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Fauxstralian 1:36 Tue Jun 25
This 19yo Northern lad missing in Teneriffe for over a week
What has happened?
Related to him being one of 8 who attacked another boy with an axe, a machete & golf clubs splitting his skull?
Drug related?

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mashed in maryland 9:37 Fri Jul 5
Re: This 19yo Northern lad missing in Teneriffe for over a week
Screenshot going round apparently of his last Snapchat and its an Audemars Piguet he was boasting about nicking, not a Rolex.

Fuck knows if that's slang for anything

Alfs 3:12 Fri Jul 5
Re: This 19yo Northern lad missing in Teneriffe for over a week

Far Cough 8:37 Thu Jul 4

It's slang for a kilo.

Gary Strodders shank 9:53 Thu Jul 4
Re: This 19yo Northern lad missing in Teneriffe for over a week
So who is this Johnny Vegas character then ?

Far Cough 8:37 Thu Jul 4
Re: This 19yo Northern lad missing in Teneriffe for over a week
I read somewhere that "Rolex" is drug lingo for marching powder?

bruuuno 1:19 Thu Jul 4
Re: This 19yo Northern lad missing in Teneriffe for over a week
Just seen a picture of one of the blokes who’s Airbnb he went to, he looks dodgy as fuck. I thought it was a pair of poofters at first but they are clearly wronguns

twoleftfeet 7:43 Wed Jul 3
Re: This 19yo Northern lad missing in Teneriffe for over a week
This lad thought he was Billy big bollocks but has clearly stepped out of his league and the people he fucked off don't mess about.

My sister was lead investigator on the 2 guys from Sussex who went to Spain in March 2019 and have not been seen since.

They were going there to conduct some drug deal and have never returned.

Apparently they were dumped at sea.

LJC 6:30 Wed Jul 3
Re: This 19yo Northern lad missing in Teneriffe for over a week
Was just about to say the same scum. The Rolex story has resurfaced. And when he left the house some more mate and witness have come forward where they advised him to just turn around and he said couldn’t do that as was scared.

That go fund me was initially £10k and quickly went up.

The cctv on the beach was a bit weird where it looked like he was with that lacy and one other has she starts screaming you said he wouldnt get stabbed and what have I done? All gone quiet on that front.

Council Scum 4:51 Wed Jul 3
Re: This 19yo Northern lad missing in Teneriffe for over a week
So it turns out he admitted to his mates he'd nicked a 12 grand rolex just before he went missing....

El Scorchio 2:05 Wed Jul 3
Re: This 19yo Northern lad missing in Teneriffe for over a week
Fauxstralian 2:43

Ah, so he must be right footed then.

wd40 12:47 Wed Jul 3
Re: This 19yo Northern lad missing in Teneriffe for over a week
''Dont think the mum IS related to Karen Matthews .... but still worth checking under her bed''

made me laugh

on looking
that's so funny

Fauxstralian 2:43 Sun Jun 30
Re: This 19yo Northern lad missing in Teneriffe for over a week
Named at left back by Southgate for todays game

happygilmore 1:51 Sun Jun 30
Re: This 19yo Northern lad missing in Teneriffe for over a week
Search called off but no news released to say a body found

Dwight Van Mann 9:30 Wed Jun 26
Re: This 19yo Northern lad missing in Teneriffe for over a week
Reports claiming he's been clocked watching the Euros


Side of Ham 12:22 Wed Jun 26
Re: This 19yo Northern lad missing in Teneriffe for over a week
A young bloke with a conviction for violent crime already, goes to a party island just off of North Africa and knocks about out there with a drugs mule……if any of that is true then it’s just as much a possibility as wandering off into the wilderness…..hopefully joyo will inform us of the actual facts as he has experience of wandering off into the wilderness where there are loads of trees…..

Lee Trundle 11:24 Wed Jun 26
Re: This 19yo Northern lad missing in Teneriffe for over a week
I haven't discounted your theory that he has wondered off all confused though, joyo. Does that make that a conspiracy also?

I just find it odd if he has done that his mother is saying "Just let him go" in interviews. You've got to be a massive thicko idiot not to realise they don't add up.

joyo 8:24 Tue Jun 25
Re: This 19yo Northern lad missing in Teneriffe for over a week
Funny isn't it that it's always the same thicko idiots like Trundle who fall for these fairytale conspiracy theorist bollocks hook line and sinker every time
He's dead because he was spaced out and a bit dim and has probably fallen quite a long way down somewhere

Lee Trundle 7:53 Tue Jun 25
Re: This 19yo Northern lad missing in Teneriffe for over a week
I don't think she was his girlfriend, more of a *ahem* business partner.

If it was a kidnap and ransom, then I can't imagine the people holding him are too pleased it's all plastered over the press.

Gary Strodders shank 7:46 Tue Jun 25
Re: This 19yo Northern lad missing in Teneriffe for over a week
I'm sure there will be all sorts of theories out forward

Kidnap ransoms and drug debts being just a few

The more I hear from the girlfriend the more suspicious I become.
Does she know far more than she letting on

However I sill reckon he's in a river or somewhere covered by trees.

Stubbo 7:12 Tue Jun 25
Re: This 19yo Northern lad missing in Teneriffe for over a week
Also the specific '30k' GoFundme...starts to look like a ransom amount.

As I say, I heard it said yesterday by someone in Tenerife that the word on the street there is he'd got himself in some deep, deep shit (or certainly was alluded to).

cholo 7:08 Tue Jun 25
Re: This 19yo Northern lad missing in Teneriffe for over a week
Lee Trundle

I hadn't heard that and that is a weird thing to say. Maybe she's clinging on to the hope that's happened because if he did get lost he's definitely dead.

I suppose the longer they go without finding a corpse, the less likely the "lost" theory becomes.

Lee Trundle 6:55 Tue Jun 25
Re: This 19yo Northern lad missing in Teneriffe for over a week
Odd how his mother said "Just let him go, he's not a bad person" in an interview, if he's just wondered off and got himself lost.

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