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Mex Martillo 8:57 Tue Jun 11
Hammers United - The Protests Begin
HAMMERS UNITED -The Protests Begin

Statement On St Prices and Concessions

Following the statement released by the ISC yesterday, Hammers United is pleased to note the spirit of positivity and co-operation among the fans’ groups which we hope will be reflected among the fan base in general when the time comes for all West Ham fans to unite in opposition to the Club’s introduction of punitive season ticket price rises and reductions in concessions.

Hammers United and West Ham United Supporters' Trust submitted detailed alternative proposals to the Club via the ISC in order to mitigate some of the changes the club have decided to implement and the ISC requested an urgent meeting to discuss these.

Predictably no such meeting was ever granted, the proposals were not discussed and on the 4th of June 2024 the Club confirmed to the ISC that its position would not change.

The ISC has supported other Premier League clubs’ fans’ groups and Fan Advisory Boards (FAB), many of whom are facing similar issues around season tickets and concessions for loyal fans. We are aware that a few clubs, most notably Wolves, have made some compromises to their proposed changes as a direct result of fan pressure and FAB negotiation

This may be good news up to a point, but it does further highlight West Ham’s intransigence and complete lack of willingness to engage with its’ supporters’ representatives on such a despicable policy upon which the ISC was never consulted.

We believe the Club’s policies are unfair and make a mockery of its regular, self congratulatory boastings of being the home of affordable football.

While Hammers United is deeply disappointed by the Club’s actions we cannot say we are surprised - this is yet another example of the Club deliberately ignoring its obligations to meaningfully engage with the ISC under the terms of the MOU, an agreement to which it signed up more than 3 years ago.

We hope that all West Ham United fans fully take on board the implications of the Club’s changes to season ticket prices and concessions and the hugely negative effect these will have for all supporters both now and in the future.

Hammers United is working with the ISC and fans’ groups throughout the Premier League on a coordinated campaign aimed at achieving a better outcome for all fans.

At the same time we will be supporting all legal campaigns by which West Ham fans can show their disapproval of the Club’s contemptuous behaviour and the reprehensible treatment of its loyal supporters, all of whom deserve so much better from the owners of the Club that we love.

These campaigns will be multifaceted and not restricted to matchday protests, the planning for which is already underway.

To get the ball rolling we respectfully ask all fans, young and old, to come together in support of the following:

1: A boycott of all Club merchandise including the new home, away and 3rd kits which are due to be launched soon.

2: A Boycott of all Club sponsors.

3: Signing a petition which will be launched on Thursday.

No one should be under any illusions. Our older fans are under attack. Our younger fans are under attack. Our disabled fans are under attack. Friends and families are under attack. Affordable football is under attack. All in the name of greed, all of which could be avoided.

We hope that all West Ham fans will appreciate the truly awful position we find ourselves in as a direct result of the Club’s actions and we hope we can rely on your support.


Hammers United is a West Ham United fans group dedicated to improving things for all West Ham Supporters young & old.


Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

oioi 1:47 Wed Jun 12
Re: Hammers United - The Protests Begin
Vexed 8:23 Tue Jun 11

Do us all a favour and die before you get old.

chav_corner 12:57 Wed Jun 12
Re: Hammers United - The Protests Begin
if any wants to phone me or meet me to discuss I would be pleased to do so.This is the biggest thing thats hit our fanbase since the stadium move.Its made difficult on here cos the links dont work.It can all be found on the Hammers United website.

Vexed 8:23 Tue Jun 11
Re: Hammers United - The Protests Begin
If its just the old folks having to pay full price then fuck em, the majority of them wanted to be poorer and now they will be.

bruuuno 4:29 Tue Jun 11
Re: Hammers United - The Protests Begin
Everyone’s ’under attack’ get a grip ffs

SnarestoneIron 1:50 Tue Jun 11
Re: Hammers United - The Protests Begin
Vexed 11:51 Tue Jun 11
El Scorchio 12:58 Tue Jun 11
bruuuno 12:12 Tue Jun 11

A long explanation has been given in previous posts - it would be far too much to repeat it again, you'd all be moaning it was too much to read!

RM10 1:48 Tue Jun 11
Re: Hammers United - The Protests Begin
Apart from my ST I buy nothing from the club.

bill green 1:40 Tue Jun 11
Re: HAMMERS UNITED - The Protests Begin
my ST renewal works out £42 per game.
Compare that to gig tickets, theatre etc it's fine.

bill green 1:40 Tue Jun 11
Re: HAMMERS UNITED - The Protests Begin
my ST renewal works out £42 per game.
Compare that to gig tickets, theatre etc it's fine.

Leavemyarcelona 1:39 Tue Jun 11
Re: HAMMERS UNITED - The Protests Begin
Already boycotted the club

El Scorchio 12:58 Tue Jun 11
Re: HAMMERS UNITED - The Protests Begin
What exactly have the club done or not done which breaks this agreement? It doesn’t actually say anywhere. Would be good to know

bruuuno 12:12 Tue Jun 11
Re: HAMMERS UNITED - The Protests Begin
What a load of bolllocks, I couldnt get more than a few paragraphs in before I gave up. Maybe you should be protesting for Palestine or BLM

Vexed 11:51 Tue Jun 11
Re: HAMMERS UNITED - The Protests Begin
Uugh. You'd have much more credibility with this shit if you could get someone competent to write these blurbs.

How can someone write that many words without actually explaining in some level of detail what the fuck it is that's got you all into such a lather? It's mostly self indulgent digs from a wannabe Wolfie Smith type. It's embarrassing.

Fuck off.

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