WHO Poll

twoleftfeet 7:50 Wed May 22
General Election - July 2024
This appears to be the rumour on Sky.

An easy win for Starmer and some big names losing their seats.

The Country needs a change but is it going to get one?

The thought of seeing that annoying Beth Rigby for 6 weeks though is a horrifying thought.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

only1billybonds 3:45 Sat Jul 6
Re: General Election - July 2024
*cock, not cocktail.

Predictive fucking txt!!

Leavemyarcelona 3:25 Sat Jul 6
Re: General Election - July 2024
Have any right wingers turned up with speakers interrupting beer kormers speech? Or is that just a left wing thing? The stark contrast between the two sets is astounding

only1billybonds 3:11 Sat Jul 6
Re: General Election - July 2024
He's not fantasising, he's telling you that this will be part of the future under the bloke who NOW thinks only 1 in a hundred women have a cocktail.

Of course he doesn't really think this, he just isn't brave enough o come out and say it such is his desperation not to offend minority groups.

Remember what he said about the sun to the scousers? Slippery cunt soon went back on his word there didn't he.

Wils 2:37 Sat Jul 6
Re: General Election - July 2024
"worst 3 PM’s since Thatcher"

Erm, Thatcher won three elections, transformed the country and ended up having a political ideology named after her. You might not like that her, the transformation or her ideology but none of those are reason to think she was a bad PM. You might be able to name plenty of PMs you preferred but you will struggle to name many more successful than her.

Yorkammer 2:29 Sat Jul 6
Re: General Election - July 2024
Only a total wrong-un like Oxsaw would be fantasising about hanging around in little girls changing rooms.

Mike Oxsaw 1:31 Sat Jul 6
Re: General Election - July 2024
There will be no more money for the NHS, no money to repair the nation's pot-holed roads, no money to reduce (knife) crime, but, in the name of equality, money will be found to allow big, burly men into little girls' changing rooms, so long as they self-identify as a woman at reception.

Which of you cunts carefully wished for that?

Jaan Kenbrovin 12:23 Sat Jul 6
Re: General Election - July 2024
I'm expecting SIR KEIR to be stabbed in the back for being a gel haired gormless LINO moron, within 12 months of the uppity aggressive FAR LEFT getting a whiff of potential power.

Hammer and Pickle 12:21 Sat Jul 6
Re: General Election - July 2024

Wrong thread 😘

Hammer and Pickle 12:19 Sat Jul 6
Re: General Election - July 2024
Portugal have their usual psychological issues much as I love them.

Tomshardware 12:12 Sat Jul 6
Re: General Election - July 2024

only1billybonds 11:53 Fri Jul 5
Re: General Election - July 2024
Bit of an exaggeration Sven, got any examples of all this mouth foaming?

Takashi Miike 11:44 Fri Jul 5
Re: General Election - July 2024
"Still seems to wind up the gammon"

oh dear, a fucking champagne socialist jaffa calling his fellow white man/women gammon. what a despicable communist cunt

twoleftfeet 11:35 Fri Jul 5
Re: General Election - July 2024
H&P you do realise that JRM is a millionaire do him bring out of a job is hardly going to bother him.

All these idiots laughing at MPs losing their jobs should realise that they get a decent redundancy package and the vast majority have other well paid jobs.

It’s their staff I feel sorry for.

riosleftsock 10:58 Fri Jul 5
Re: General Election - July 2024
Incredible, less than 12 hours in power and Laba have already solved global warming

arsene york-hunt 10:19 Fri Jul 5
Re: General Election - July 2024
The best thing for me about this election is I am now in Southgate and Wood Green due to boundary changes, and no longer have the stigma of Lammy being my MP.

Fauxstralian 10:09 Fri Jul 5
Re: General Election - July 2024
Father & Mother of the house are just an acknowledgment of age. Still seems to wind up the gammon to have them foam at the mouth
Surely no one wanted more of this pack of clowns dragging on under the midget Sunak after 14 years?
Johnson, Truss & Sunak … worst 3 PM’s since Thatcher

Hammer and Pickle 9:51 Fri Jul 5
Re: General Election - July 2024
Rather like watching JRM as Father of the House was absolutely CRINGE.

Oh look, the Hogwarts Wanker is out of a job.

only1billybonds 9:14 Fri Jul 5
Re: General Election - July 2024
I see Diane Abbot has been named mother of the house.

This is going to be fun to watch on so many levels.

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 9:12 Fri Jul 5
Re: General Election - July 2024
Goodness me! Lammy. His stated mission seems to be:

1) Rejoin EU
2) Pay reparations to all countries inhabited by dark-skinned people
3) More net zero madness

Still, it's Gen z that asked for it and Gen Z and their kids that will pay for it.

Happy days!

ray winstone 8:56 Fri Jul 5
Re: General Election - July 2024
TrundLOL, after putting up with ministers such as Hancock, Dorries, 30p Lee, Cleverley, Rees-Mogg et al, I’m not sure Lammy has any concerns about not being up to the job.

zico 8:42 Fri Jul 5
Re: General Election - July 2024
Had to laugh at this -

"We’ve got two wars ongoing, Russians hacking the NHS, China spying on us, Iran trying to influence our youth. Meanwhile Lammy is trying to convince us that men can grow a cervix."

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