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Any Old Iron 11:42 Mon Jun 27
New England Manager?
It's going to the shortest of short lists. But who in their right mind would want to manage that shower of shit?

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Far Cough 1:30 Mon Jul 25
Re: New England Manager?
Sammy Lee joins his staff

Fucking great

Private Dancer 1:23 Mon Jul 25
Re: New England Manager?
miike - It's probably becasue Sky were broadcasting it live.

Give him his dues he pretty much admitted that qualifying games mean jack shit. He can't really win and only lose until the world cup, lose qualifying games and he's shit, win them and it's 'so what'

Trevor B 12:44 Mon Jul 25
Re: New England Manager?
"Allardyce promised to "have some fun", adding that the game of football "is to be enjoyed" at his England unveiling"


Takashi Miike 12:40 Mon Jul 25
Re: New England Manager?
strange they always let that weird cunt nick collins ask the first question/s at press conferences. he must be the 'daddy'

Baggins 9:51 Mon Jul 25
Re: New England Manager?

Is everyone forgetting that we have 18 months of qualifying games before the actual tournament? And that we'll be expected to go out and WIN those games, playing some half decent football?

Willtell 9:51 Mon Jul 25
Re: New England Manager?
I see the FA is being threatened by the new Sports Minister to either modernise or lose the £30-40m grant they get from the government.

Firstly I didn't know they actually get a grant. The PL is the richest in the world so the English FA don't need a grant.

Secondly the appointment of BFS is evidence enough that the amateur FA is not fit for purpose. As stewie says they swing with the latest fashions on thinking like football fans who are swung by what the media are shouting rather than being wise policy makers.

I mean England don't compete in a league - just cups. So they appoint a manager who has one claim to fame. Never relegated in 26 years of management but never won a cup competition....

Pure stupidity that they will regret once BFS gets past the initial shiny new shoes stage...

stewie griffin 9:39 Mon Jul 25
Re: New England Manager?
simple, Ballbaggins. After 98 they wanted to copy France, then they wanted to copy Spain, then they wanted to copy Germany, now they want to copy Portugal, and oaf is perceived as the best man to do this.


Baggins 9:31 Mon Jul 25
Re: New England Manager?
Why do people think he's going to do well? Is this blind optimism?

England media and fans have more expectation than any set of fans in the country. Why do people think pairing that with a manager who values clean sheets above anything else, reacts badly to pressure and waffles on about final third entries is going to work out well?

Is it just the vague hope that he is going to bore everyone to death and sneak through to a Final?

Takashi Miike 9:24 Mon Jul 25
Re: New England Manager?
he's due to name his backrooom team later

Sven Roeder 9:23 Mon Jul 25
Re: New England Manager?
Make Rooney earn his place?

Didn't you see that Euro 2004 game against Croatia?

* hands Rooney permanent shirt with captains armband*

jack flash 9:21 Mon Jul 25
Re: New England Manager?
I think BFS will probably do a decent job

I'm only glad to see the back of the charlatan Hodgson, who should never have been given the job in the first place, & should definitely have been sacked after his inept performance in the World Cup 2 years earlier

Texas Iron 6:16 Mon Jul 25
Re: New England Manager?
Make Rooney earn his place...

Not just because he's captsin...

Performance Counts...not History...

ajc123 5:18 Mon Jul 25
Re: New England Manager?
Can't wait for the debuts of Wickham and Cattermole striking terror into the hearts of well .... no one really.

Hammer and Pickle 8:55 Sun Jul 24
Re: New England Manager?
Yes - Rooney will be thrilled to be taking on Nolan's mantle.

Sven Roeder 8:46 Sun Jul 24
Re: New England Manager?
Was reading today that Rooney will still be captain so any Allardyce honeymoon was short lived.

Dolittle 8:44 Sun Jul 24
Re: New England Manager?
Can't be bothered reading all the comments but has any pointed out his shit record in cup competitions?

Takashi Miike 12:46 Sun Jul 24
Re: New England Manager?
it doesn't matter if allardyce has the balls or not, it won't be his decision. that will be taken by the FA and the sponsors

Tomshardware 11:10 Sun Jul 24
Re: New England Manager?
Noble is nailed on for that first squad.

Sven Roeder 11:09 Sun Jul 24
Re: New England Manager?
Allardyce can make a statement with his first squad.
Does he have new ideas and a new broom or is it just the same old same with a new manager in a slightly bigger England coat.

The key is Rooney. Does he have the balls to move on from him?
Others like Henderson & Milner should be consigned to the past while those whose form or fitness was missing (Wilshere, Sterling etc etc) should be left out til that changes and they earn a place.

Geoff 10:33 Sun Jul 24
Re: Did they do the Rooney rule when they was interviewing?
Don't see why there is so much negativity about SA's appointment tbh. Imo the national manager has to be an Englishman if international football is to retain any credibility. And the talent pool isn't that full is it?

I think I'm right in saying there are only 3 English managers in the PL next season Dyche, Howe and Underpardew) now Bruce has resigned. Not a massive choice really is it?

Allardyce's first job as national manager is the same as his job when he first joined us imo. Get back into the (international) premier league. He's not a super sexy manager but England are a long way from being a super sexy football force these days.

Private Dancer 5:31 Sun Jul 24
Re: Did they do the Rooney rule when they was interviewing?
I don't intend to watch another Engaland game until the first game in Russia...the qualifyers tell us abso nothing. Saying that, I will be tempted to watch the Scotland clashes.

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