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Leonard Hatred 1:29 Thu Aug 29
The Paralympics
FMOB they're going a bit OTT in plugging this all over TV and radio innit?

There's no escaping it.

Who's actually interested in it though?

I'll tell you who;


That's who.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Tomshardware 11:32 Fri Aug 30
Re: The Paralympics
There are more retards on here than at the Paralympics.

GoalLazio 3:27 Fri Aug 30
Re: The Paralympics
Shouldn't they be locked away in a cupboard like the old days? Still, Sven will probably be competing in his green and gold attire.

BRANDED 12:07 Fri Aug 30
Re: The Paralympics
Love a raspberry and a spazza

WHU(Exeter) 10:04 Thu Aug 29
Re: The Paralympics
Is it too much to hope for a comeback from Oscar Pistorious in the para archery?

Dwight Van Mann 9:53 Thu Aug 29
Re: The Paralympics
is the wheelchair boxing in these games?

Bungo 9:01 Thu Aug 29
Re: The Paralympics
goose 6:51 Thu Aug 29

We saw a bit of the paralympic athletics back in 2012. Oscar Pistorius was running that day before he became even better known!

Anyway, talking about bionic legs, they might look quite swift on TV but up close in the stadium, those blade folk were absolutely flying round that track. It was similar to seeing F1 live for the first time.

I think I'd still be trying to complete a lap now if I'd started at the same time as them.

Mike Oxsaw 7:48 Thu Aug 29
Re: The Paralympics

goose 6:51 Thu Aug 29
Re: The Paralympics
i'd back myself in a swimming or running race vs most Paralympians.............. not the one's with the bionic legs though.

In my book that's just cheating.

ray winstone 6:42 Thu Aug 29
Re: The Paralympics
Jim79 3:09 Thu Aug 29

I hope they show the games in all Wetherspoons with the sound turned up, that'll fuck the balding brethren....

goose 6:34 Thu Aug 29
Re: The Paralympics
Jim79 3:09 Thu Aug 29
Re: The Paralympics

There's a few on here that would probably qualify under "Intellectual Impairment".

Exiled In Surrey 6:29 Thu Aug 29
Re: The Paralympics
Jim79 3:09 Thu Aug 29

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 4:59 Thu Aug 29
Re: The Paralympics
Takes a trip to Bedlam.

Gawps at loonies.

Says, 'aren't they amazing'

Jim79 3:10 Thu Aug 29
Re: The Paralympics
Oh and Rosie Jones is an annoying cunt, nothing to do with her disability. Just fucking irritating and not funny in the slightest.

Jim79 3:09 Thu Aug 29
Re: The Paralympics
My daughter has cerebral palsy so understandably in my house we actually quite enjoy watching these incredibly performances by those who have had to overcome huge adversity on a daily basis just living, let alone competing at the highest possible level of sport. To have a bunch of fat balding cunts comment on a football message board that they are a load of 'raspberries' despite the fact that they could wipe the floor with these commentators in their particular sporting discipline is slightly comedic. Obviously im biased in this but I think its an incredible spectacle and its a testament to human's abilities to overcome.

Mike Oxsaw 2:56 Thu Aug 29
Re: The Paralympics
Either that, Trunds, or he's busy booking a flight to Hong Kong so he can watch some Badmington.

Lee Trundle 2:43 Thu Aug 29
Re: The Paralympics
I doubt we'll be seeing much of joyo on here while it's on.

He'll be glued to it.

Far Cough 2:41 Thu Aug 29
Re: The Paralympics
Will the Raspberry boxing have men smashing the fuck out of women?

Sydney_Iron 2:20 Thu Aug 29
Re: The Paralympics
Getting bigged up big time down this end of the planet, apparently, we can't all wait for the action to start!

Strange though as most didn't seem to know it started until the media told us how excited we all where?

TBH, it is a bit more interesting than the other Olympics, especially the swimming. LOL

goose 2:02 Thu Aug 29
Re: The Paralympics
is Rosie Jones presenting it?

the coming of gary 1:55 Thu Aug 29
Re: The Paralympics
Surprised to read that any athlete displaying an Olympic five rings tattoo will be DISQUALIFIED

Apparently Olympics is a separate organisation, and that would count as advertising

Manuel 1:32 Thu Aug 29
Re: The Paralympics
Unlike the Paris Olympics, apparently the police are going to be unarmed for these games.

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