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El Scorchio 1:33 Mon Jul 1
What’s happened to southbankbornnbred?
Was just posting in the Euro thread about Southgate and the team and thinking he’d likely be all over this, then remembered I hadn’t seen his name for a while.

Hasn’t posted since 22nd May. That seems a long time for him unless he’s taking a big break or on a long holiday somewhere, but to not post a single thing about England or the Euros? (Or the NY Jets offseason activity for that matter) That’s unlike him.

Anyone know him or know if he’s ok? He seems a good bloke and I usually like his posts, so I’ll be sad if anything has happened to him.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Niblets 5:06 Tue Jul 2
Re: What’s happened to southbankbornnbred?
Possibly the gayest post of the year.

Why are you gay?

teacoffeeteacoffee 4:27 Tue Jul 2
Re: What’s happened to southbankbornnbred?
An extremely BENT post.

GoalLazio 2:52 Tue Jul 2
Re: What’s happened to southbankbornnbred?
Do fuck off El Faggio. Pointless post.

OK_Guy 10:19 Mon Jul 1
Re: What’s happened to southbankbornnbred?
still posting, must be an absolute pain to wait 8hours to post a reply... careful, you'll come across as a 'window licking spastic'.

Phall Throw 5:43 Mon Jul 1
Re: What’s happened to southbankbornnbred?
He has decided that unlike many others he doesn't want to spend all day on here arguing the toss over nothing with all the window licking spastics. Oh, and probably because he doesn't want to wait 8 hours to post something on a website that looks and acts like a website on fucking dial up thats ready for the fucking dustbin

Far Cough 4:57 Mon Jul 1
Re: What’s happened to southbankbornnbred?
He's at East Rutherford New Jersey, kicking some arse at the Jets training camp.

El Scorchio 2:02 Mon Jul 1
Re: What’s happened to southbankbornnbred?
You're probably right. Hope so at least anyway.

Manuel 1:40 Mon Jul 1
Re: What’s happened to southbankbornnbred?
I'm sure he's ok like all the other ''where are they now'' posters that have moved on.

Norflondon and Swindon Hammer among many others that have fucked off.

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