WHO Poll

Moncurs Putting Iron 3:34 Thu Aug 31
WHO Fund management - Small changes afoot and some opinions/suggestions Required

WHO Family,

After 7 years of efficient and dedicated service, Charley would like to step down as the keeper of the funds. The suggestion is that we switch roles and I keep the funds but he provides the 'overwatch' to ensure I don’t do a Frankie Marathon flit with your hard earned.

What will not change

Flowers and Wreaths - Will continue
WHO loans and purchases for those in need - Will continue with us both having to be in agreement before any money is releases.

What we would like your opinion/Insight on

How we receive funds

Now: Go Fund me is an excellent, easily viewed, easily Escrow but each contribution they take a cost of 2.5% + 25p per transaction.
Alternative: We publish account details and you pay the money directly in

How we store the funds.
Now: Pete uses an account in his name, I have an online savings account dormant and can use that as a clean space to easily show money in and money out, from where and current balance. Advantage low admin and will earn us some interest, disadvantage it is MY account and I can, at any time run off with your money. (But I will send Screen shots to Pete monthly and post on here quarterly.
Alternative: Explore a joint access non-profit account set up in WHOS name. Advantage: Joint access and viewing more oversight and single points of abuse, Disadvantage: I suspect this will incur fees but will find out for sure.

WHO Doomsday plan

We know that there are discussions ongoing about the server and are both of the personal opinion that the fund could be used to update a site admin and give it a performance lift. If the opposite ever happens and the site collapses without trace, we will take the fund amount and equally divide between the Bobby Moore Fund and the "Dylan Tombides DT38" publishing out proof on our own social media and to those that now us.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Moncurs Putting Iron 5:05 Thu Sep 7
Re: WHO Fund management - Small changes afoot and some opinions/suggestions Required
Update: Thanks for the feedback always appreciated, sorry I have not been more active on here. work has been a bit busy.

Will reach out (not around) to CF this weekend and begin the transfer and communications.

On the site uplift front will drop NB a note.

chim chim cha boo 2:33 Mon Sep 4
Re: WHO Fund management - Small changes afoot and some opinions/suggestions Required
I think if the keys have gone missing knowing this place you could probably get in by guessing in about five minutes.



You're in.

Mex Martillo 12:25 Mon Sep 4
Re: WHO Fund management - Small changes afoot and some opinions/suggestions Required
That all sounds good Moncur.

Yes bin the go fund and set up what's easiest for you and Charley. Also do reports when you think its needed, every month sounds too much to me. Just do it like Charley was.

Doomsday plan sounds perfect. The site is painful, but ok. As long as it keeps going it's ok for us. Just post if a few quid are needed and I'll bung a few in, but I' m not too interested in paying a subscription. Far too organised, it would be the death of WHO.

I think you asked about helping people with loans. I say if it is not obvious to you and Charley to help, start asking other WHOers by WHO mail until you get a decision that your happy with.

Fortunes Hiding 11:23 Fri Sep 1
Re: WHO Fund management - Small changes afoot and some opinions/suggestions Required
Felching Fiddler.

West Ham are 7-1 to score 4 or more goals tonight…..just saying.

Pee Wee 11:08 Fri Sep 1
Re: WHO Fund management - Small changes afoot and some opinions/suggestions Required
I’d trust MPI completely and fully (unless it involves babysitting, the felching fiddler).

I’ve no idea costs involved in getting the site sorted - I’d say just let it die, but I’d be worried Texas Iron would violate it.

I mean I don’t particularly care, but surely before a decision on sorting site can only be made once someone comes up with a solution and prices it. But it would make sense to use the fund for this. I wouldn’t pay a subscription, too many twonks on here to have to pay to associate with them.

Lee Trundle 11:03 Fri Sep 1
Re: WHO Fund management - Small changes afoot and some opinions/suggestions Required
zebthecat 11:13 Thu Aug 31
"I was told the issue with site is that nobody knows the login credentials to the admin console.WIthout that nobody can do anything."

I was under that assumption as well. Nothing can be done until Site Admin reappears.

Sydney_Iron 10:37 Fri Sep 1
Re: WHO Fund management - Small changes afoot and some opinions/suggestions Required
Cant some of the fund go towards a more stable server and bringing the forum up to 21st century standards, don't need all the bells and whistles that some have and 100% don't need over moderating and all that nonsense.

I know it nearly disappeared a few years ago when someone "lost the keys" but before it happens again, move it somewhere else that's more up to date.

Maybe run 2 sites for a few months as the migration occurs and have a link and message on the old site so those not on the site on a regular basis can see it has moved.

Kearley 2:17 Fri Sep 1
Re: WHO Fund management - Small changes afoot and some opinions/suggestions Required
Sorry. My fucking phone. Can someone delete all that.

With Kind Regards 12:27 Fri Sep 1
Re: WHO Fund management - Small changes afoot and some opinions/suggestions Required
MPI - Whomail sent

zebthecat 11:13 Thu Aug 31
Re: WHO Fund management - Small changes afoot and some opinions/suggestions Required
That all sounds very sensible MPI.
I was told the issue with site is that nobody knows the login credentials to the admin console.WIthout that nobody can do anything.

Moncurs Putting Iron 10:37 Thu Aug 31
Re: WHO Fund management - Small changes afoot and some opinions/suggestions Required

Bruuuno fear not I do not pay for rent boys....

...I drug and imprison them like any fiscally trustworthy pervert would.

Hammer and Pickle 10:35 Thu Aug 31
Re: WHO Fund management - Small changes afoot and some opinions/suggestions Required
Don't worry bruuu - I like you too, you massive great homo.

bruuuno 10:26 Thu Aug 31
Re: WHO Fund management - Small changes afoot and some opinions/suggestions Required
We may as well rename it MPI’s rentboy fund ffs

Hammer and Pickle 10:24 Thu Aug 31
Re: WHO Fund management - Small changes afoot and some opinions/suggestions Required
I like a good lunch

And I like MPI

So MPI is clearly a good lunch, right?

Vexed 9:54 Thu Aug 31
Re: WHO Fund management - Small changes afoot and some opinions/suggestions Required
Without doubt MPI possesses the cuntiness required to be the WHO accountant, probably wears a novelty tie and socks too, the lunch.

Frankies marathon - did I miss this episode? What occurred?

Iron Duke 9:21 Thu Aug 31
Re: WHO Fund management - Small changes afoot and some opinions/suggestions Required
I trust MPI, but I’m waiting to see what Kearley thinks about it.

riosleftsock 9:06 Thu Aug 31
Re: WHO Fund management - Small changes afoot and some opinions/suggestions Required
I trust MPI with it, its not like any of us send life-changing sums to it that would tempt him to do an Arthur Fowler.

Just use your savings account, makes sense.

Kearley 8:56 Thu Aug 31
Re: WHO Fund management - Small changes afoot and some opinions/suggestions Required
I'm sure no one would have any doubt about MPI holding it. Quick and easy.

Kearley 8:56 Thu Aug 31
Re: WHO Fund management - Small changes afoot and some opinions/suggestions Required
I'm sure no one would have any doubt about MPI holding it. Quick and easy.

Kearley 8:56 Thu Aug 31
Re: WHO Fund management - Small changes afoot and some opinions/suggestions Required
I'm sure no one would have any doubt about MPI holding it. Quick and easy.

Kearley 8:56 Thu Aug 31
Re: WHO Fund management - Small changes afoot and some opinions/suggestions Required
I'm sure no one would have any doubt about MPI holding it. Quick and easy.

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