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camel-with-3-humps 1:46 Thu Sep 22
Lose again and it's time to do the unthinkable
We are the laughing stock of the Premier League. The defence is a shambles, a toothless attack and a manager shot to pieces.

We can barely beat a bad joke in an 80's milk advert. If Southampton beat us at home, drastic action needs to be taken.

Deep down, those of us who have experienced relegation know when it's coming. It's fucking horrible and the smell is getting stronger with each game.

Bernie Slaven scoring those goals in '89 still sends shivers down my spine. The writing was on the wall after that.

But at least there's one former Hammer who can save us now - Curbs.

Curb saved us once before and then secured a top ten finish.

Curbs knows how to get an organised, rock solid defending team. And at the moment we're leaking like a cock with gonorrhoea.

I read Curbs comments on us the other day, about defending, and geniunely believed he can sort us out.

We need him, even if we have to blow off a few cobwebs off.

Mancini? He's never been in a relegation dogfight. Forget it.

Redknapp? No chance.

There is nobody else out there who can rescue us IF results continue to deteriorate. Enlighten me with better suggestions.

If he'd come, and I don't see why not, I'd have Curbs back in a heartbeat if results continue like this - genuinely.

If we lose on Saturday, it's time to get the one man left with relegation experience of getting a team organised and defending.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

camel-with-3-humps 10:04 Sun Sep 25
Re: Lose again and it's time to do the unthinkable
Six games? He better start winning soon.

But I can't see it - he's not doing basic management.

When you have underperforming staff, you get them in a room privately and say - these are your objectives? What is stopping you hitting them? How can you help yourself? Can I help? Now good, see you next week - but remember, stick to your objective, I have faith (hopefully) that you can do it.

Billic is not doing that - what else can explain Antonio's appalling defending? What else can explain Kouyate and Reid playing so randomly?

Maybe Billic is just too nice. Who knows. But this team is not being managed.

boleynkid 9:56 Sun Sep 25
Re: Lose again and it's time to do the unthinkable
I like Bilic so I really hope he sorts this mess out but I reckon they will give him another 6 games. They are ruthless so they won't worry about making the decision.

My guess is they could appoint Paolo just to appease the fans. Whether or not it would be a good idea is another matter.

Pancho 8:14 Sun Sep 25
Re: Lose again and it's time to do the unthinkable
You're a cock.
You're a cock.
You're A COCK

CaptainBlueAndClaret 8:12 Sun Sep 25
Re: Lose again and it's time to do the unthinkable

Are we at December yet? No. Worry then.

The 'toxic' atmosphere caused by the orders from the Duchess of Knightsbridge to be administered on West Ham Utd fans, which they consider as mere 'customers', is IMHO the main problem.

Get rid of the Duchess of Knightsbridge...

camel-with-3-humps 7:53 Sun Sep 25
Re: Lose again and it's time to do the unthinkable
You see? I was right. No bait.

I've seen so many relegation teams to know this won't get better.

Who should be our next manager?

whoareya 3:12 Sun Sep 25
Re: Lose again and it's time to do the unthinkable
I read Curbs comments on us the other day, about defending, and genuinely believed he can sort us out.

Do not want him back his football was not the best, we had the record for passing it back to the goalie.

peroni 3:08 Sun Sep 25
Re: Lose again and it's time to do the unthinkable
icwhs 3:11 Sat Sep 24

unitedsound 2:54 Sun Sep 25
Re: Lose again and it's time to do the unthinkable

I am heading out to see WHU win and support them. What will you be doing, writing more shit comments on this site?

camel-with-3-humps 2:47 Sun Sep 25
Re: Lose again and it's time to do the unthinkable
Alex Mcleish, oh Jesus...

terry-h 2:23 Sun Sep 25
Re: Lose again and it's time to do the unthinkable
If the time does come to part company with Bilic,the problem is where is a suitable replacement? I seem to remember Brady likes Alex McCleish and she might try and persuade Sullivan to put him on the list of contenders. That just doesn't bear thinking about really.

So for the peace of mind of all our fans,let's hope Slav turns things round quickly and brings a better balance to the team than exists at present.

Forget bringing in another midfield player in the next window. Our next signing has to be an experienced dominant CB preferably with leadership qualities who can bring order and solidity to the present shambles.

Russ of the BML 1:59 Sun Sep 25
Re: Lose again and it's time to do the unthinkable
camel-with-3-humps 11:54 Sun Sep 25

What the fuck does that mean?? Are you on meth?

camel-with-3-humps 11:54 Sun Sep 25
Re: Lose again and it's time to do the unthinkable
Russ - The sort of bloke who allows an incompetent plumber to fuck up his house and then keeps him on to fix it.

Russ of the BML 11:18 Sun Sep 25
Re: Lose again and it's time to do the unthinkable
1964 11:13 Fri Sep 23

Who's that? Camel with 3 humps?

CaptainBlueAndClaret 11:23 Sat Sep 24
Re: Lose again and it's time to do the unthinkable
camel-with-3-humps 2:41 Sat Sep 24

IMHO, wait until December of the 2016/2017 season, then we will all have an idea of where West Ham Utd are...

icwhs 3:11 Sat Sep 24
Re: Lose again and it's time to do the unthinkable
Anyone agreeing with the OP is a cunt..

Harsh isn't the word

Brainless is

Thread should have been locked while sniggering at it

Did you follow football before the Euros in 96

"Wanker sign while leaving"

Sir Alf 3:09 Sat Sep 24
Re: Lose again and it's time to do the unthinkable
I agree its the manner of the defeats that is worrying. We have looked all at sea at the back with individual mistakes but the team problem when defending starts in centre midfield for me.

The Noble/Kouyate axis is just not working. Provides little cover defensively and when Bilic loads the team with attacking midfielders (which is essentially all he has bought with the exception of Nordveit) we have a team that continues to struggle with counter attacking teams who have pace and movement.

Our better performances defensively were against Chelsea and City. I know we still shipped 2 and 3 goals but the last one at City was us throwing everything at them. We struggle when we have lots of possession. Trying to force things. The intensity is not there in the middle of the park and that includes mobility or "legs". Who does the tireless closing down? Noble tries but is too slow, Nordveit and even Obiang have tried to provide cover but neither has been the all action Kante style midfielder we desperately need.

That said, Obiang did enough in midweek to get a start IMO. Will he? Doubt it. Bilic keeps coming back to Noble and Kouyate in the same way he was very slow to recognise that Antonio at RB was not working. Its his downfall. Trying to fit players to a system or role rather than changing the system or purchasing the right type of player for the role in the system. Basic management in any field of work :-(

IMHO of course :-)

Takashi Miike 3:08 Sat Sep 24
Re: Lose again and it's time to do the unthinkable
how he fuck can there be a question mark when we're not even out of September. fucking short memory cunts

dicksie3 3:08 Sat Sep 24
Re: Lose again and it's time to do the unthinkable
I still think that it would be very harsh to sack Bilic if we lose our next two Home games.

Yeah, 1 win in 7 (including 6 losses) would be awful but he'd still deserve more time to turn things around, for me.

I am aware, of course, that the final two months of last season weren't great either and being knocked-out of the Europa League in the qualifying rounds again was very embarrassing.

However, I'm predicting two wins in these next two Home games to get us going again.

The Joker 3:05 Sat Sep 24
Re: Lose again and it's time to do the unthinkable
peroni 2:53 Sat Sep 24

peroni 2:53 Sat Sep 24
Re: Lose again and it's time to do the unthinkable
So, Allardyce was right that our cunt fans will turn on Bilic at the first sign of trouble.

Yid pricks.

camel-with-3-humps 2:41 Sat Sep 24
Re: Lose again and it's time to do the unthinkable
Alex V - I think your assessment is probably right. My own opinion is that he should go no matter what, narrow defeats or not. Waiting until Xmas If results are bad is suicide.

I fear for him because the defending is so shambolic - and it's been going on so long , if we look at the end of last season as well - that it's now like turning an oil tanker.

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