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Stevethehammer 4:34 Sun Nov 5
Divin Mubama
You have definitely got to feel sorry for the lad. He had a great pre season, looked like he had finally broken through and was going to be a solid option for Moyes and the potential to save the club millions on buying a striker. Moyes said he wanted him to stay and I have it on good authority that he was wanted by Gillingham on a season long loan as they were on the look out for a young striker who was able to be a big part of their team. Neil Harris at the time saw him as a good option and was more than happy to give him first team football. Divin wanted the move but Moyes vetoed it.
Now he sits there on the bench not getting a sniff at any football, another one Moyes has wasted and no doubt he will get a chance in an upcoming game, probably not take his chance due to match fitness and then Moyes will look vindicated in not picking him, not picking up on the fact that he would need a few games to get up to speed, but once he does inhave no doubt that he is the natural replacement for Antonio and should be coming off the bench when we are chasing the game rather than Danny fucking Ings.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

ludo21 4:25 Tue Nov 28
Re: Divin Mubama
"We want to play him but I would say how many 19 year-old centre-forwards are there in the Premier League?"

Well there is one playing for Brighton, and I doubt he's the only one...

How old were TC and Defoe? Pretty sure TC was 18. If you are good enough you are old enough!

Balto 9:16 Mon Nov 27
Re: Divin Mubama
The crucial relationship will be between Paqueta and Mubama. If Paqueta can deliver his defense splitting passes to Mubama, once or twice a game then he will get on the score sheet.

I disagree with those who defend Ings. The guy is stealing a living and I think that Moyes will get rid in January. He's hoping he will score a couple of goals in the interim so that pushes the price up.

threesixty 8:30 Mon Nov 27
Re: Divin Mubama
Moyes is just old school and has a hierarchy,
Thats how he keeps order in the dressing room I suppose. Ings is senior, Mubama is junior and thats that. I dont think it matters what happens in training. I dont think thats a criteria for Moyes picking anyone.

Mubama is getting his opportunity through injuries. The old school way. And Moyes is fine with that. Thats why he's old school. No progressive normal manager thinks that way.

He has to be in real panic mode to drop a player. I cant imagine him starting Mubama in the league over Ings. Not being comfortably mid table. I'd be shocked. The more people call for Mubama the more he won't start him. Then he'll start him at say, Liverpool or something and he'll flop. And then he'll say.., "well he's only 19" blah blah

BRANDED 8:10 Mon Nov 27
Re: Divin Mubama
Manager David Moyes said: "We want to play him but I would say how many 19 year-old centre-forwards are there in the Premier League?"

"It is getting harder, because it is such a difficult role, and the level of competition is really high at nearly every club.

"His mentality and attitude are as good as any top player. He is so determined and works incredibly hard for the team. We need him to develop his actions and technical ability but he is only 19."

Willtell 8:04 Mon Nov 27
Re: Divin Mubama
Yes but Moyes knows by now how to play the media speak game. That quote doesn't say a word about Mubama's skill or talent. All that impresses Moyes is work rate and mental strength...

BRANDED 6:43 Mon Nov 27
Re: Divin Mubama
David Moyes on Divin Mubama:

"I don’t know how many 19-year-old centre-forwards are playing in the Premier League. The level of competition to be a CF is really high. But Divin is different from the rest. He has a mentality and an attitude that is as good as any top player."

Hello Mrs. Jones 5:39 Mon Nov 27
Re: Divin Mubama
I agree with all on here that he is definitely an improvement on Ings but it is Moyes and the coaching staff that see him practicing every day and there must be something that concerns them.

Russ of the BML 4:15 Mon Nov 27
Re: Divin Mubama
If he is no better than Antonio and Ings then we seriously need to have a fucking look at our academy.

Mike Oxsaw 3:31 Mon Nov 27
Re: Divin Mubama
..."there's a fair chance he will start the next couple of games at least. "

I hope so. We can't be stuck-up, stuck-in-the-past sticky-beaks forever...surely?

scott_d 3:30 Mon Nov 27
Re: Divin Mubama
I really hope that Moyes is not as stubborn as BFS but it's looking that way.

Mubama gets a game only due to default with 2 strikers injured and the 3rd being so ineffective.

I remember when BFS kept harking on about not playing the youth when the fans were calling for it because they weren't ready so to prove a point he put out a team of about 7-8 youngster in the cup and we lost 5-0 to Forest. For me that is unforgivable that he would sacrifice the cup to prove a point which I still don't believe gave his argument credit.

I'd love to see Mubama get a chance in the first team with first team players and see how he's get on playing in front of the likes of Paqueta, Kudus, JWP. And not just a few minutes here and there, give him a run of games, a proper chance. It cannot be worse than starting Ings and will give us allot more to go on than his pre-season minutes and the brief sub appearances to date.

Because right now, no-one can be certain whether he will make it or not and we are all speculating based on very limited information. This is the perfect opportunity to find out a little more about him.

Alwaysaniron 3:04 Mon Nov 27
Re: Divin Mubama
I think that after the interviews on Saturday from both the player and Moyes then there's a fair chance he will start the next couple of games at least.

dealcanvey 11:18 Mon Nov 27
Re: Divin Mubama
The Ings signing falls with the club alone. Many fans had raised eyebrows when he arrived. Simply not suited to how we play. I'm not jumping on the 'Danny Ings is useless' bandwagon because we simply offer him nothing. He is not a lone striker, not a willing runner, not the type to hold the ball up and bring others into the game. Ings game has always been about finishing and I can only remember him having maybe having one decent chance to score so far this season?

Mubama will give Moyes more in regards to what he needs out of his frontman but we all know we need to bring a decent Striker into the club come January.

Ings seized a golden opportunity to see out his career on big money. You cant blame him for taking it but we can surely blame the club for what is truly an atrocious signing.

BRANDED 9:40 Sun Nov 26
Re: Divin Mubama
On the basis of this thread he’s going to beat all of Kane’s records.

Vexed 9:27 Sun Nov 26
Re: Divin Mubama
I dont think this lad is the answer but you never know until he gets a chance. On rare occasions given a chance players suddenly click, look at the rise of Harold Kane, was being touted around for peanuts prior to an injury crisis and that turned out reasonably well. All I know is it will make the turgid football a little more interesting if he plays rather than Ings who is a guaranteed bust. Moyes spent 450m and these are the current options. Madness.

Willtell 9:17 Sun Nov 26
Re: Divin Mubama
He’s definitely got the enthusiasm and work rate but I suspect Moyes will be stubborn about starting him.

I reckon he’s better off getting 10- 30 minutes at the end of games anyway. Once he gets used to playing in big games is when we will get a truer idea if he’ll make a PL forward.

fraser 8:57 Sun Nov 26
Re: Divin Mubama
I don't rate him rust much either.. Saw him play in Bucharest and wasn't impressed, or yesterday but he's young and it's early days.
Though I do think he's a better option than Ings and that run to the near post made that goal happen.

Fauxstralian 8:54 Sun Nov 26
Re: Divin Mubama
I can understand why some people might say they dont rate him
This is the usual shit when a young player doesnt score a 10 min hat-trick on his first start
The kid is 19 and is in a catch 22 where he is trailing round sitting on the bench watching Desperate(ly shit) Dan and isnt playing in the u21's.
Can understand why is holding back on signing a contract and is frustrated. Should have been getting the minutes being wasted on Ings and starting in the earlier League Cup games and dead Euro games.

62Hammer 8:44 Sun Nov 26
Re: Divin Mubama
One thing I did like about him was his run to the near post for the OG. We almost never do that, and it's so effective.

daveyg 8:37 Sun Nov 26
Re: Divin Mubama
That doesn't surprise me with that statement.
You don't rate a player you haven't seen much off.
You must live in the same street as Moyes.

I've seen a lot of him.
What I like about him is his running,team work,assists,great penalty taker and seems to be in the right place. Even the 2 own goals were down to him being right there causing havoc.oh and he scores. When he hadn't had any action in weeks he went to play for the u21's in the EFL Cup. I thought he wouldn't be that bothered but scored,played really well and the team loved him being there.
He may be a bit languid in his style but that's very deceptive.
Not sure if he's going to be our ultimate striker but he is our best bet until the end of the season. He would be even better if we had a better coach and the team played in a more attacking style similar to the u21's. They attack, pass quicker and run much harder than this Moyes team.

joyo 7:04 Sun Nov 26
Re: Divin Mubama
For what I've seen of him,and thats not alot l also don't really rate him

Hammer and Pickle 7:00 Sun Nov 26
Re: Divin Mubama

It’s not as if you’d never mentioned it before.

What is it about his game you don’t like?

Have you been watching him any more than any of us?

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