WHO Poll

Eddie B 11:02 Tue Nov 18
Tenth of British men 'pay for sex'
More than one in 10 men have paid for sex, according to a major study of British sexual habits.

The majority of the 11% who had done so had visited sex tourism hotspots such as Bangkok and Amsterdam.

The report, in the journal Sexually Transmitted Infections, said paying for sex was linked with other "hedonistic and risky behaviours" including binge drinking and drug use.

It said that young professionals rather than "lonely older men" were paying.


Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

eric5bellies 7:00 Fri Nov 21
Re: Tenth of British men 'pay for sex'
Man walks into a brothel and has sex = Pay for sex,

Man gets married gets a mortgage and a job and has occasional sex = Pay for sex,

Man takes girl out pays for dinner and drinks and has sex = Pay for sex.

This would imply that 10 % men would be a bit low

Scraper 8:09 Wed Nov 19
Re: Tenth of British men 'pay for sex'

People who have kissed a girl are probably less than a tenth. Whores don't kiss.

ChesterRd 7:48 Wed Nov 19
Re: Tenth of British men 'pay for sex'
When you see some of the threads started on WHO from men who don't appear to have kissed a girl in their lives I'm not surprised at the survey findings.

Scraper 6:23 Wed Nov 19
Re: Tenth of British men 'pay for sex'

" Tenth of British men 'pay for sex' " implies that a tenth do so now. That's not what the source text says is it? IS IT? IS IT??

mentor 5:24 Wed Nov 19
Re: Tenth of British men 'pay for sex'
So a tenth of (so called) British men pay for sex with underaged English girls who have been systematically, groomed, threatened, beaten and raped by their pakistani pimps.

Spandex Sidney 5:19 Wed Nov 19
Re: Tenth of British men 'pay for sex'
Have no idea how much sex costs these days?

Ask Milhouse/'Arcelona. Although he pays in sweeties.

defjam 4:32 Wed Nov 19
Re: Tenth of British men 'pay for sex'
Tense of British men 'pay for sex' ?

Scraper 4:28 Wed Nov 19
Re: Tenth of British men 'pay for sex'
There's an issue with the tense. Thaaaanx.

Scraper 4:27 Wed Nov 19
Re: Tenth of British men 'pay for sex'
Your title is misleading. Sort it aht.

joe royal 4:21 Wed Nov 19
Re: Tenth of British men 'pay for sex'
100 for a BJ ?

HairySpotter 4:17 Wed Nov 19
Re: Tenth of British men 'pay for sex'
ohgod no

which bit of what i said is from this show? about paying them to leave? its been a valid assumption since day dot.

ohgodno 4:16 Wed Nov 19
Re: Tenth of British men 'pay for sex'
Cheezey Bell-End 1:06 Wed Nov 19

It's not you know.

Google it and the first proper reference to it is South Park. After that people are reported to have said it but nothing concrete.

ohgodno 4:15 Wed Nov 19
Re: Tenth of British men 'pay for sex'
HairySpotter 1:18 Wed Nov 19

A lot of people have said it because Chef on South Park sung a song about it.

Russ of the BML 1:48 Wed Nov 19
Re: Tenth of British men 'pay for sex'
worm 1:15 Wed Nov 19

No worries. I am here to help. ;o)

HairySpotter 1:18 Wed Nov 19
Re: Tenth of British men 'pay for sex'
ohgodno 9:50 Tue Nov 18

nevr seen it but i dont think that programme has the copyright on what i said, alot of people have said it and its true

jack flash 1:17 Wed Nov 19
Re: Tenth of British men 'pay for sex'
ALL men that have sex pay for it in one way or another, whether it hard cash or half of what you've got!

worm 1:15 Wed Nov 19
Re: Tenth of British men 'pay for sex'
Russ of the BML 1:11 Wed Nov 19

Cheers for the insight, Russ.

Every day is a school day on WHO

jimbo2. 1:14 Wed Nov 19
Re: Tenth of British men 'pay for sex'
Nurse, you pop on the jeans & T-shirt then name the pub, date & time & I will be there. Can't say fairer than that!

Russ of the BML 1:11 Wed Nov 19
Re: Tenth of British men 'pay for sex'
worm 11:07 Tue Nov 18

Not sure if you know but a brass isn't free.

Cheezey Bell-End 1:06 Wed Nov 19
Re: Tenth of British men 'pay for sex'
ohgodno 9:50 Tue Nov 18

Much older than South Park.

Organi5ed Chao5 10:39 Tue Nov 18
Re: Tenth of British men 'pay for sex'
If they included men who have been to strip clubs or paid for a 'massage' that figure would have been around the 60-70% mark.

Technically its the same as paying a prostitute.

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