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joyo 3:35 Sun Jul 14
Assignation attempt on Trump
Shooter on roof outside rally shot at Trump,clipping his ear
He was then topped by secret service
Very lucky escape for Ex president,far too many guns in US

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Nutsin 11:08 Fri Jul 19
Re: Assignation attempt on Trump

“US” are the many that spent the last 8 years on here arguing about the Collusion bollox, the ridiculous, pathetic attempts to impeach him twice, trying to make Trump bankrupt bollox and the Trying to get him thrown in prison bollox.

I think it’s pretty clear this is an attempt by the left to take out a political opponent, nothing more. Therefor being an attack on the worlds Democracy.

You should be outraged. The U S gov’t effects you in more ways than you realize.

Nutsin 11:03 Fri Jul 19
Re: Assignation attempt on Trump
Jones with yet another pitiful post.

The level of ignorance is hard to take seriously.

Mike Oxsaw 9:38 Fri Jul 19
Re: Assignation attempt on Trump
joyo 7:32 Fri Jul 19

In Arabic, "Lah" means "God". Allah means "The God" - it was originally " Al Lah" but changed over time because "Lah" was never used on it's own..

Side of Ham 8:03 Fri Jul 19
Re: Assignation attempt on Trump
joyo will be annoyed he’s getting yet another character assignation on here….

Dwight Van Mann 7:56 Fri Jul 19
Re: Assignation attempt on Trump
joyo 7:32 Fri Jul 19

you are a proper thick cunt

joyo 7:32 Fri Jul 19
Re: Assignation attempt on Trump
Oxbore ...Allah is/means God you thicko

Mike Oxsaw 3:04 Fri Jul 19
Re: Assignation attempt on Trump
..." because I had God on my side"...

That's another black mark right there for Allah. Who's side was he on at the time?

boleyn8420 2:50 Fri Jul 19
Re: Assignation attempt on Trump
I would never have thought a bullet ripping through someone ear would require no more than a band-aid but then again I'm no gun expert. But as Donald said himself yesterday at the latest bat-shit crazy American rally

"In a certain way, I felt very safe, because I had God on my side" cue cheers and lots of amens.

Politics American style, more rhetoric, more racism, more white power, more guns. What a democracy.

Lee Trundle 2:36 Fri Jul 19
Re: Assignation attempt on Trump

You're wasting you're time. Most people in the UK have no idea of things like that.

In their world, a gun law is passed and every single gun in America is handed in by everyone.

nychammer 2:30 Fri Jul 19
Re: Assignation attempt on Trump
Gun control is fine, I have no problems with background checks and licensing or whatever, it may even curtail the lone wolf planning a massacre or an assassination, however the problem with the Democrats version is it will persecute Farmer Giles who wants to shoot a few rabbits while every day criminals will by and large still be able to get guns on the black market, so we'll still see street violence and death continue unabated.

Moncurs Putting Iron 2:29 Fri Jul 19
Re: Assignation attempt on Trump
Manuel 6:43 Fri Jul 19

Hello Mrs. Jones 2:19 Fri Jul 19
Re: Assignation attempt on Trump
Trump shot with a firearm the democrats have tried to ban for years. The Neanderthals want no gun control, this is the consequence.

Hello Mrs. Jones 2:18 Fri Jul 19
Re: Assignation attempt on Trump
Trump shot with a firearm the democrats have tried to ban for years. The Neanderthals want no gun control, this is the consequence.

WHU(Exeter) 2:18 Fri Jul 19
Re: Assignation attempt on Trump
Could have had some great poiltician/wrestlers combinations over here.

Michael Foot with Big Daddy making a special onstage appearance. Shirley Williams with Kendo Nagasaki as wingman.

Takashi Miike 2:12 Fri Jul 19
Re: Assignation attempt on Trump
communists like him don't give a shit about redneck, racist firefighters. the lunatic cunts just see that as collateral damage, in their fight to transform the West in to something resembling a sub saharan version of china/north korea

Lee Trundle 2:07 Fri Jul 19
Re: Assignation attempt on Trump
Did you see Trump had Corey Comperatore's firefighting helmet and jacket on stage with him, comma?

, 1:56 Fri Jul 19
Re: Assignation attempt on Trump
The smaller the scratch the bigger the dressing.

Far Cough 11:32 Fri Jul 19
Re: Assignation attempt on Trump
Manuel 6:43 Fri Jul 19
Re: Assignation attempt on Trump

Lee Trundle 11:29 Fri Jul 19
Re: Assignation attempt on Trump
Not that he needs any help, but Trump bringing out Hulk Hogan is brilliant.

Manuel 6:43 Fri Jul 19
Re: Assignation attempt on Trump
''US"?? Who the fuck is us? Nuts - I think you need to understand that most folk on here don't give a fuck about Biden or anyone in US politics or that cunt of a country. It may dominate your life, but not ours, and by the way it comes over as truly pathetic how desperate you are to be proved 'right' about it all on a UK football forum of all places. You should know that.

Nutsin 2:42 Fri Jul 19
Re: Assignation attempt on Trump
Latest reports say that Biden is no longer running.

Dems are falling apart, poetic justice for all the lies and shit they have put us all through.

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