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LJC 2:24 Sat Jul 6
Takeover Talk Part 2587

I’m not going to Eddie B the whole article because it’s the shitty football insider but the quote is…

Keith Wyness, the 66-year-old – who served as CEO at Goodison Park between 2004 and 2009 and now runs a football consultancy advising elite clubs – suggested minority owner Daniel Kretinsky will abandon his move to buy 100% of the Irons. He told Football Insider‘s Insider Track podcast: “Daniel Kretinsky, who owns 27% and is the guy bidding for the Post Office, we thought he was going to buy out the rest of the club.

“He seems to have stopped that process and it seems there is light for new investors.

“The valuations are going to be very different from where we were even a few years ago.

“There has been gossip behind the scenes, and I’ve been involved in many calls on the West Ham takeover subject.

“It’s difficult to know the timing, but I think we’ll see a development within a year.

“Sullivan isn’t getting any younger, and I feel the other shareholders would be willing to sell now.

“I think it’ll be a big group coming in, so watch this space.”

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

goose 9:13 Sun Jul 7
Re: Takeover Talk Part 2587
It’s a distressed asset.

Labour can now green light the sale and blame it all on the conservatives.

joyo 7:17 Sun Jul 7
Re: Takeover Talk Part 2587
What difference does having a labour government make?
Absolutely none as West Ham have a water tight signed agreement and 99 year lease

Mike Oxsaw 5:28 Sun Jul 7
Re: Takeover Talk Part 2587
Could be that Labour have (found) a way of unpicking our rental agreement and renegotiating.

Can't see anybody buying the stadium for sport, so maybe it will, after all, become that white elephant that nobody can see in the room - but all can see from the train.

british is best 9:41 Sun Jul 7
Re: Takeover Talk Part 2587
There's no coincidence that this has broken now . I've always suspected GSB would do a runner at the 1st sign of a labour government. And here we are .

Mike Oxsaw 8:24 Sat Jul 6
Re: Takeover Talk Part 2587
Brand PL is rapidly approaching Coke/Pepsi/MacDonalds status.

Just be part of the brand, fuck whatever team it is so long as their business plan includes remaining in the PL.

Anyone know of a team that has that as it's highest business ambition?

Takashi Miike 6:42 Sat Jul 6
Re: Takeover Talk Part 2587
as long as it isn't the shitbag that used to own the redskins, he was rumoured on leaving us that he was planning on relocating to europe and him & the dwarf are very similar

RBshorty 5:49 Sat Jul 6
Re: Takeover Talk Part 2587
Listened to it earlier. Didn't say anything we didn't know already. Was complementary about Moyes. (Working before with Everton would do that.) But It was he's reaction too the suggestion at getting Zaha which was the most interesting and telling. Something coming down the pipeline. And it maybe good for a change.?

goose 4:20 Sat Jul 6
Re: Takeover Talk Part 2587
I fucking hope so.

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