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LeroysBoots 7:19 Sun Dec 3
Lucas Paquetá
Sell him

Showboating twat

85 million ?, you're having a laugh !

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Fauxstralian 10:28 Fri Jan 12
Re: Lucas Paquetá
Not a medical man but given he was allowed to start at Arsenal you'd imagine you'd be very cautious and keep him in cotton wool til the Sheff Utd game rather than risk him v Bristol.
Calf injuries are very temperamental so better to be cautious.
Hopefully 2 months is pessimistic

Sydney_Iron 9:47 Fri Jan 12
Re: Lucas Paquetá
Agree to a point Pickle! but how do you not know the medical staff had told Moyes he was good to play? Maybe even the player himself thought he was ok, it's by no means certain this is all down to Moyes.

But he should perhaps clarify...........

Hammer and Pickle 9:41 Fri Jan 12
Re: Lucas Paquetá
Paqueta was not fit to start last game and had to leave the field within 10 minutes. Those are the facts of this contingency - how a manager's responsibility is interpreted in this light largely depends on your own capacity to manage and take responsibility.

I say Moyes should stand up and say "I took a risk and now he's out for xxx according to the medical staff". And I say Moyes's failure to do the basics in pretty much every contingency is glaring.

mashed in maryland 8:56 Fri Jan 12
Re: Lucas Paquetá
I'm just glad we can slag Moyes off for playing someone instead of resting them

Sydney_Iron 5:07 Fri Jan 12
Re: Lucas Paquetá
Does anyone know the "official" verdict of what is wrong with him and this injury and importantly when he is back? We seem to swing from a week or 2 to being totally crocked for at least 2 months.

All we have from the man himself is calm down?

marty feldman 7:37 Thu Jan 11
Re: Lucas Paquetá
Even someone with an eyesight way worse than the real Marty Feldman. Could see how good pacqueta is . Unbelievable the amount the slagging off he's got on here . He's Gascoigne with a left foot . If he played for the N17 mob the media would be rimming him as much as they'd be sucking him off .

Hammer and Pickle 6:41 Thu Jan 11
Re: Lucas Paquetá
Ha ha criticism of Moyes’s management is BAD-MOUTHING BROOKING. Truly the curse of the absurd flabby over-inflated ego strikes again.

Side of Ham 4:44 Thu Jan 11
Re: Lucas Paquetá
Fucking hell has some thick Moyes rimmer just linked the possibility of Moyes managing a master craftsman of a footballer in Sir Trev? Guess who would be getting cunted off by the Moyes brigade because he tried to do a neat one/two in the oppositions half…..and lost the ball because there was no one there to do the one/two with….

factory seconds 3:05 Thu Jan 11
Re: Lucas Paquetá
moyes wasn't interested in paqueta as he was busying tripping over his own tongue lusting over lingard. he didn't even know how to use him until after the world cup where it was clear he was better in a deeper role.

Takashi Miike 2:47 Thu Jan 11
Re: Lucas Paquetá
Extra Thick Lubricant. 'you lot' are the ones that think we're capable of better football, so this latest moronic narrative should be kept inside that peanut brain of yours. the only ones who bad mouthed paqueta are now the ones rimming moyes on a daily basis

wd40 2:38 Thu Jan 11
Re: Lucas Paquetá
Bet you lot would have bad mouth Brooking if this site was around in his time .

cant you just enjoy his skills?

to much to ask?

Hammer and Pickle 5:11 Thu Jan 11
Re: Lucas Paquetá
Think he was asking us to “stay calm” rather than “calm down”. Use the existing thread etc.

Hammer and Pickle 6:00 Fri Dec 8
Re: Lucas Paquetá
Ah OK. How about “privileged” or “very fortunate”?

Russ of the BML 4:28 Fri Dec 8
Re: Lucas Paquetá
Hammer and Pickle 2:15 Fri Dec 8

Well, you say Moyes is a very, very lucky boy to have him. But if the club has targeted Paqueta and Moyes sanctioned the move, then is he lucky?

Its like saying Guardiola is lucky to have Haaland. Or Spurs are lucky to have Madison. Klopp with Salah. The clubs went out and got these players so its not really luck, is it?

Hammer and Pickle 2:15 Fri Dec 8
Re: Lucas Paquetá
I’m sure we’ve all seen that pic of him on the deck looking up as his plan to force his man into a foul came off. It must be a nightmare to contain him and he was literally everywhere last night as he galvanised them into that second half performance. Moyes is a very, very lucky boy to have him.

goose 1:19 Fri Dec 8
Re: Lucas Paquetá
Yeh you’re best off making the most of the time you have left.

Willtell 12:11 Fri Dec 8
Re: Lucas Paquetá
And you're a liar goose and I can't be arsed to argue with a spamming, waste of time, wanker liar...

goose 12:00 Fri Dec 8
Re: Lucas Paquetá
actually i do have a beard and i'm itching it right now.

if it was an attempt at humour (it obvs wasnt) then it was shit.

so are you stupid or unfunny? or both.
i'm going for both.

Willtell 11:44 Fri Dec 8
Re: Lucas Paquetá
Think about it goose. Don't know why DiCanio played so much and WH fans only had one song. You don't have a beard and it was a wind-up so just get over it.

goose 7:28 Thu Dec 7
Re: Lucas Paquetá
Yeh it is as deffo a wind-up, well played Will.

**itches beard**

Paqueta will start wide left tonight, the right back will press so he constantly receives the ball with his back to goal and has to pass backwards.
Good times 👍

Hammer and Pickle 4:53 Thu Dec 7
Re: Lucas Paquetá
Teams have worked out that the way to neutralise the Paquetá threat is to get the ball out wide quick where he has to come to it. Than if he gets it, crowd him out or cut out his pass to any forward player who can do anything with the ball, which eliminates Soucek.

Odd isn’t it that Moyes still hasn’t seen it.

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