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boleyn8420 6:19 Wed Oct 4
So Klopp wants a replay does he
Well then if he wants to go down that particular road, the backward baseball cap wearing, means more kraut twat, then perhaps he needs another look at this game. When's the replay for that one Jurgen. God, I fucking hate the self entitled, deluded scummy scousers. Plus it was very funny them being on thend of one for a change


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Full Claret Jacket 1:57 Fri Oct 6
Re: So Klopp wants a replay does he
It's a shame that Spurs gained the points but it couldn't happen to a better team and manager. Always the victims.Minutes silence for the dodgy offside decision.
Who cares if VAR didn't work and they took the on field decision. Who do they think they are? We had decades of matches with dodgy on field calls and there wasn't days of self important crap this guy comes out with. I'd love them to fine him for his comments.

Westside 1:16 Fri Oct 6
Re: So Klopp wants a replay does he
I may have missed it, but the Assistant Referee on field, who gave the offside, has escaped criticism. How could he get a decision like that wrong?

nerd 5:29 Thu Oct 5
Re: So Klopp wants a replay does he
The big issue is they allowed the game to kick off, so due to fifa rules could not bring it back . Apparently the refs in a French qualifier did the same , but stopped the game and cancelled the goal after kick off ,the officials broke the rules that day and got suspended where these on Saturday actually followed the rules ( Which are stupid and made a farce of it all ) But them are the rules.

MaryMillingtonsGhost 4:14 Thu Oct 5
Re: So Klopp wants a replay does he
In no way wish to defend the scouse vermin, but is the club actually requesting the game be re-played or is it just the opinion of the horse toothed cunt?

, 4:09 Thu Oct 5
Re: So Klopp wants a replay does he
Irrespective of the fact that this involves Liverpool the fact is that there is a genuine issue to be addressed.

In real time officials knew that a mistake had been made but seemed powerless to immediately take action to right a wrong. This case was not a subjective one like whether or not handball warrants a penalty but one where technology showed a clear decision over an offside question.

The die has been cast in respect of the Spurs Liverpool game but surely there needs to be something done from now such that the games laws can be applied effectively and in timely fashion.

Gaffer58 3:37 Thu Oct 5
Re: So Klopp wants a replay does he
Think they are call8ng for a replay is because they are just not used to having decisions go against them, they actually thought VAR was invented to ensure they won everything, now one decision goes against them ( after how many years of VAR) then it’s all squeals.
On the actual audio, why can’t the ref and VAR people talk simple English, not once until they’d realised they’d cocked up was the word offside used.

Lee Trundle 2:16 Thu Oct 5
Re: So Klopp wants a replay does he
It's hilarious they're crying about getting it replayed, at the same time they're crying about having the phrase victim culture linked to them.

Lato 2:04 Thu Oct 5
Re: So Klopp wants a replay does he
How ironic that a system that was designed to benefit the bin dippers has bitten them on the arse twice in one game. How many times have we and other clubs been on the wrong end of stinking decisions against these tossers?. Move on ffs.

Always the victims.........

chim chim cha boo 8:35 Thu Oct 5
Re: So Klopp wants a replay does he
They really do hate the Jews, don't they?

Sydney_Iron 12:09 Thu Oct 5
Re: So Klopp wants a replay does he
Spurs should agree but they play as they finished the original game, Liverpool start with 9 men.

lowlife 11:08 Wed Oct 4
Re: So Klopp wants a replay does he
The best outcome would be for a draw to be awarded. Tottenham lose 2 points and miss out on Europe by 2, Liverpool gain 1 and lose the title on goal difference.

Liverpool are deluded to think that anything will be changed. Do they have a Sean Bean like character who can march on Parliament?

Jim C 11:05 Wed Oct 4
Re: So Klopp wants a replay does he
As many have said, won't happen as the floodgates will open.

I only want it to happen as it would piss Spurs off.

happygilmore 11:04 Wed Oct 4
Re: So Klopp wants a replay does he
Great decision to request the audio and expose the incompetence of the officials.

Daft decision crying for a replay that will never happen.

Sydney_Iron 10:58 Wed Oct 4
Re: So Klopp wants a replay does he
Why not that CL final as well? When Ramos "assaulted" Salah, they would have WON otherwise.......

Deluded and arrogant twats.

Hope they get fined, punished for bringing the game into disrepute by "demanding" this to happen.

lowlife 10:33 Wed Oct 4
Re: So Klopp wants a replay does he
They’re still banging on about how corrupt refs cost them a couple of league titles and a champions league. The most deluded twats out there.

If they are ‘Scouse, not English’ the ENGLISH Premier League should kick them out. Cocks.

deanjcrawford 10:11 Wed Oct 4
Re: So Klopp wants a replay does he
Liverpool fans are genuinely deluded about this. Apparently this is the first time something like this has ever happened. Jaquui Oatley posted the Liverpool goal against us that was offside a few years ago, but that doesn't count because it was pre-VAR. The Arsenal and Sheffield United calls? All different because the refs never confirmed those calls. This is unprecedented and should be replayed! Beggars belief.

arsene york-hunt 10:01 Wed Oct 4
Re: So Klopp wants a replay does he
Liverpool are second to Manchester United for dodgy decisions. It is breathtaking hypocrisy for them to be asking for a replay, when one considers all the penalties and free kicks they have got through the ugly Egyptian. Were we allowed to replay the game against Chelsea when we were robbed last year by a decision acknowledged as wrong. Or the one where Salah dived in the box and cost us a win at Anfield which, had we won it, we could have qualified for the Champions league. What they need is a look at how these two teams benefit too much from As for that Klopp, he can go and fuck himself.

Mad Dog 9:38 Wed Oct 4
Re: So Klopp wants a replay does he
It's amazing how much noise is coming out of Annfield and man u this season
Mancs are deluded. All the decisions have actually been correct. Apart from the gbh by their keeper on that wolves player they conveniently forget.

And bin dippers. Yes it was a shit decision. But fuck me, there's a reason people call them Liverpool. They get an inordinate amount of decisions. Klopp is an utter cunt. Just because 1 fuck up goes against them there's uproar.

Remember couple of years back they got 3 ridiculous decisions at ours, and klopp had the gall to claim refs were against them. Deluded cunt. I fucking hate him.

As I've said already, if this were luton, Burnley or us nobody would give a fuck.

Wind your necks in bin dippers you complete cunts

Thing is this means they'll get so SO many decisions now.

Stevethehammer 9:38 Wed Oct 4
Re: So Klopp wants a replay does he
Nothing would give me more pleasure than seeing someone smash those new railings he has in his gob.
If he wants a replay then Moyes should be after getting a replay considering we should have had a stonewall penalty at Anfield earlier this season.
Draw a line under it and move on

nerd 9:37 Wed Oct 4
Re: So Klopp wants a replay does he
why no VAR already been bigger howlers without it , its 99% right , just be open like women's world cup, NFL , Rugby etc and explain your decision , make the Refs accountable .

british is best 9:31 Wed Oct 4
Re: So Klopp wants a replay does he
Wouldn't surprise me if the N17 brigade cave in to them . And give them a completely undeserved rematch . If only to try and pretend that the sky 6 ain't all about money after the spring 2021 breakaway nonsense.

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