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Hammer and Pickle 7:26 Mon Aug 26
The Notting Hill Carnival
“Like Cape Canaveral only with a lot more brothers”
Sasha Cohen

Always a great day out if you know how to handle yourself. Best act this time?

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Dwight Van Mann 8:52 Wed Aug 28
Re: The Notting Hill Carnival
"Carnival "in London versus Warsaw...


WHU(Exeter) 4:03 Wed Aug 28
Re: The Notting Hill Carnival
Never mind all that Pickle, is it net carbon zero, if not why not, what’s it doing to address it? Are vapes and plastics disposed of in a responsible manner, who would be your ‘top acts’, how do you behave when you’re there? Would Tammi Grey-Thompson be able to navigate herself from dub to ragga with ease?

These (apparently) are the important questions of the day.

Fauxstralian 1:49 Wed Aug 28
Re: The Notting Hill Carnival

Mike Oxsaw 1:10 Wed Aug 28
Re: The Notting Hill Carnival
..."a police officer dancing with a woman in Carnival costume while she is wearing his HELMET"...

How many stabbings/sexual assaults does a dancing policeman negate?

Fauxstralian 12:51 Wed Aug 28
Re: The Notting Hill Carnival
Dont think you can put a price on seeing footage of a police officer dancing with a woman in Carnival costume while she is wearing his HELMET

Used to go when a friend owned a flat off Ledbury Road and would host parties where we could consume excessive amounts of rum punch before heading down for a wander round before going back upstairs.
The rule was always to avoid the major crowds and go home before the sun went down.
She has sold the flat for a million quid and moved to the country so its off my agenda.

Anyone found with a knife at the event should get the same justice as the rioters.
Can keep them in the same cells doubling up.
And let them keep their knife inside

Mike Oxsaw 11:42 Wed Aug 28
Re: The Notting Hill Carnival
From where would the cash come to pay for such a "a wide-ranging study on a representative sample of participating Council and business’ books" - YOU planning to 100% fund such an activity end-to-end?

It's NOT "someone else's responsibility", either, the government has no spare money to pay for such a thing, unless it can, possibly, use the savings it's making by cutting our pensioners' winter fuel allowance.

stewie griffin 11:09 Wed Aug 28
Re: The Notting Hill Carnival
Well, it gives a clearer picture of its contribution to London than the Mayor’s attempts to dazzle people with numbers that make a weekend of ‘carnival’ worth about as much as one of Declan RICE’s legs, at the very top end of its estimates.

As it happens, used to go quite a lot when I worked up that way and quite enjoyed it; but I wouldn’t have economics near the top of it’s list of benefits – nor does anything that happens there align with any of the Mayor’s green initiatives, the place is like a bomb site afterwards. For most people its just a bit of fun. Ruined by cunts, like most things.

Hammer and Pickle 11:02 Wed Aug 28
Re: The Notting Hill Carnival
Steward has made a fair point, Twundle.

You, on the other hand, are a last-week’s lettuce side-salad bellend and really have nothing sensible to say on the matter at all.

Oh and if I feel like doing a match thread, I’ll do one. Remarkable how, after all these years, these basic things have to be explained to you.

Hammer and Pickle 10:54 Wed Aug 28
Re: The Notting Hill Carnival

Probably only a wide-ranging study on a representative sample of participating Council and business’ books would give us a reliable picture of the event’s net worth. As for the important context of London’s GDP, we need to distinguish different types of economic activity because lumping together financial services, rents and property transactions with entertainment and services doesn’t really give us a clear picture. Unless of course you’d like to score points about the cost of the incidents of violent crime…

Lee Trundle 10:43 Wed Aug 28
Re: The Notting Hill Carnival
*gets balsamic vinegar ready for Pickled's reply*

stewie griffin 10:31 Wed Aug 28
Re: The Notting Hill Carnival
Well firstly, you'd need to net off the associated costs to get a sense of worth. Those are noticeably absent.

Second, it's somewhat crass of the London mayor to try to put a price on the value of sexual assault and violent crime.

But perhaps most importantly, Londons GDP is 508 billion pounds. So at £54 million, the top end estimate of the range and not including costs, the notting hill carnival contributes a whopping 0.0001%.

Hammer and Pickle 9:55 Wed Aug 28
Re: The Notting Hill Carnival
Despite the Section 60 curfew, there is one detail that may be worth taking into account:

“The Impact of Major Events on London’s Economy 2017-20, an independent report produced in 2021 by professional services firm Hatch and London & Partners, stated “it is estimated that every visit to a concert or cultural event generated an average £23 to the London economy”; specific market research at the 2018 Notting Hill Carnival found an average additional spend of £54 per carnival goer. With estimates of 1 million carnival attendees, this research shows that Notting Hill Carnival contributes between £23m and £54m per year to the London economy, based on attendees alone, but is expected to be much higher through indirect impacts from the promotion of London nationally and internationally.”


All you have to do is take it on board. Just breath.

Eerie Descent 9:36 Wed Aug 28
Re: The Notting Hill Carnival
Surely you bellends haven't taken that at face value?

Mike Oxsaw 8:55 Wed Aug 28
Re: The Notting Hill Carnival
The Notting Hill carnival was largely peaceful in the same way the Rochdale abuse gangs were largely respectful of UK society.

Manuel 4:48 Wed Aug 28
Re: The Notting Hill Carnival
Eerie - You have gone very contrary on here of late, you're not the new Alex V are you :-)

arsene york-hunt 2:28 Wed Aug 28
Re: The Notting Hill Carnival
"""Pipe down you right wing thugs, it was largely peaceful.""


The Metropolitan Police has said it is “tired of seeing crime scenes” at the Notting Hill Carnival after five people were stabbed at the event this weekend.

Three stabbing victims were in a life-threatening condition, including a 32-year-old mother who was rushed to hospital with life-threatening injuries after she was stabbed in front of her child at the festival in west London.

There were also two incidents where victims sustained slash wounds and one incident involving a corrosive substance.

A total of 35 officers were injured and there had been 230 arrests as of Monday night.

Arrests were made for a range of alleged crimes including eight sexual offences, 37 assaults on an emergency worker, theft and drug possession and supply.

A Section 60 order, allowing police to stop and search anyone in a specified area, was implemented from 6.05pm on Sunday evening until 2am on Monday, with the second day of the carnival heavily flanked by police officers.

Largely Peaceful Eh! hate to have seen what a largely not peaceful would be.

arsene york-hunt 2:20 Wed Aug 28
Re: The Notting Hill Carnival
I've been to the Trindad Carnival and the Nottinghill Carnival in the same year, back in the 70s. I've also been to carnival rehearsal in a favela in Rio. I can definitely , in more recent years, state that the Notting Hill Carnival did not compare. in fact it was shit. The reason being is it's not in any real cultural context like those in Rio and Port of Spain. It is supposed to be the last days of enjoyment before lent which it isn't in August The weeks leading up to the actual real carnivals in Rio and POS are full of rehearsals, shows and competitions that dominate theall of media. It is something that is woven into the culture. Notting Hill is a ragbag of the second rate.

To be fair I don't like the sight of grown men dancing or street violence, so carnivals are not really for me.

Eerie Descent 10:25 Tue Aug 27
Re: The Notting Hill Carnival
Pipe down you right wing thugs, it was largely peaceful.

Leavemyarcelona 10:21 Tue Aug 27
Re: The Notting Hill Carnival
Who put a quid in the wanker pickle

Leavemyarcelona 10:19 Tue Aug 27
Re: The Notting Hill Carnival
Has that cunt starmer come out addressing the stabbings and sexual assault at the carnival?

goose 9:49 Tue Aug 27
Re: The Notting Hill Carnival
How empty must your life be to start a thread about something you’ve clearly never been to?

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