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twoleftfeet 7:50 Wed May 22
General Election - July 2024
This appears to be the rumour on Sky.

An easy win for Starmer and some big names losing their seats.

The Country needs a change but is it going to get one?

The thought of seeing that annoying Beth Rigby for 6 weeks though is a horrifying thought.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Hammer and Pickle 10:01 Tue Jul 9
Re: General Election - July 2024
Thought your concern was the numbers of foreigners entering the UK. Why do you want to talk about where I live, you great, heaving social disaster?

Eerie Descent 9:58 Tue Jul 9
Re: General Election - July 2024
Great response, Fritzl.

Remind everyone of where you live?

Hammer and Pickle 9:47 Tue Jul 9
Re: General Election - July 2024
Run a business do you, Edward?

Guess you have found a way of charging your punters so you can pay English staff to do the work at rates they expect.

What’s you business model then?

Hammer and Pickle 9:41 Tue Jul 9
Re: General Election - July 2024
Shut it Edward you soppy prick - we all know your kind. Think if you get all gobby you’ll get someone to pay you for doing a shit job just because you identify as a white, working class bloke. You thick twats still haven’t worked out it doesn’t work like that. Amazing.

Eerie Descent 9:11 Tue Jul 9
Re: General Election - July 2024
Hammer & Fritzl

Have you seriously got the neck to tell me that we needed NET 640,000 people in 2023 to fill jobs in the UK? And that's just last year, the preceding years and this year the unsustainable numbers are fucking up this country, not just school spaces, hospitals/Doctor/Dentist appointments, public transports, traffic, housing, before we even begin on crime & culture. I live here and run a business so I know what I'm talking about.

Anyway, firstly it's got fuck all to do with you, secondly it's being the most extreme version of disingenuous it's possible to be to suggest it's not a problem, thirdly fuck off you alcoholic snakeoil ponce cunt it's got fuck all to do with you.

Gaffer58 8:39 Tue Jul 9
Re: General Election - July 2024
Whenever I hear of places like the Caribbean islands claiming restitution from the nasty English due to the Empire, I always say we’ll pay them when the Romans pay us for conquering us and making our ancestors slaves. Always find it funny that of all the European countries that had empires it’s usually only the English that are expected to feel guilty.

Hammer and Pickle 8:39 Tue Jul 9
Re: General Election - July 2024
Those kind of net immigration numbers can only be created by labour market demand not satisfied domestically, Edward.

So if you don’t like the foreigners doing it, the solution lies with you:


Side of Ham 8:36 Tue Jul 9
Re: General Election - July 2024
Pickle, you’re country is still in a dodgy union trousering millions…..

Hammer and Pickle 8:30 Tue Jul 9
Re: General Election - July 2024
Really funny how this kind of emancipation narrative really makes you old Union wankers lose your shit. But it’s also really true that it’s where you really lost control of the Party and access to the public money you thought you could trouser forever. Oh dear, what a shame, never mind.

only1billybonds 7:16 Tue Jul 9
Re: General Election - July 2024
Agreed goose, Triggernometry is a great podcast.

KK's speech at the Oxford Union is superb.


goose 7:03 Tue Jul 9
Re: General Election - July 2024
I like Konstantin Kisin, he talks a lot of sense.

arsene york-hunt 7:01 Tue Jul 9
Re: General Election - July 2024
Mike Oxsaw 3:33 Tue Jul 9

"I suspect more than 99% of the UK population can trace their ancestry back to patriarchal surfs.""

Good, where do I go for my reparations?

Eerie Descent 6:30 Tue Jul 9
Re: General Election - July 2024


Eerie Descent 6:30 Tue Jul 9
Re: General Election - July 2024
Here you ago, everything broken down concisely so thick cunts like that wafty nudger Vexed and the jobless former Uber driver Ray can get their heads around it all.

In 2023, NET migration was over 600,000 which is over half the population of Birmingham. Completely and utterly unsustainable numbers. And that's before you consider how many are dependents and/or unskilled and/or will realise how easy it is to get away with crime in this country.

If you're thick enough to think this is not the biggest problem facing the country, you're beyond help.

WHU(Exeter) 4:49 Tue Jul 9
Re: General Election - July 2024
Well blame the person who mentioned it*

People are questioning why on earth it needed to be mentioned. And rightly so.

*and the ridiculous set up in this country that has encouraged remarks of this kind.

Mike Oxsaw 4:46 Tue Jul 9
Re: General Election - July 2024
Who was the last UK Foreign Secretary to be poorly received on his first official visits to Germany, Poland and Sweden?

Like for like comparison please, if it's not beyond you - and no Orwellian-esque "Labour good! Tories bad!" chanting

Hammer and Pickle 4:31 Tue Jul 9
Re: General Election - July 2024
… and yet it’s all you can seem to talk about.

WHU(Exeter) 4:23 Tue Jul 9
Re: General Election - July 2024
I think it’s of scant interest to anyone.

Do you even hear Irish politicians or public figures come out with “I’m a descendant of a family that had half their members starved to death during the potato famine”?

Hammer and Pickle 3:58 Tue Jul 9
Re: General Election - July 2024
Lammy was well received by all accounts on his first official visits to Germany, Poland and Sweden. Didn’t feel the need to mention his ancestry though, so it will be of scant interest to some.

Mike Oxsaw 3:33 Tue Jul 9
Re: General Election - July 2024
I suspect more than 99% of the UK population can trace their ancestry back to patriarchal surfs.

The only difference serfdom has with slavery is that the slaves' fellow countrymen imprisoned them before selling them on to slave traders.

A change in location adds or removes nothing to the fact that whatever term is used, the person to whom it refers was owned by someone else, which is the only fact that really matters.

In the interests of equality, every single one of that 99% of the population descended from serfdom should therefore be entitled to claim some form of compensation (with interest and adjusted for inflation) from the remaining descendents of that serf owning 1%.

mashed in maryland 2:33 Tue Jul 9
Re: General Election - July 2024
goose 12:51 Tue Jul 9

His introductory video he says "I am a descendent of slaves".

Slavery was abolished in Guyana in 1834. Its bad enough politicians bringing up their parents jobs to score points let alone relatives 190 years ago.

Imagine your company got a new director and they sent a group email starting with "my ancestors were villeins in pre-industrial Yorkshire". You'd think they were joking or mentally ill

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