WHO Poll

North Bank 10:00 Thu Aug 29
Site Migration - Thread Migration, Thread Locking and 'The end of this site' PLEASE ALL READ
As you'll have seen we're working hard to get WHO on a new platform with better technology under the hood, but without losing the things that make WHO what it is (rightly or wrongly!).

Many of you have now accessed the new site successfully. Many of you are yet to do so (please do as soon as you can to make our lives a bit easier...just WHOMail Stubbo if you're not sure how).

The next step in making the move, is moving over as many existing threads as we can (~30 pages of threads is the plan).

This will happen in the following way:

1. We'll take a copy of the thread content/posts from the old site.
2. We'll lock the thread on the old site (so no new posts are added)
3. We'll load the thread to the new site (within around 24 hours typically...hopefully quicker)
4. Any duplicate threads (that exist on the old and the new) will get merged so the full discussion remains.

Once all current threads have been set to locked, that will signify the completed content migration. New threads on the old site will get locked straight away (with directions to raise on the new site).

The old site will remain available while people are still sorting out their access (so to be able to WHOMail Stubbo or Wils) until 30th September. At this point the access to the old site will cease, and any existing users not already moved across will need to register a new login at the new site.

If there's any questions about any of this let us know in this thread below and we'll look to answer them as soon as we can.

North Bank


Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Sydney_Iron 6:32 Fri Sep 6
Re: Site Migration - Thread Migration, Thread Locking and 'The end of this site' PLEASE ALL READ
Stubbo 5:56 Thu Sep 5

Stubbo, my wording is maybe a bit astray, the new site is easy enough to navigate and "get to grips with" Think as i posted the other day, it's like getting new car after so long with an old banger, just takes bit of getting used to, it's just a feeling more than anything if that makes sense.

The new website is an improvement and i appreciate all the work and effort that's been put in to keeping it as close as possible to the original, but i understand what Manuel says when he says it's not the same, as it isn't! Pretty close but FWIW it's just a matter of time in adjusting, hopefully!!!

Gruesome Dump 11:30 Thu Sep 5
Re: Site Migration - Thread Migration, Thread Locking and 'The end of this site' PLEASE ALL READ
What’s all this? You go for a shit and the whole site gets deleted.


Stubbo 5:56 Thu Sep 5
Re: Site Migration - Thread Migration, Thread Locking and 'The end of this site' PLEASE ALL READ

What aspects are you struggling to get to grips with? Any feedback woul dbe really good so we can see what we can help with/streamline.

@Niblets....will WHO Mail you.

Niblets 12:17 Thu Sep 5
Re: Site Migration - Thread Migration, Thread Locking and 'The end of this site' PLEASE ALL READ
Requested a password reset through the new site as it says to, fuck all received.

Sydney_Iron 9:56 Thu Sep 5
Re: Site Migration - Thread Migration, Thread Locking and 'The end of this site' PLEASE ALL READ
fraser 9:51 Thu Sep 5

LOL, stuck my head back in but didnt bother reading anything!

Silly cunt that i am!!! hahahahahaha

fraser 9:51 Thu Sep 5
Re: Site Migration - Thread Migration, Thread Locking and 'The end of this site' PLEASE ALL READ
Fucking hell Sydney the answer to your question is above your question :-)

The old site will remain available while people are still sorting out their access (so to be able to WHOMail Stubbo or Wils) until 30th September. At this point the access to the old site will cease, and any existing users not already moved across will need to register a new login at the new site

Then the new site will become. . net that was the plan..

Sydney_Iron 7:16 Thu Sep 5
Re: Site Migration - Thread Migration, Thread Locking and 'The end of this site' PLEASE ALL READ
Fucking hell, stuck my head in and see this site is still limping on? In true WHO fashion it just won't give up LOL.

Seriously though, what happens next this site just gets switched off at some point or will it linger on like a satellite that's gone past its use by date until it crashes back to earth (or the bill isn't paid), seems weird you can still post here if everything is supposed to be locked.

TBH, im having problems getting to grips with the new site and can understand where Manuel is coming from, it aint the same! sorry to all oved it, appreciate your work and all that, maybe in time though?

After 20 odd years, the new site was always going to take time to adjust to, its also an international break so would have been quieter on here anyway, mind you a few arguments and the usual suspects busy cunting each other on the new site so for some its business as usual. LOL

Havant seen Coffee though. Has he pulled the plug, even the Saturday football thread i ended up doing, get out of bed you lazy git!.

Manuel 2:17 Wed Sep 4
Re: Site Migration - Thread Migration, Thread Locking and 'The end of this site' PLEASE ALL READ
Yea ok, boss. Hopefully some of them 188 will put some posts up soon. I don't like the layout and it's nothing like on here. I couldn't give a fuck if you don't like my opinion. Sick of this treading on eggs shells shit, suppose it's a sign of the times with nobody wanting to offend anyone, even on here these days.

Tell you what, I'll make this my last say on the matter since it upsets you and time will be the judge, but IMO it's not a good start with hardly anyone posting over there.

Stubbo 1:49 Wed Sep 4
Re: Site Migration - Thread Migration, Thread Locking and 'The end of this site' PLEASE ALL READ
"Manuel 1:32 Wed Sep 4
Re: Site Migration - Thread Migration, Thread Locking and 'The end of this site' PLEASE ALL READ
There is nobody over there, not even the likes of Pickle and Oxsaw, don't say I never warned you cunts. It's also a cunt to navigate and I get sore eyes just looking at it, and all the nerdy, bent attachments/graphics etc don't help either.

Mind you, let's not rewrite history here, WHO has been on its arse for sometime now, plus it's the dreaded international break. Hopefully it will improve for those who do wish to bat on. Tick tock."

What are you on about? 188 people logged into the site yesterday including Pickle and Oxsaw.

We've paired back the visuals...less colours, more whites, and it's now very much similar to this site. For those who dont like seeing the 'Nerdy, bent attachments/graphics' you can turn them off (post over there and I'll tell you how).

It's an improving moveable feast. The difference it it's a platform we can improve and refine as we go.

Easy to snipe form the back benches I guess. And as you say, WHO has been declining (alongside it's platfrom) for a while...with it not helping it's been such an impossible task to use effectively. At least with a functioning site we can look to entice more users in.

Hopefully the replatform will help...it's the same underlying software KUMB use (all be it with less restrictions and with WHO principles of content acceptance) and they don't seem to have been constrained by the technology in growing their user base.

Manuel 1:32 Wed Sep 4
Re: Site Migration - Thread Migration, Thread Locking and 'The end of this site' PLEASE ALL READ
There is nobody over there, not even the likes of Pickle and Oxsaw, don't say I never warned you cunts. It's also a cunt to navigate and I get sore eyes just looking at it, and all the nerdy, bent attachments/graphics etc don't help either.

Mind you, let's not rewrite history here, WHO has been on its arse for sometime now, plus it's the dreaded international break. Hopefully it will improve for those who do wish to bat on. Tick tock.

Bungo 1:22 Wed Sep 4
Re: Site Migration - Thread Migration, Thread Locking and 'The end of this site' PLEASE ALL READ
So on the new site, virtually all of the threads are locked.

Is this intentional?
Will it change?
Is it just me?
Are those my feet etc et...

Wils 12:20 Wed Sep 4
Re: Site Migration - Thread Migration, Thread Locking and 'The end of this site' PLEASE ALL READ
Swiss. wrote...

"So where's the new url then ?"

It's at the bottom of Northbank's post.

Here it is:


Tomshardware 11:46 Tue Sep 3
Re: Site Migration - Thread Migration, Thread Locking and 'The end of this site' PLEASE ALL READ
Has Cliff Richards moved to the new site?

ludo21 4:14 Tue Sep 3
Re: Site Migration - Thread Migration, Thread Locking and 'The end of this site' PLEASE ALL READ
Will miss the simplicity of this site, and oh, for having all of the time back that I have wasted on here over the last twenty plus years!!

Onwards and upwards....

Swiss. 4:10 Tue Sep 3
Re: Site Migration - Thread Migration, Thread Locking and 'The end of this site' PLEASE ALL READ
So where's the new url then ?

Manuel 12:25 Tue Sep 3
Re: Site Migration - Thread Migration, Thread Locking and 'The end of this site' PLEASE ALL READ
I see goose is still trying to start rucks on the new site lol. The man could start a fight in an empty room. Unfortunately for him it just ain't gonna work over there, I can't work out it's arse from it's elbow. Sorry.

Stubbo 2:00 Tue Sep 3
Re: Site Migration - Thread Migration, Thread Locking and 'The end of this site' PLEASE ALL READ
Lick of paint, fixed the electrics, hooked the Jukebox up to a streaming service and new beize on the pool table, with some Asahi in on tap. Not quite wine bar, but an overdue fixuo that should keep the lights on for a while to come.

JLAP 1:20 Tue Sep 3
Re: Site Migration - Thread Migration, Thread Locking and 'The end of this site' PLEASE ALL READ
Turning it into one of those trendy wine bars eh Stubbo?

Stubbo 11:53 Mon Sep 2
Re: Site Migration - Thread Migration, Thread Locking and 'The end of this site' PLEASE ALL READ
Closing time? Pub's just had a refit...same landlord, clientele etc SWT

JLAP 11:05 Mon Sep 2
Re: Site Migration - Thread Migration, Thread Locking and 'The end of this site' PLEASE ALL READ
Popping in for one last pint before closing time.

Goodnight and God Bless WHO’ers xx

Stubbo 9:35 Mon Sep 2
Re: Site Migration - Thread Migration, Thread Locking and 'The end of this site' PLEASE ALL READ

You got (WHO)mail.

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