WHO Poll

Stubbo 7:07 Tue Jun 25
This Site | Bite the bullet and migrate?
Not sure on others experience, but the site seemingly gets worse and worse to use.

Is it time to just migrate to a new site, even if that means existing users re-registering usernames, and old threads being consigned to the WayBackMachine for reliving old times?

Wils has obviously said he could get us up and running on a smooth running new platform, and this current site feels like we're bleeding out with death by a thousand cuts, through no fault of those that expend time and effort to keep us operational.

Would be gutted to see the WHO community fade to nothing as we're unique among fan sites, but IMO feels like it's time for a 'best efforts' migration to a platform that is fit for purpose.

Worth running a site poll to canvas opinion on this and make a community based decision?

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

mashed in maryland 10:58 Mon Jul 1
Re: This Site | Bite the bullet and migrate?
Fuck me it worked

Just seen North Bank's reply, fair enough, apologies for going on. Good luck with it

mashed in maryland 10:44 Mon Jul 1
Re: This Site | Bite the bullet and migrate?
Last few months its like the site has a virus (is that still a thing?)

50/50 if a thread is gonna open, 90% chance you get logged out if you go to page 2, entire site crashes randomly, replying makes the site hang and then give up. Completely unusable.

Worked for a while briefly using .co.uk instead of .net

Got no idea if this reply will ever post.

Is there actually a fix for this? Don't use any other forums but are they like this too? How is KUMB coping? Is it just what happens to "old" websites in 2024?

Be a real shame if WHO goes

Tomshardware 3:02 Sun Jun 30
Re: This Site | Bite the bullet and migrate?
It's fucked.

Mike Oxsaw 2:42 Sat Jun 29
Re: This Site | Bite the bullet and migrate?
Given the trials & tribulations of getting stuff up on this site, most people (and, yes, I include myself in this to save you the bother of spending hours trying to tell us) seem to insist on posting absolute drivel.

Only on WHO...

Hammer and Pickle 1:14 Sat Jun 29
Re: This Site | Bite the bullet and migrate?
Ahhh bless!

You must have been up half the night to tell us that. Can’t fault a trier…

bruuuno 2:09 Sat Jun 29
Re: This Site | Bite the bullet and migrate?
Hammer and Pickle 5:17 Fri Jun 28

FFS there goes the silver lining

norwaytips 2:05 Sat Jun 29
Re: This Site | Bite the bullet and migrate?
I often have trouble getting the site at all and then, it often wants me to sign in again. Even when I do, it then rejects me a few times, before I can get on again.

BBondsBootlaces 11:01 Fri Jun 28
Re: This Site | Bite the bullet and migrate?
I like the duplicate posts because people can't wait an eternity for the browser to refresh on its own.

BBondsBootlaces 11:01 Fri Jun 28
Re: This Site | Bite the bullet and migrate?
I like the duplicate posts because people can't wait an eternity for the browser to refresh on its own.

Mike Oxsaw 10:16 Fri Jun 28
Re: This Site | Bite the bullet and migrate?
And sweet to note that vexed is still trying to perfect the "look-at-me, angry man" persona that he first introduced back in the .com days but has yet to score a hit with it on anything he's posted to date.

Hammer and Pickle 8:39 Fri Jun 28
Re: This Site | Bite the bullet and migrate?
Still the perfect place to keep abreast of all club-related news and events. Alan’s a ⭐️

Mike Oxsaw 7:16 Fri Jun 28
Re: This Site | Bite the bullet and migrate?
Anybody got the feeling that this site will probably and accidentally & deliberately bounce back to life the day after the election?

Hammer and Pickle 5:17 Fri Jun 28
Re: This Site | Bite the bullet and migrate?
Yay! Managed to post!

What’s my 🏅?

Vexed 2:46 Fri Jun 28
Re: This Site | Bite the bullet and migrate?
1) Who put this Stubby Cock geezer in charge?

2) This site is endearingly Web 1.0, I like that.

3) I wouldn't complain if the site was quick enough that I could actually remember what I was gonna post though.

4) COYI - shut up, you havent got any right to anything except disability benefit, you dickhead.

5) Oxsaw - you can shut up too with your twat use of capitals you lonely fucking beta man and probable nonce.

6) This took three hours to do.

7) Fuck the rest of you too.

8) Thanks for reading!

Lee Trundle 11:21 Fri Jun 28
Re: This Site | Bite the bullet and migrate?
With no (proper) football, no transfers, an impending election coming up, it's probably for the best that it is fucked for the moment.

It'll only be a complete cesspit.

Oh, and what Kenzo said.

Mike Oxsaw 11:17 Fri Jun 28
Re: This Site | Bite the bullet and migrate?
Come On You Irons 7:52 Thu Jun 27

So demand a refund and fuck off to a site that meets YOUR expectations - or pay for one out of your own sky rocket.

oioi 10:06 Fri Jun 28
Re: This Site | Bite the bullet and migrate?
This idea stinks of moving from Upton Park to the London Stadium.

I like it how it is

Come On You Irons 7:52 Thu Jun 27
Re: This Site | Bite the bullet and migrate?
Are you for real North Bank?

The site has been allowed to become complete and utter shite from a UX perspective and people who use it have a right to call that out.

It's YOU who comes across as whiny and an ultra sensitive snowflake. Get a grip fella.

factory seconds 7:01 Thu Jun 27
Re: This Site | Bite the bullet and migrate?
is the idea to move the site to a new message board software?

i enjoy the rustic charm of this place but maybe we shouldn't live in 1998 forever.

Mr Kenzo 6:25 Thu Jun 27
Re: This Site | Bite the bullet and migrate?

*Logs off*

Stubbo 2:11 Thu Jun 27
Re: This Site | Bite the bullet and migrate?
No intention to be whiny or problematic NB.

More just got the best interests of the community at heart, am prepared to try and help Wils with a migration plan/setup etc and do some investigation or platforms/legwork to move over to.

Only interest is in seeing the site continue/grow. Have 20+ years invested in it!

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