WHO Poll

twoleftfeet 7:50 Wed May 22
General Election - July 2024
This appears to be the rumour on Sky.

An easy win for Starmer and some big names losing their seats.

The Country needs a change but is it going to get one?

The thought of seeing that annoying Beth Rigby for 6 weeks though is a horrifying thought.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Hammer and Pickle 1:34 Wed Jul 10
Re: General Election - July 2024
Yes when groomed to be an idiot, practical skills are not exactly developed and reinforced.

Lee Trundle 1:21 Wed Jul 10
Re: General Election - July 2024
"address the real world "

hahaha - right on cue!

Hammer and Pickle 1:20 Wed Jul 10
Re: General Election - July 2024
ENTITLED is exactly it.

And what absolutely boils your piss is, while you are entitled to your opinion, you are not necessarily entitled to setting the party agenda and defining party policy. Being white, male, straight and working class just ain’t enough - you’ve got to talk sense, address the real world and accept that what you have to offer includes the interests of people who are NOT the same as you; they may be female, not necessarily heterosexual, well educated, black, specialised and often a lot more capable than you. Just shut it and deal with it, arsehole.

Lee Trundle 1:20 Wed Jul 10
Re: General Election - July 2024
WHU(Exeter) 1:13 Wed Jul 10
"If anyone dares to call out nonsense for what it is, in a considered argument, the likes of you instantly revert to the same crap about ‘hot under the collar’, ‘angry’, ‘wound up’ etc etc."

He's started to mention "in the real world" recently.

How some constantly drunk polishman living in poland has any idea what the real world here is like is anyone's guess.

WHU(Exeter) 1:13 Wed Jul 10
Re: General Election - July 2024
And you’re still replying H&P.

“Rattling on”? I thought it was discussion?….this is a forum yeah?

The same predictable, tiresome, pathetic ‘argument’ every single time something of this nature crops up.

If anyone dares to call out nonsense for what it is, in a considered argument, the likes of you instantly revert to the same crap about ‘hot under the collar’, ‘angry’, ‘wound up’ etc etc.

Is there a guidebook for the ‘right on’ that you all use, because it really is predictable to the nth degree.

If I consider something ridiculous, then (living in a democracy, for the time being anyway), I’m entitled to have an opinion on it and discuss it, and I do because I’d prefer not to live in a ridiculous world, created by the likes of you.

Lee Trundle 11:35 Wed Jul 10
Re: General Election - July 2024

*hands Hamas & Pickled a paper mache YouTube play button*

goose 11:00 Wed Jul 10
Re: General Election - July 2024
Pickle ridiculous?

Do I have to remind you that his YouTube videos have had 175 views in 3 years.

150 of those were me when I fancied a laugh.

Hammer and Pickle 10:59 Wed Jul 10
Re: General Election - July 2024
…. and you’re STILL rattling on.

Absolutely HILARIOUS

WHU(Exeter) 10:36 Wed Jul 10
Re: General Election - July 2024
“Really funny how this kind of emancipation narrative really makes you old Union wankers lose your shit”

It’s not ‘emancipated narrative’. Banging on about things that happened hundreds of years ago, with no relevance to the here and now, is pretty much the exact opposite of ‘emancipated’.

It’s ridiculous and irrelevant and it’s being spouted in the first place, is due to the conditioning of thousands of ridiculous people like you.

goose 11:47 Tue Jul 9
Re: General Election - July 2024
Hammer and Pickle 8:39 Tue Jul 9
Re: General Election - July 2024
Those kind of net immigration numbers can only be created by labour market demand

Wrong again.
What we’re getting is dependents and freeloaders coming here & not contributing.

You’re still just bitter about brexit derailing your gravy train.

zebthecat 11:24 Tue Jul 9
Re: General Election - July 2024
Come off it MO.
We have had a minimum wage for years now.
Yes there is a psrtial get out that sponsors can use to pay workers they recruit from overeas 15% less than UK residents but slave labour is still illegal.

Mike Oxsaw 10:53 Tue Jul 9
Re: General Election - July 2024
Is pickled advocating that in a civilised UK, business employ slave labour and pay them slave labour rates (just) so that their products & services are "affordable" to it's target customer base???

Pretty sure that any (ANY) responsible business would have already factored in local employment cost contributions on it's products before even entering it's start-up phase - I know I did.

Hammer and Pickle 10:01 Tue Jul 9
Re: General Election - July 2024
Thought your concern was the numbers of foreigners entering the UK. Why do you want to talk about where I live, you great, heaving social disaster?

Eerie Descent 9:58 Tue Jul 9
Re: General Election - July 2024
Great response, Fritzl.

Remind everyone of where you live?

Hammer and Pickle 9:47 Tue Jul 9
Re: General Election - July 2024
Run a business do you, Edward?

Guess you have found a way of charging your punters so you can pay English staff to do the work at rates they expect.

What’s you business model then?

Hammer and Pickle 9:41 Tue Jul 9
Re: General Election - July 2024
Shut it Edward you soppy prick - we all know your kind. Think if you get all gobby you’ll get someone to pay you for doing a shit job just because you identify as a white, working class bloke. You thick twats still haven’t worked out it doesn’t work like that. Amazing.

Eerie Descent 9:11 Tue Jul 9
Re: General Election - July 2024
Hammer & Fritzl

Have you seriously got the neck to tell me that we needed NET 640,000 people in 2023 to fill jobs in the UK? And that's just last year, the preceding years and this year the unsustainable numbers are fucking up this country, not just school spaces, hospitals/Doctor/Dentist appointments, public transports, traffic, housing, before we even begin on crime & culture. I live here and run a business so I know what I'm talking about.

Anyway, firstly it's got fuck all to do with you, secondly it's being the most extreme version of disingenuous it's possible to be to suggest it's not a problem, thirdly fuck off you alcoholic snakeoil ponce cunt it's got fuck all to do with you.

Gaffer58 8:39 Tue Jul 9
Re: General Election - July 2024
Whenever I hear of places like the Caribbean islands claiming restitution from the nasty English due to the Empire, I always say we’ll pay them when the Romans pay us for conquering us and making our ancestors slaves. Always find it funny that of all the European countries that had empires it’s usually only the English that are expected to feel guilty.

Hammer and Pickle 8:39 Tue Jul 9
Re: General Election - July 2024
Those kind of net immigration numbers can only be created by labour market demand not satisfied domestically, Edward.

So if you don’t like the foreigners doing it, the solution lies with you:


Side of Ham 8:36 Tue Jul 9
Re: General Election - July 2024
Pickle, you’re country is still in a dodgy union trousering millions…..

Hammer and Pickle 8:30 Tue Jul 9
Re: General Election - July 2024
Really funny how this kind of emancipation narrative really makes you old Union wankers lose your shit. But it’s also really true that it’s where you really lost control of the Party and access to the public money you thought you could trouser forever. Oh dear, what a shame, never mind.

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