WHO Poll

Stubbo 7:07 Tue Jun 25
This Site | Bite the bullet and migrate?
Not sure on others experience, but the site seemingly gets worse and worse to use.

Is it time to just migrate to a new site, even if that means existing users re-registering usernames, and old threads being consigned to the WayBackMachine for reliving old times?

Wils has obviously said he could get us up and running on a smooth running new platform, and this current site feels like we're bleeding out with death by a thousand cuts, through no fault of those that expend time and effort to keep us operational.

Would be gutted to see the WHO community fade to nothing as we're unique among fan sites, but IMO feels like it's time for a 'best efforts' migration to a platform that is fit for purpose.

Worth running a site poll to canvas opinion on this and make a community based decision?

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

lab 4:22 Sat Aug 17
Re: This Site | Bite the bullet and migrate?
A thanks from me .

the exile 4:16 Sat Aug 17
Re: This Site | Bite the bullet and migrate?
Stubbo, Wils - much appreciated. Good luck!

Westham67 4:15 Sat Aug 17
Re: This Site | Bite the bullet and migrate?
I don't mind posting on a thread, but getting logged out? and then logging back in to see that it landed on the correct thread. Leave it death of glory

MaryMillingtonsGhost 3:43 Sat Aug 17
Re: This Site | Bite the bullet and migrate?
Stubbo 12:16

Nice one chapsšŸ‘

Mike Oxsaw 2:53 Sat Aug 17
Re: This Site | Bite the bullet and migrate?
This is greatly appreciated, even if some of us (no names, no pack drill) do act like entitled oiks sometimes...

Keep dreaming 2:46 Sat Aug 17
Re: This Site | Bite the bullet and migrate?
Great idea Stubbo. Good luck, onwards and upwards

ray winstone 2:07 Sat Aug 17
Re: This Site | Bite the bullet and migrate?
Nice work Stubbo, looking forward to being able to accessing the knicker wetters posts when weā€™ve gone 2 down after 10 mins and the inevitable ā€˜Lopetegui outā€™ thread. ;

Sydney_Iron 1:53 Sat Aug 17
Re: This Site | Bite the bullet and migrate?
Thanks for your efforts chaps.

May the force be with you!


Thanks Alan 1:43 Sat Aug 17
Re: This Site | Bite the bullet and migrate?
Good luck, Stubbo and North Bank and Wils. Plenty rooting for you.

Percy Dalton 1:31 Sat Aug 17
Re: This Site | Bite the bullet and migrate?
That's great I me and a few more of the older bods might get more involved on a new site.
Thanks again

Stubbo 12:16 Sat Aug 17
Re: This Site | Bite the bullet and migrate?
An update for when the site inevitably grinds to a halt around game time later on.

North Bank, Wils and Myself are currently working through a plan to migrate the site and it's content to a new more stable and modern platform.

Timings on this are still under discussion,but the intention will be that existing threads as well as existing users/usernames will all be carried across.

More to follow about timings when more is known, but a plan is underway to get WHO into a better place for this season.


Stubbo 8:03 Sat Aug 3
Re: This Site | Bite the bullet and migrate?
To add some meat to the bones Wils offered, if it was decided to migrate, we'll be able to move existing thread content and usernames over, as well as bring post improvements (embedded videos, twitter posts, formatted text, images etc) as well as a more feature rich WhoMail platform.

But as he says, we dont own the site or make decisions on behalf of the site....we've just done some work to provide an option to those who do should it be decided it's the best way forward for this site to prosper in the future (which is all Wils and I are interested in).

Hopefully when North Bank is around we can showcase what we have and see if he likes the look of it.

Can't guarantee the clock gets fixed though SWTOC

Pub Bigot 6:21 Sat Aug 3
Re: This Site | Bite the bullet and migrate?
Iā€™d throw in a few quid to improve the site. Iā€™m sure others would too.

Every little helps and all that.

Sydney_Iron 2:35 Sat Aug 3
Re: This Site | Bite the bullet and migrate?
Don't apologies Wils, im more disappointed i cant dish out a few yellows!

Trust me there are few on here who would go full meltdown had i been able to do so.................LOL

Wils 2:10 Sat Aug 3
Re: This Site | Bite the bullet and migrate?
"Sydney_Iron wrote..."

"Getting some weird stuff on the mobile version of WHO?

Open a thread and it is giving me MOD privileges! Can hand out yellow cards, lock threads or delete them."

Sorry, unfortunate effect of the caching I set up. As I have limited access and just proxy the site it's difficult to know about all the edge cases and I find out about this sort of thing later on. But as you see it won't let you use any of those features, so it's all secure, no ones getting any mod access who doesn't have them.

On a side note, I have been working with Stubbo on getting working site up to migrate too that is similar to this site but doesn't keep falling over. I should say Stubbo has been very active on that done a lot of the work and its looking great in my opinion.

However, it's not our site and there are many things I do not know so I have messaged North Bank to have a look at it and to get his opinion and see if its an option to move to before the season starts.

Manuel 8:55 Sat Aug 3
Re: This Site | Bite the bullet and migrate?
*pulls spaz face

Sydney_Iron 8:06 Sat Aug 3
Re: This Site | Bite the bullet and migrate?
Getting some weird stuff on the mobile version of WHO?

Open a thread and it is giving me MOD privileges! Can hand out yellow cards, lock threads or delete them.

Unfortunately, each time i try and hand out a random yellow card or 2 LOL (tried to give myself one as well!), a box pops up to log in with my password, i do that and it crashes?

fraser 3:21 Fri Jul 5
Re: This Site | Bite the bullet and migrate?
It's been good for a couple of days, then shit again yesterday then not quite as good today as the two good days. But usable

Russ of the BML 3:14 Fri Jul 5
Re: This Site | Bite the bullet and migrate?
Today is the fastest its been working for about 4 months. How odd.

Hammer and Pickle 2:44 Fri Jul 5
Re: This Site | Bite the bullet and migrate?
Itā€™s gone a bit peaky again today, hasnā€™t it.

Bit odd really.

Mickey Rat 2:29 Fri Jul 5
Re: This Site | Bite the bullet and migrate?
Turned the server off and back on again? :-)

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