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Phall Throw 1:23 Tue Jun 11
Euro 2024
We seem to have an England v Bosnia thread but not an actual Euro 2024 thread so here it is

So, do we realistically think England can win it? On paper we obviously have a very talented squad but I just don't see us going all the way. For me it's "same old" when it comes to England. Breeze the group, favourable draw in last 16 and win then up against far superior opposition in the QFs and out. At best I can see us at the SF stage before being beaten again.

Winners for me:

France, Portugal, Spain

Dark horses:

Germany - even though it's a home tournament they've been in a consolidation period, could go close

Biggest flops:

Scotland - no goals scored

Top goalscorer:


I'm just hoping it's a decent tournament with plenty of decent games that's not ruined by VAR (are they using it?)

consolidation period but could go close

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Takashi Miike 1:57 Mon Jul 1
Re: Euro 2024
manuel, but again I go back to the lack of real leadership and that cunt southgate should be setting an example. this victim narrative, where they can't be criticised has been created by one person. he should be looking at himself in a mirror and realising he's got it fucking wrong four games on the spin, rather than digging out journalists, pundits and the fans. I don't expect anything different though from a cunt that cashed in on the fans misery in 96 by filming a pizza advert

boleyn8420 1:53 Mon Jul 1
Re: Euro 2024
I really don't care whether Southgate 'gives a bit back' at all that's his prerogative, what I was getting at, as another poster put earlier, is the justification in his words and whining voice that his methods work. And we can now look forward to the twat trying to shoehorn in players into his 'system' and maintain the status quo, again. He is so woefully out of his depth that I am amazed the players stand up for him. On second thoughts I'm not, he allows them to get away with the minimum amount of effort and probably panders to them left right and centre. Easy life.

RootsRadical 1:53 Mon Jul 1
Re: Euro 2024
Kudus is better than Bellingham and his overhead kick against City was better too.

Commentator saying "that's why he plays for Real Madrid" after he scored yesterday as if no one else has ever scored one.

Manuel 1:49 Mon Jul 1
Re: Euro 2024
miike - What Bellingham said was ''worse'' than what Southgate said, plus IMO the manager has more right to give a bit back. I reckon the angry Brummie has did that off his own back. Maybe just as well he plays in Spain and we don't see him much, as he's certainly an unlikeable cunt.

1964 1:45 Mon Jul 1
Re: Euro 2024
"Yup, Bellingham has been shit for 99% of the time in this tournament. Great goal but now it’s already been massively overhyped"

Spot on, headline on the BBC: "That goal will go down in History"


Takashi Miike 1:41 Mon Jul 1
Re: Euro 2024
"and I don't have a problem with him giving a bit back"

what you write there are the exact words spouted by Bellingham in the post match interviews. that's only coming from one place and clearly a narrative allowed by that long faced politician in charge. It's either southgate using these victim words, or they're originating from Bellingham himself and that's an even bigger problem. he needs bringing down a peg or two if he thinks he can't be criticised or the sport revolves around him

Manuel 1:34 Mon Jul 1
Re: Euro 2024
boleyn - Southgate's 'that's why you keep players on' line was a little cheeky considering how shit we have been, but I assume he's heard some saying the likes of Kane should be dropped, so in his eyes with Kane getting the winner he's justified himself by leaving him on and I don't have a problem with him giving a bit back, or do you think it should only be a one way street?

Takashi Miike 1:30 Mon Jul 1
Re: Euro 2024
*bang average*

it was like a carbon copy of moyes last night. that gormless cunt frozen on the touchline not knowing what to do. he didn't bring Toney on (who had an instant impact) until stoppage time. like that jock bastard, he also takes an age to make the changes, sometimes ten minutes they're standing their whole he tucks about with his notepad and that clown holland. it clearly passed him by that we only got control of the game last night when we committed more players forward, yet as soon as we got the lead he reverted to his original set up by bringing on Gallagher and we're then defending for the last fifteen minutes. also that selfish cunt saka, clearly asked to do a job at LB, yet refuses to play for the team and drifts back to the right. there's no leadership from the manager, he wants to be their friend and it's clear there's cliques and favouritism

El Scorchio 1:25 Mon Jul 1
Re: Euro 2024
Yup, Bellingham has been shit for 99% of the time in this tournament. Great goal but now it’s already been massively overhyped papered over all the cracks and TBH I didn’t really like the celebrations of that goal or at the final whistle. I honestly don’t see a lot to be proud of at all and nor would a team with serious aspirations of winning. Yes of course it was a huge moment of relief but it’s a bit embarrassing to give it the big I Am after what we’ve just witnessed. I’d have liked a bit of contrition from the players and much more ‘we must do better’.

There’s no way we will transform it or change anything against Switzerland. Southgate will just see this as vindication of his ‘methods’ and we will get the same starting line up as we did yesterday all in the same positions, unless Trippier is injured and replaced likely with another right footer. I don’t know how many more opportunities Southgate wants before he learns something. We are miles off even Georgia in terms of functioning as a cohesive unit and anyone with real quality will wipe the floor with us. Saying that I refuse to believe we can play as badly as individuals again. However clearly the ‘second comings’ Mainoo and Palmer aren’t the answer as we are still shit when either is plugged into the ‘system’. This is deeper than individual players. It’s the whole philosophy and identity of the team. He must be the worst, most cautious and negative and yet stubborn coach at the competition.

The whole nation is now witnessing what it’s like to watch Moyes-esque football. And he’s not a bad bloke either. I actually started to feel a bit sorry for him in the last few mins of normal time when I thought about all the vitriol and ridicule he was going to face because it would have been Schteve levels. Graham Taylor levels and as a person he doesn’t deserve that especially after Euro 96, but as a manager unless he wins the tournament he’s picked his hill to die on and dug his own grave now. 100% England is looking for a new manager after this tournament, whether he resigns in defeat or somehow in glory.


Takashi Miike 1:23 Mon Jul 1
Re: Euro 2024
only in clown world can you have a fake Aussie cunt in a kilt policing actual English fans about an England player. bellingham has been hang average for four games, and I agree with ron that he can fuck off with his "Who Else?" shit.

boleyn8420 1:14 Mon Jul 1
Re: Euro 2024
The most annoying thing out of all of that (obviously happy we won) was that absolute cunt Southgate trying to justify his total inability to coach at this level with his 'thats why you leave players on when everyone is clamouring for change' Well against the Swiss he has to make at least one change, other than the one he does next to Rice, as Gheui is suspended. I never have or ever will like or think Southgate is equipped for this role. Just an FA yes man. Still lets hope we can beat the Swiss, we may get 3 shots this game. It really is like watching Moyes at International level.

Side of Ham 12:51 Mon Jul 1
Re: Euro 2024
Look at McSvender trying to be one of us English folk…..and fucking it up…..

Ron Eff 12:33 Mon Jul 1
Re: Euro 2024
The media didn’t tee up his “who else?” arrogance, Faux. He also has a habit of leaving something on someone after play has stopped. Needs to grow up a bit.

Manuel 12:27 Mon Jul 1
Re: Euro 2024
I agree with pretty much all that Ronald, Bellingham is a bit of a dick. Not the best player in the world either, that would be Mbappe.

Fauxstralian 12:16 Mon Jul 1
Re: Euro 2024
Perhaps the turgid unimaginative ‘journalists’ should stop asking banal shit like who writes your scripts?
He is a smart kid which is probably a disadvantage in dealing with the press

As I said he looks frustrated with what he is being asked to do and obviously other teams are trying to wind him up
Needs to calm down a bit to avoid red

Gary Strodders shank 12:15 Mon Jul 1
Re: Euro 2024
Far Clough

Odegaard at Arsenal who is also Norway's captain and highly regarded in the role.

Rice coming in was not going to displace him.

fraser 12:14 Mon Jul 1
Re: Euro 2024
How many dramatic late goals has he scored then?

I would say our top scorer was more likely and would have been shorter odds wouldn't you?

fraser 12:12 Mon Jul 1
Re: Euro 2024
How many dramatic late goals has he scored then?

I would say our top scorer was more likely and would have been shorter odds wouldn't you?

Ron Eff 12:10 Mon Jul 1
Re: Euro 2024
Bellingham would do well to lose this arrogance with the “who else?” bollocks and writing his own scripts. Fucking shit script if so. It’s very Ronaldo-esque and not at all endearing.

That over celebration at the end was pathetic, too. Should have held their hands up and got out of there for a debrief. The PR spin of the likes of Rice and Kane with “mentality” “never say die” just doesn’t wash with those who aren’t all gushy “it’s coming home” once every couple of years gimpy England fans. It was fucking Slovakia.

Lastly I’m sick to death of hearing performances aren’t important in tournament football from the players and pundits. That's exactly why it is important. Eventually the luck runs out as it should have yesterday.

I’d sack him mid tournament like Ivory Coast did. He has shown he either can’t learn or is too stubborn to do so.

Fauxstralian 12:06 Mon Jul 1
Re: Euro 2024
Who said he was the best player in the world?

He just has that knack for the dramatic late goal as in a couple of El Classicos
Nice skill to have
If someone had said pre game that England would rescue the game with a 95th min equaliser who would you expect it to come from?

Far Cough 12:04 Mon Jul 1
Re: Euro 2024
Gary, is Rice captain at the Gooners?

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