WHO Poll

Pentonville 3:09 Wed Jun 12
Gents very important for safety of our fellow hammers
So ive allowed the battle with my son get to me and ive gone a bit far according to the old bill right now but am confident they are being fair if they knew it all. im spending a lot of money tomorrow to get a brief who knows that they are doing. not to exonerate my from my behaviour but to offer a reason why. i was under an order that i was not aware of but i dont think the order is fair but secret orders can be used as an arrest surely, anyway, im back with my mother but my main concerns are all of my friends and POETS on here that u can speak to and make sure he is ok. my phone has been seized so dont message me or email me or even whomail me. just trust in justice and know i will be back at some point im sure. on bail currently which i think is allowed to say. we shall see. i cant keep up with what cases i have are civil and which are criminal but i dont blame my ex or the police. its a tough situation and kids are involved which we should always consider. please pin this but NO replies on it. NO texts to me my phone or email. LOOK after our poets friends and i love all of you Many People Included in that and People Eat People Like Elephants. those 2 mates especially. look after poet and tell him not to send me anything as i dont have my phone and he may incrimante himself. they seized it. I shall be back. my son will be with my at Lopetegui first game i pray. PIN this but NOBODY reply or anything. xxx

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Vexed 10:56 Wed Jun 12
Re: Gents very important for safety of our fellow hammers
I'll try to remember not to rep.... oh shit

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