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Bullet 9:37 Tue Oct 7
ISIS planning beheadings on the streets of London in days

Police in London have arrested four suspected Islamic terrorists in several raids throughout the British capital, and U.K. Telegraph defense editor Con Coughlin told Fox News that a plot to behead Londoners may have been foiled.

“This is a breaking story here in London, but the material that we have from Scotland Yard and the intelligence services is they have uncovered the first ISIS plot here in the U.K.,” Coughlin said on Fox News. “Basically, British jihadists coming back to London and wanting to carry out a plot, and I’m told the plot was to behead people on the streets of London.”

Police said Tuesday that the four suspects are aged 20 and 21, and that officers fired a stun gun at one, but the man did not need medical treatment.

U.K. Telegraph defense editor Con Coughlin appears on Fox News October 7, 2014.
Police say the men were arrested on suspicion of preparing or instigating acts of terrorism, but did divulge details.

“What I’m told about this plot is this group did recently come back from Syria, was planning to carry out beheadings — I say plural — on the streets of London in the next few days or so,” Coughlin remarked, adding that the situation is still fluid and the information may change.

The suspects remain in custody, and homes and vehicles in west and central London are being searched as part of what police called an ongoing investigation into Islamic-related terrorism.

The terror threat in the U.K. was recently raised to “severe” because of the increase in the number of Britons traveling to Syria to join up with the Islamic State group. The government has said the militant group plans to strike targets inside Britain.

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ironsofcanada 8:47 Sat Oct 25
Re: ISIS planning beheadings on the streets of London in days
Also a couple of stories that show ways to deal with Islam and extremist Islam that I think ultimately will be more successful.



I lived near to Cold Lake and nice to see us "rednecks" don't always live up to stereotypes.

ironsofcanada 8:08 Sat Oct 25
Re: ISIS planning beheadings on the streets of London in days
Gavros 3:31 Sat Oct 25

Sorry mate, I would stick to Canadian media on that incident, who are pretty good at only reporting facts.

Bulgasem Zehaf, the guy's dad, has the same name as, and so probably was someone who fought with the Anti-Gaddafi rebels (eventually supported by NATO) not any specific Islamist group.

mentor 3:52 Sat Oct 25
Re: ISIS planning beheadings on the streets of London in days
Hitler was a nutter.

Gavros 3:31 Sat Oct 25
Re: ISIS planning beheadings on the streets of London in days
yeah but that muddies the water doesnt it?

theres a clear problem with wahabism/ salafism islam radicalising muslims, but what weve got over those people is pure nutters doing it as a copycat. the media are convoluting it as a matter of course, with the canadian parliament attacker being called a muslim convert despite the fact his dad is a muslim fighting for islamists over in libya.

leave my arcelona 3:27 Sat Oct 25
Re: ISIS planning beheadings on the streets of London in days
Radical Islam is already well recognised as being a nutters retreat gavvers, its their very own busman`s holiday

Thick uneducated mongs that could be convinced into believing dalek`s are real and that Santa is an undercover spy for NASA

Gavros 3:09 Sat Oct 25
Re: ISIS planning beheadings on the streets of London in days
this is going beyond any religious thing, its basically becoming an excuse for any nutter to justify whatever theyre doing.

SilverSurfer 2:53 Sat Oct 25
Re: ISIS planning beheadings on the streets of London in days
fuck em up the arse, then off with the hands and feet.

Then deport the cunts.

Bullet 2:40 Sat Oct 25
Re: ISIS planning beheadings on the streets of London in days
Tried in New York today!

Hatchet attacker Zale Thompson also known as Zaim Farouq Abdul-Malik.

Police say they were investigating whether Thompson's attack on the cops was linked to Islamic terrorism. ISIS has urged fighters to launch lone wolf attacks in the United States.
Thompson's Facebook page features a photograph of a man dressed in Middle Eastern garb and a cover photo displaying Arabic writing.
Two attacks in Canada this week by radicalized converts to Islam have killed two Canadian soldiers.
In one, a man ran down two soldiers in his car in Quebec, killing one, before being shot dead.
On Wednesday a convicted felon ambushed a soldier outside Canadian Parliament, fatally wounding him, before running the Parliament building and opening fire.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2805675/Crazed-ax-wielding-man-shot-dead-police-Queens-slashing-one-head-arm-random-attack.html#ixzz3H6wbydho
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ironsofcanada 11:44 Sat Oct 18
Re: ISIS planning beheadings on the streets of London in days
mentor 11:25 Sat Oct 18

Just like Communism in the fifties.

WHOicidal Maniac 11:38 Sat Oct 18
Re: ISIS planning beheadings on the streets of London in days
mentor 11:25 Sat Oct 18

I never know if you are taking the piss or whether you genuinely believe what you say...

mentor 11:25 Sat Oct 18
Re: ISIS planning beheadings on the streets of London in days
They are like an oil slick that our polititians have allowed to creep up, lie around and taint everything they touch. If eradication doesn't begin soon, with the implementation of suitable booms to keep them out, all that we know and love will be gone.

Danbury Hammer 10:48 Sat Oct 18
Re: ISIS planning beheadings on the streets of London in days
As long as they start with Thorpe Bay, Jack.

JACK1 10:46 Sat Oct 18
Re: ISIS planning beheadings on the streets of London in days
Danbury 1.7 billion Muslims world wide 10 to 15 % of them hell bent on the destruction of Western Civilistion that's 170 to 210 MILLION - "I think we have a problem Houston "

Danbury Hammer 10:42 Sat Oct 18
Re: ISIS planning beheadings on the streets of London in days
Not all Muslims are terrorists.
But the majority of terrorists are Muslims.

HairySpotter 10:16 Sat Oct 18
Re: ISIS planning beheadings on the streets of London in days
Dave read the thread, many people.

DagenhamDave 10:14 Sat Oct 18
Re: ISIS planning beheadings on the streets of London in days
"Who was it that said it was an overreaction to even suspect it may happen again on Brit soil?"

I'm guessing nobody? Am I right?

After8 10:02 Sat Oct 18
Re: ISIS planning beheadings on the streets of London in days
Balders, I'm taking the Mickey out of the English democrats. There's many decent people who vote ukip. Unfortunately the shouty angry ones dominate internet forums. The decent ones who simply want everyone to play by the rules shouldn't be mocked or belittled.

However idiots who come on here and say theres 1.5 million Muslim terrorists in the UK and that all Muslims are rapists are going to cop it from me.

balders 2:13 Sat Oct 18
Re: ISIS planning beheadings on the streets of London in days

Your rant us typical of the new Tories , that's why many Tories are going to UKIP and why we will have that cunt Milliband as PM next year

HairySpotter 11:44 Fri Oct 17
Re: ISIS planning beheadings on the streets of London in days
watching the news tonight about the blokes in court accused of planning an attack in London. Apparently using "aggresive surveillance" on a police station and a Army careers office. Also were observed trying to buy guns and ammo and a moped.

Who was it that said it was an overreaction to even suspect it may happen again on Brit soil?

if our homeland security is not on the ball then it will happen for sure.

SHORTYHAMMER 8:25 Fri Oct 17
Re: ISIS planning beheadings on the streets of London in days
Islam..Religion of peace..
Civil unrest / war/ coming to a town near you..

COOL HAND LUKE 6:07 Fri Oct 17
Re: ISIS planning beheadings on the streets of London in days
If they go out there to join up with ISIS we should simply say "Fine, your call, don't come back, your passport is revoked".

Or... we can deport all sensible reasonable people from the UK, and put After8 in as PM.

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