WHO Poll

twoleftfeet 7:50 Wed May 22
General Election - July 2024
This appears to be the rumour on Sky.

An easy win for Starmer and some big names losing their seats.

The Country needs a change but is it going to get one?

The thought of seeing that annoying Beth Rigby for 6 weeks though is a horrifying thought.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Hammer and Pickle 10:10 Sun Jun 30
Re: General Election - July 2024
She’s no mere wife - oh and don’t call her scarface.

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 8:49 Sun Jun 30
Re: General Election - July 2024
Jill Biden's insistence that her husband carries on can only be explained by her status as de facto head of the Biden crime family.

Side of Ham 6:30 Sun Jun 30
Re: General Election - July 2024
The only thing that stands as true in the US election is that both candidates have dodgy links to dodgy occurrences and both have tried to use their wealth to cover/buy their way out of these bad lowlife situations….a nation the size of America deserves better….

Hammer and Pickle 5:15 Sun Jun 30
Re: General Election - July 2024
I suppose it makes sense in your head for Trump to be the victim of a party that fields a candidate who can hardly eat his own food.

Don’t worry, the world is full of special people like you, braincell.

only1billybonds 5:09 Sun Jun 30
Re: General Election - July 2024
Absolutely bang on fourpence, Trump has been stitched up no end.

Think he'll be laughing loudest come November though.

marty feldman 5:03 Sun Jun 30
Re: General Election - July 2024
As much as our election is a crock of shit. And a foregone conclusion. We could be the American electorate . Trumps a complete bullshitter in the GSB class. And bidens clearly got severe cognitive issues . It's cruel even allowing him to stand . But apparently Jill loves being the 1st lady . So that's that .

Hammer and Pickle 4:31 Sun Jun 30
Re: General Election - July 2024
I wouldn’t try to use honesty as a measure of fitness for office here. Trump is totally dishonest but Biden is practically dead - gotta face it: this is a stitch-up.

Nutsin 4:18 Sun Jun 30
Re: General Election - July 2024
Anyone that claims Joe Biden is an honest man is an imbecile and should be ignored.

Mike Oxsaw 3:34 Sat Jun 29
Re: General Election - July 2024
To be honest, selecting a winner out of the political options on offer in the UK is akin to being forced to select one of Bad Aids, cancer or Ebola Pro to be infected with.

And the cunts that only vote for a party that their fathers voted for, and their father's fathers voted for, and their father's father's fathers voted for are a huge part of the problem (with the UK) and offer NO solution at the moment...

...but keep it up, chaps: brave little warrior, stiff upper lip, and all that. YOUR turn to be in charge will come around again soon...

Fauxstralian 2:12 Sat Jun 29
Re: General Election - July 2024
People can vote how they like to get what they want
Could have been different but the electorate too dim to understand proportional representation

Expect it will be closer than the polls as there always a level of Shy Tories but anything other than a Labour win would be a major shock
Personally I’m hoping for Prime Minister Count Binface on Friday morning but will probably fall just short

nerd 1:58 Sat Jun 29
Re: General Election - July 2024
30% of stats are made up

Hammer and Pickle 12:33 Sat Jun 29
Re: General Election - July 2024
That 30% is an extraordinary number but it cannot come as a surprise either. After8, the Tory activist on here, once admitted in a moment of uncharacteristic honesty, that his party members would do anything to stay in power. He was explaining the folly of dividing the country on its membership of the EU, so today we are seeing the whirlwind of tactical voting they sowed back then. I’m a natural Tory voter and there are millions like me who would never dream of backing that party’s candidate today.

Hammer and Pickle 12:31 Sat Jun 29
Re: General Election - July 2024
That 30% is an extraordinary number but it cannot come as a surprise either. After8, the Tory activist on here, once admitted in a moment of uncharacteristic honesty, that his party members would do anything to stay in power. He was explaining the folly of dividing the country on its membership of the EU, so today we are seeing the whirlwind of tactical voting they sowed back then. I’m a natural Tory voter and there are millions like me who would never dream of backing that party’s candidate today.

Mike Oxsaw 10:24 Sat Jun 29
Re: General Election - July 2024
northbankboy: you do know that there are more than two political parties in the UK, don't you - or have you not got as far as counting in your special needs education?

Oh, and you don't need to append your IQ to your user name, we've already worked it out.

norwaytips 2:02 Sat Jun 29
Re: General Election - July 2024
Latest figures seem to show that well over 30% will vote tactically. More interested in getting rid of a government, than who replaces them.

only1billybonds 1:36 Sat Jun 29
Re: General Election - July 2024
You seriously reckon Biden is honest?


northbankboy68 1:03 Sat Jun 29
Re: General Election - July 2024
Oxsaw is a closet Tory. Good luck over the next 15 years you nonce.

northbankboy68 12:59 Sat Jun 29
Re: General Election - July 2024
I'd much rather have a proven liar and convicted criminal as President than an honest old man. Who the fuck thinks like this?

Hammer and Pickle 10:03 Fri Jun 28
Re: General Election - July 2024
Gotta FEEL for these poor Reform rank-and-file going door-to-door. I mean, they’re basically running what amounts to a racist labour-market campaign and they are being PUNISHED for saying anything racist by the media.

They’ve probably been instructed to avoid the nice looking houses altogether. If they come knocking, have a heart and give them an ogórek or something.

only1billybonds 10:03 Fri Jun 28
Re: General Election - July 2024
The words of ONE idiotic canvasser doesn't represent the whole party but the usual suspects now have Reform down as national front mk 2.

Anyone hear Jill Biden talking after last night's debate? Soppy cow was talking like her doddery old man was on a par with Abraham Lincoln. Good job the democrat run cities are like zombie towns, the inhabitants will be to stoned to take part in the meltdown that's sure to follow Trumps victory. Should be wildly entertaining.

Mike Oxsaw 9:52 Fri Jun 28
Re: General Election - July 2024
To be quite honest, I'd rather those utterances, however unpleasant to some, were out in the open and up for discussion and debate, rather then festering in a seething mass of hatred in some person's head.

The media seem to be doing all they can to discredit Reform UK. Guess they see it as payback for not getting their way over Brexit.

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