WHO Poll

RBshorty 3:47 Wed Oct 18
(Doesn't have to be football related.)
Who do you like.?
Who don't you like.?
Who would you recommend.?
Who do you feel. Stealing a living.?

Let's see the great WHO algorithm decide.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Mike Oxsaw 4:44 Fri Oct 20
Re: Youtubers

cholo 4:03 Fri Oct 20
Re: Youtubers
Is the auditing thing the type of youtubers that go around filming police stations or court houses in order to bait someone into approaching them?

If so I hate those cunts, proper weirdos.

El Scorchio 3:58 Fri Oct 20
Re: Youtubers
Imagine how empty of other things someone's life must be to spend so much of their time doing that 'auditing' thing.

It's quite tragic really. Do they genuinely think they are 'doing good', or just trying to gain a bit of cash and notoriety even at the cost of almost everyone thinking they are a cunt?

scott_d 3:46 Fri Oct 20
Re: Youtubers
*If find myself being amused enough to look for more

scott_d 3:46 Fri Oct 20
Re: Youtubers

I've seen a few of those audit ones, where he's looking for the most pathetic of excuses to call people out. Like parking inappropriately.

Also a few where people are looking out for people driving with mobile phones or down on way streets etc.

If find myself being amused enough to look for me, then disgusted with myself for wasting my time watching such a pile of shit.

It would be wrong of me to say that these guys should find something more productive and enjoyable to do with their time (even if I'm thinking that) because for all I know this might be what brings them joy.

But I always come away feeling like I should find more productive and enjoyable things to do with my time.

cholo 12:28 Fri Oct 20
Re: Youtubers

Ah OK.

On that note has anyone gone down a Facebook video wormhole? I once tapped on a video of a nonce getting snared and confronted by a child protection team and the next 100 videos were nonces getting snared and arrested.

Made me realise how many fucking wrongns there are out there.

martyboy 11:54 Fri Oct 20
Re: Youtubers
Cholo, no this guys different. His name is Mark Evans, and he lives in Blackpool. Just google his name, and it will all come up. Convicted Pedo!!!

1964 11:33 Fri Oct 20
Re: Youtubers
If you like car mechanics 'My Mate Vince' renovating a 1988 Rolls Royce - 48 episodes.

cholo 10:44 Fri Oct 20
Re: Youtubers
martyboy 12:32 Thu Oct 19

I think I know who you mean, his name is Charlie Veitch, he'll purposely get into an argument with the old bill by videoing outside a police station or court house and record it for content. He also inspired 100s of copycats who's videos appear if you browse Facebook for long enough.

munkyfunk 10:35 Fri Oct 20
Re: Youtubers
Just started watching
Erik von danniken
Still on the fence about hes viewson previous civilisations.

Far Cough 5:38 Thu Oct 19
Re: Youtubers
You'll love this one, a goose stepping Parrot:


BBondsBootlaces 5:09 Thu Oct 19
Re: Youtubers


The dudes only 27 but looks 47 and uses it to his advantage.

lab 3:37 Thu Oct 19
Re: Youtubers
Picking cotton on a racist field trip ….years old but makes me chuckle.

Lee Trundle 3:04 Thu Oct 19
Re: Youtubers
Soft White Underbelly

Just waiting to see Capitol They pop up on there.

PwoperNaughtyButNot 3:01 Thu Oct 19
Re: Youtubers
Hot Ones is good.
The host Sean Evans is a good interviewer and the concept is fun.

Basically a line up of chicken wings which increase in hot sauce hotness which the interviewer and the celebrity eat whilst conducting the interview.

A bit too American but when their is a familiar face on it is worth a watch

OneAll 2:15 Thu Oct 19
Re: Youtubers
meet the tyrant is the best of the lot , what a funny scottish cunt , everything he is doing is legal , makes for great entertainment

martyboy 12:32 Thu Oct 19
Re: Youtubers
Anyone seen any of these "Auditors" Weird blokes wandering around with cameras and filming people going about their business, and getting all gobby when told to fuck off!! The weirdest one is some Scotch Nonce called meet the tyrant. Blokes been weighted in a few times, and outed as a Nonce!! Got some front on him!!!

Cheezey Bell-End 10:56 Thu Oct 19
Re: Youtubers
PPPeter a funny Slovak guy who visits shit restaurants and hotels.
Nekkid Watchmaker. A bloke who restores old watches while chatting.
1420 A Russian guy who interviews people about current events. You'll be headbutting the wall at the stupidity.

Bungo 10:10 Thu Oct 19
Re: Youtubers
Excellent episode of American Horror Stories featuring a group of hyper-annoying Youtubers sharing a house in the States.

Probably not really a spoiler to say that it all goes horribly wrong (for them).😁

Far Cough 10:03 Thu Oct 19
Re: Youtubers
Nurse Ratched 11:20 Wed Oct 18
Re: Youtubers
Cough - I don't see any ads. I pay a subscription which gets rid of ads and allows you to minimise the app and still see/hear it. I subbed mainly for this feature because it allows me to listen to nature soundtracks while I sleep. Helps me drift off. It's lovely going to sleep to the sound of a raging blizzard, thunderstorm, waves on a beach, crickets, etc, etc. Or a train going over tracks. You get the idea. Cured my insomnia, actually.

Yeah Nurse, I have an Alexa device that plays nature sounds to get me off to sleep, I use the crickets one as well.

I may have to bite the bullet and pay for the sub, Google are still greedy cunts though.

Lovejoy 4:48 Thu Oct 19
Re: Youtubers
Propa Boxing is a good laugh.

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