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Fauxstralian 1:36 Tue Jun 25
This 19yo Northern lad missing in Teneriffe for over a week
What has happened?
Related to him being one of 8 who attacked another boy with an axe, a machete & golf clubs splitting his skull?
Drug related?

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Dwight Van Mann 9:30 Wed Jun 26
Re: This 19yo Northern lad missing in Teneriffe for over a week
Reports claiming he's been clocked watching the Euros


Side of Ham 12:22 Wed Jun 26
Re: This 19yo Northern lad missing in Teneriffe for over a week
A young bloke with a conviction for violent crime already, goes to a party island just off of North Africa and knocks about out there with a drugs mule……if any of that is true then it’s just as much a possibility as wandering off into the wilderness…..hopefully joyo will inform us of the actual facts as he has experience of wandering off into the wilderness where there are loads of trees…..

Lee Trundle 11:24 Wed Jun 26
Re: This 19yo Northern lad missing in Teneriffe for over a week
I haven't discounted your theory that he has wondered off all confused though, joyo. Does that make that a conspiracy also?

I just find it odd if he has done that his mother is saying "Just let him go" in interviews. You've got to be a massive thicko idiot not to realise they don't add up.

joyo 8:24 Tue Jun 25
Re: This 19yo Northern lad missing in Teneriffe for over a week
Funny isn't it that it's always the same thicko idiots like Trundle who fall for these fairytale conspiracy theorist bollocks hook line and sinker every time
He's dead because he was spaced out and a bit dim and has probably fallen quite a long way down somewhere

Lee Trundle 7:53 Tue Jun 25
Re: This 19yo Northern lad missing in Teneriffe for over a week
I don't think she was his girlfriend, more of a *ahem* business partner.

If it was a kidnap and ransom, then I can't imagine the people holding him are too pleased it's all plastered over the press.

Gary Strodders shank 7:46 Tue Jun 25
Re: This 19yo Northern lad missing in Teneriffe for over a week
I'm sure there will be all sorts of theories out forward

Kidnap ransoms and drug debts being just a few

The more I hear from the girlfriend the more suspicious I become.
Does she know far more than she letting on

However I sill reckon he's in a river or somewhere covered by trees.

Stubbo 7:12 Tue Jun 25
Re: This 19yo Northern lad missing in Teneriffe for over a week
Also the specific '30k' GoFundme...starts to look like a ransom amount.

As I say, I heard it said yesterday by someone in Tenerife that the word on the street there is he'd got himself in some deep, deep shit (or certainly was alluded to).

cholo 7:08 Tue Jun 25
Re: This 19yo Northern lad missing in Teneriffe for over a week
Lee Trundle

I hadn't heard that and that is a weird thing to say. Maybe she's clinging on to the hope that's happened because if he did get lost he's definitely dead.

I suppose the longer they go without finding a corpse, the less likely the "lost" theory becomes.

Lee Trundle 6:55 Tue Jun 25
Re: This 19yo Northern lad missing in Teneriffe for over a week
Odd how his mother said "Just let him go, he's not a bad person" in an interview, if he's just wondered off and got himself lost.

Fauxstralian 6:47 Tue Jun 25
Re: This 19yo Northern lad missing in Teneriffe for over a week
Was there something about him getting into a car with a couple of men and being driven to where they were staying?

Something related to a drug deal
Bummed to death

cholo 6:37 Tue Jun 25
Re: This 19yo Northern lad missing in Teneriffe for over a week
Hammer Oz 8:32 Tue Jun 25


cholo 6:34 Tue Jun 25
Re: This 19yo Northern lad missing in Teneriffe for over a week
Was maybe coming down when he phoned his friend but not necessarily when he "wandered off". If he was spiked or willingly did some acid or similar he could quite easily, tripping off his face, have walked far enough into the hills to get well and truly lost.

It is weird how they haven't recovered a body yet though. No matter how big the reserve you can only walk so far when you're fucked.

Stubbo 4:10 Tue Jun 25
Re: This 19yo Northern lad missing in Teneriffe for over a week
Whispers coming out of Tenerfie that he was allegedly a pretty bad lad who's upset some pretty bad guys in Tenerife, and he didn't just "head off to a party to then walk home" but that it's all a bit more sinister than that.

No idea if valid of course, but no smoke without fire.

Gary Strodders shank 3:59 Tue Jun 25
Re: This 19yo Northern lad missing in Teneriffe for over a week
Lee Trundle

Although I wouldn't trust that Lucy girl he rang or his mother as far as I could throw them I do think that's the most likely explanation.

Disorientated dehydrated on a come down.and come to a sticky end.

Asking for a specific amount of £30k for the gofundme appeal was a bit suss though

The mother also sounds a proper class act.

She even claimed her boy was simply in the wrong place when he took part in the axe attack
Sounds like he makes a habit of it.

Lee Trundle 3:14 Tue Jun 25
Re: This 19yo Northern lad missing in Teneriffe for over a week
Gary Strodders shank 1:38 Tue Jun 25
"He's ended up falling down somewhere or in water."

Are you buying the "He's decided to walk the 11 hours back in searing heat when he doesn't know the route, with no water, no phone battery, whilst on a massive come down"?

Fauxstralian 1:49 Tue Jun 25
Re: This 19yo Northern lad missing in Teneriffe for over a week
Dont think the mum IS related to Karen Matthews .... but still worth checking under her bed

Gary Strodders shank 1:38 Tue Jun 25
Re: This 19yo Northern lad missing in Teneriffe for over a week
He's ended up falling down somewhere or in water.

Funny enough when we was In Puerto de la Cruz a few years back there was another big search for a missing northerner.who was last seen in an irish bar near the harbour.
They eventually found her body in the drink not far from where the pub was.

Lee Trundle 11:29 Tue Jun 25
Re: This 19yo Northern lad missing in Teneriffe for over a week
Some of the stuff on Facebook is genius.

Lifted from another site. Obviously taking the piss, but it made me chuckle.

"Random realisation that those in the Love Island villa have no idea that Jay Slater exists. Mental. They’re missing a part of history here. I think they should be informed so they can decide whether they want to join the search x"

violator 11:19 Tue Jun 25
Re: This 19yo Northern lad missing in Teneriffe for over a week
His mum is half sister with Karen Matthews, so the family have form for hide and seek.

Hammer Oz 8:32 Tue Jun 25
Re: This 19yo Northern lad missing in Teneriffe for over a week
The UK is sending Phil Schofield out there, he is an expert on sniffing out vulnerable young men apparently

Alfs 5:42 Tue Jun 25
Re: This 19yo Northern lad missing in Teneriffe for over a week
Lots of conspiracy theories being spouted. Kidnap and Go Fund Me fraud to name but two.

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