car rides on the itinerary.

arsene york-hunt 10:22 Wed Aug 23
Re: Pakistani cable car nightmare
Any wealth from the British Empire and world trading, was wiped out fighting WW2, including defending India. Any of us born after the war owe nobody anything. History is history, it's in the past, learn the lessons of history move on.

In India there are millions living in squalour, but they choose to spunk money away on nuclear bombs and space projects. Nearly every month there are infrastructural disasters caused by lack of maintenance and corruption, causing multiple deaths.

It's like the reparations mob: compensation for people who have never been enslaved, from people who have never owned slaves.

Pee Wee 8:35 Wed Aug 23
Re: Pakistani cable car nightmare
Weird man

Mike Oxsaw 8:33 Wed Aug 23
Re: Pakistani cable car nightmare
India's had every chance possible over the last 5,000 years to form a global empire.

Not Queen Victoria's fault they fucked it up.

Pee Wee 8:24 Wed Aug 23
Re: Pakistani cable car nightmare
Pickle is a tool. But doesn’t change the fact (FACT) that it’s plenty more than is going back.

Cabbage Savage 8:01 Wed Aug 23
Re: Pakistani cable car nightmare
Pee Wee 7:41 Wed Aug 23

Picjkle say it could be in the brazillions!!

Pee Wee 7:41 Wed Aug 23
Re: Pakistani cable car nightmare
So a drop in the ocean compared to what Britain got from India over the last couple of centuries then. Thought to be in the Trillions.

arsene york-hunt 7:03 Wed Aug 23
Re: Pakistani cable car nightmare
I was going to say that too. 2.3 billion over the last few years we have contributed, and they make atom bombs too.

Mike Oxsaw 5:29 Wed Aug 23
Re: Pakistani cable car nightmare
The UK can take solace that a portion of the Foreign Aid budget helped India put a spaceship on the moon.

Every UK taxpayer should feel a sense of pride in their money being so well spent.

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