WHO Poll

twoleftfeet 7:50 Wed May 22
General Election - July 2024
This appears to be the rumour on Sky.

An easy win for Starmer and some big names losing their seats.

The Country needs a change but is it going to get one?

The thought of seeing that annoying Beth Rigby for 6 weeks though is a horrifying thought.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Fauxstralian 1:33 Wed Jul 3
Re: General Election - July 2024
There is no money in it. Soz
And as Beryl you will be married to one of the Mohamed’s. Your choice which one

Seriously , Starmer is another Tory so not sure you are going to see much lefty influence
Maybe if it was Corbyn but that’s why he got marmaised in the last election
Personally hoping for a Count Binface led government

Mike Oxsaw 10:19 Tue Jul 2
Re: General Election - July 2024
Fauxstralian 9:29 Tue Jul 2

If that's back at me, bring it on.

I generally only go back to my drum these days to pick up the mail. In like Flint and gone.

If they dump a boat-load of people on me then fucking brilliant - all those government bennies going straight into my Peggy Mount.

What's not to like?

Fauxstralian 9:29 Tue Jul 2
Re: General Election - July 2024
Ha ha

Heard he is going to send 3 boat people round (Mohammed, Muhammed & Mohamed) to live in your spare bedroom and designate you as woman called Beryl
Welcome your new overlords you bigot

Mike Oxsaw 8:31 Tue Jul 2
Re: General Election - July 2024
Starmer gets in and within 2 days the entitled lefty/minorities will be ripping him a new arse.

Fair play to them - they seem to be the only faction that has learnt from (political) history's lessons, but they will absolutely fuck the country once they gain traction.

Just Stop Oil will seem like musical chairs at a kindergarten Christmas...sorry... inclusive festive equinox winter-tide...party by comparison.

Mainstream media won't know which way to turn: dyed-in-the-wool reds will start flapping around looking for anyone - except themselves - to blame, for what unfolds, screeching "We didn't know, we didn't know! Nobody told us!!!"

Not my job to manage YOUR expectations, but very telling that nobody has posted up on here what they expect from THEIR party, should they win.

goose 6:30 Tue Jul 2
Re: General Election - July 2024
425 seats would be spectacular given that they only currently have 201 seats.

they might turnover another 224 seats from the tories and maybe the SNP but i dont see it.

I reckon they'll add somewhere between another 110 to 150 seats.

Come On You Irons 5:47 Tue Jul 2
Re: General Election - July 2024
All those MRP opinion polls can't be wrong. I'd be amazed in Labour don't win a huge majority.

I reckon it'll be something like 425 Labour, 125 Conservative, 50 Lib Dem, 20 SNP, 5 Reform, and 25 Other.

arsene york-hunt 4:07 Tue Jul 2
Re: General Election - July 2024
I think Starmer has done a good job in distancing himself from the Corbinesque crazies, and made them electable again. This time however I expect a coup like Livingstone at the GLA or the Bolshevics in Russia. Then the country will be fucked.

only1billybonds 3:19 Tue Jul 2
Re: General Election - July 2024

You won't get any arguments from me on that point hence my comments regarding the destruction of this Tory party, it needs breaking down and re building.

ray winstone 3:11 Tue Jul 2
Re: General Election - July 2024
nerd 3:04 Tue Jul 2

Bang on, all this talk of a 'supermajority' is smoke and mirrors, hung parliament all day long.

Lee Trundle 3:10 Tue Jul 2
Re: General Election - July 2024
Topless protests in France over people voting for the National Rally party.


Fauxstralian 3:04 Tue Jul 2
Re: General Election - July 2024
And that’s not including Truss
You could argue Sunak has even been worse than her
He is probably hoping he gets beaten by Count Binface & he can head to California to work for Elon Musk & hang out with his fellow billionaires

nerd 3:04 Tue Jul 2
Re: General Election - July 2024
Got a hung parliament written all over it . Like when tories were supposed to smash Brown. Landslide was predicted did not happen rarely does.

ray winstone 2:52 Tue Jul 2
Re: General Election - July 2024
'Starmer is a devious, lying horrible cunt of a man, he and his mates will be fucking disastrous.

Same could be said for Cameron, Johson and Sunak, and it has been disastrous.

only1billybonds 1:50 Tue Jul 2
Re: General Election - July 2024
Absolutely right Sven, this 'tory' party needs obliterating and starting again.

Starmer is a devious, lying horrible cunt of a man, he and his mates will be fucking disastrous.

What a mess we're in and it's only going to worsen.

Fauxstralian 1:17 Tue Jul 2
Re: General Election - July 2024
Never heard anyone be enthusiastic about Starmer being PM but imagine even the most rabid Tory might be secretly relieved that Rishi & his bumbling clowns will be heading out
It’s ok to admit what an abysmal Government it has been

Hammer and Pickle 12:49 Tue Jul 2
Re: General Election - July 2024
Squads of rabid blue-rincers roaming the Shires, burning, looting and stabbing innocent bystanders with knitting needles and grill tongs. Carnage in the Provinces.

only1billybonds 12:46 Tue Jul 2
Re: General Election - July 2024
Funny thing Syd, every one is being told of the threat posed by the 'far right' yet the biggest examples of unrest is caused by the left when things don't go their way.

Sydney_Iron 12:39 Tue Jul 2
Re: General Election - July 2024
So if the Torys lose will we see a French type reaction?

Rioting looting, demonstrations against the new government, well potential new government in French case! Right bunch of nutters over there. LOL

riosleftsock 10:38 Mon Jul 1
Re: General Election - July 2024
Lee Trundle 6:17 Mon Jul 1


Not sure WHO's MS-DOS server 1.0 could handle this one

Lee Trundle 6:17 Mon Jul 1
Re: General Election - July 2024
"As 1964 says this the UK GE ..not America need to get back to our GE or it will have to get locked"

So, this American election in November, who do you think will win?

Nutsin 6:06 Mon Jul 1
Re: General Election - July 2024
Can you imagine just how fucked we all will be with a Labour/Biden ticket for the next 4 years?

God help us all!

Vote Reform!

Can’t see Biden winning though, we all know he’s a vegetable and is only gonna get worse.

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