WHO Poll

madeeasy 1:40 Fri Jan 22
What does WHO mean to you?
This site is an interesting one and one that I enjoy coming onto frequently.

I have met a wide range of people form here and it is the one place I feel that people come from so many different back grounds and walks of life that I wouldn't normally meet yet we all have that one special bond, OUR West Ham.

I often talk through posts on here to non West Ham football and some get it and others don't, especially non football people.

I also know the support, very genuine support as well, by fellow whoer's means a lot to other people and the generosity is amazing at times. someone losing their rent on gambling and people chipping in, a recent drinking problem, marathon raising etc.

I don't take the site or its people too seriously and even the more obnoxious ones have a sense of humour that is just different but very funny in their own way.

It is interesting also seeing the journalists that obviously read what's on here and then steal others creative work for their own career, Mr Polite's David Bowie tear shedding got rehashed for a national tabloid last week and cast off as their own work.

I for one love WHO and what it brings and its community spirit and wouldn't be without it.

Long live WHO and long live West Ham

BTW please just sort out the fucking clock, or is that another thing that makes the site different....

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

SilverSurfer 2:12 Sun Jan 24
Re: What does WHO mean to you?
Ged 10:29 Sat Jan 23
Re: What does WHO mean to you?

ok not 20 years ago, can't be far off though.

As for racism, we are all racist in some way.

main thing is, it's good to hear from you again.

Chip Shop Charlie 5:09 Sat Jan 23
Re: What does WHO mean to you?
Makes me feel normal

Claret Hoop 5:07 Sat Jan 23
Re: What does WHO mean to you?
It tells me what the time isn't.

theaxeman 5:05 Sat Jan 23
Re: What does WHO mean to you?
It means the 'verisure ad' gets in the fucking way when trying to read the fucking threads

One Flew 4:53 Sat Jan 23
Re: What does WHO mean to you?
Tired stuff Pancho

Pancho 1:11 Sat Jan 23
Re: What does WHO mean to you?
Ahhh One Flew, don't cry you little shitcunt...

Baggins 10:43 Sat Jan 23
Re: What does WHO mean to you?
Ged, son!!


Just kidding, have a good weekend.

Ged 10:29 Sat Jan 23
Re: What does WHO mean to you?
Well, silver surfer, where to start.

Who isn't 20 years old, so no one knows what you were saying 20 years ago.

You've not been here anywhere near as long as me, unless you've changed your name, and I haven't been here since the beginning.

I don't post often and even I know from looking on here from time to time that not everyone agrees with you.

You are a racist.

Have a nice day.

The Ghost of Braderz 9:48 Sat Jan 23
Re: What does WHO mean to you?
I see it as a trusty brotherhood centre that will always provide some entertainment.

This site has witnessed me grow from an illiterate cunt, to one who can spell.

WHO is my constant. It's like the stabilisers on my bike when I was four. Except I want to get rid, but I can't. I'll always need WHO.

claret50 6:21 Sat Jan 23
Re: What does WHO mean to you?
Light relief.

holyhandgrenade 5:29 Sat Jan 23
Re: What does WHO mean to you?
ATBOG 6:14 Fri Jan 22

A very good reason to come on here for :-)

ray winstone 3:14 Sat Jan 23
Re: What does WHO mean to you?
Ged? Ged! Ged!!!!!!!

SilverSurfer 2:55 Sat Jan 23
Re: What does WHO mean to you?
20 years ago I warned that immigration would be out of control unless it is severely monitored.

I was called a racist, SS etc.

now every one agrees,


Alfie 2:35 Sat Jan 23
Re: What does WHO mean to you?
Gedediah dear boy you art one of the originals.

The original golden founding fathers of this who'sy manor and i for one owe a debt of gratitude to you sir for your work in keeping this place functional down the years

Credit where it be due sirs

Ged 2:28 Sat Jan 23
Re: What does WHO mean to you?
Crisp preferences?

Johnny come lately...

Fivetide 2:27 Sat Jan 23
Re: What does WHO mean to you?
I think it's just s secret cross-sectional database of crisp preferences, and the whole football thing is a ruse.

Ged 2:25 Sat Jan 23
Re: What does WHO mean to you?
WHO died when Conrad Poons ceased to be a regular. It was spinning in its grave when North Bank declared himself Emperor.

Alfs 2:11 Sat Jan 23
Re: What does WHO mean to you?
For over 20 years WHO has provided me with the delusion that I have a social life. It saves me leaving my room, and makes me feel loved (winks at Nurse).

Alfie 1:43 Sat Jan 23
Re: What does WHO mean to you?
Backpass - slowly laves?

Is this new language sir?

Tomshardware 1:16 Sat Jan 23
Re: What does WHO mean to you?
Two cock robins fighting in the early morn mist, torn feathers, bruised pride, the loser retreated to the hedge and quietly died.

The winner fled to sing of his triumph, before he could talk his was took by a hawk.

A heed of warning was took by all who saw, the female robin who became a whore.

backpass 1:04 Sat Jan 23
Re: What does WHO mean to you?
its where you can be a cyber bully and be hard as fuck but at the same time a non entity and a wanker n the same sentence. ill take you all on
one at a time and slowly laves

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