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Justin P 10:44 Mon Dec 5
Team v Liverpool
Really could of not done with this game at this time!

Bring back Adrian for me.

Kouyate Reid Ogbonna
Antonio Obiang Noble (reluctantly) Cresswell
Lanzini Carroll Payet

I fear for Billic after this game

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

JayeMPee 8:08 Sat Dec 10
Re: Team v Liverpool
Sadly I think we will lose whatever side we put out. The important measure is whether we go down with all flags flying and fighting for every ball or do we simply go with a whimper?

If the latter and we get stuffed again then time will surely be up for Slaven,

Sir Alf 6:42 Sat Dec 10
Re: Team v Liverpool
Sadly we will get mullered tomorrow I expect :-(

Klippity will have them out the traps fast and playing the high press game that our midfield cannot deal with. We want too much time and room. They will dominate possession and I suspect we will cave whoever we play tomorrow because we still do not have a right back, have just got one of our balsa wood forwards available and our midfield is too light weight, does not work hard enough both in and out of possession.

On further reflection I would not play Lanzini and Payet at the same time and employ either of them in more central roles with Payet given licence to roam. Get the flanks more secure.

Randy or Adrian (neither fill me with confidence)
Arthur --------Reid -------Oggy---
Antonio ------Obiang--- Noble----Cresswell
Ayew------------Fletcher / Carroll

Not sure Ayew works that hard but is more of a physical presence and Lanzini to come on might be more effective.

I do not like our midfield unit without box to box man. Kouyate was a passenger in there in the first 6 games but while he has been more effective and done well in the back 3, we have no one else other than possibly young Fernandes to play that role.

Squad has holes in it and we are paying for it. That and the lack of intensity as Bilic calls it. We used to call that work rate and commitment. No wonder we are in a relegation dog fight.

zico 5:40 Sat Dec 10
Re: Team v Liverpool
Antonio Reid Ogbonna Cresswell
Lanzini Noble Obiang Ayew/Arthur

May as well have a go!! Not sure if Arthur is fit or not !?

KLM 5:22 Sat Dec 10
Re: Team v Liverpool
Stoat, youm missed an f out, fffs!
Actually, let us play with just 10 and nobody at rb, it could hardly be worse

The Stoat 3:34 Sat Dec 10
Re: Team v Liverpool
KLM 3:17 Sat Dec 10

Nordveit FFS !!!

TheMealDeal 3:28 Sat Dec 10
Re: Team v Liverpool

Reid Obiang Ogbonna

Antonio noble Lanzini Cresswell

Ayew Payet


KLM 3:17 Sat Dec 10
Re: Team v Liverpool
Nordveidt Reid ogbonna cresswell
Antonio noble obiang Lanzini/ayew payet
Fletcher/ Carroll

Return to back 4 - much as I hate to say it, but the dreadful nordveidt to rb - Fernandes looked extremely poor against arsenal, whereas nord was just atrocious!
Can't we bring back knoyle from Dundee to play rb

essexmaniacinexile 3:00 Sat Dec 10
Re: Team v Liverpool
Abeloa injured. Kouyate not quite ready to return.

J.Riddle 1:43 Sat Dec 10
Re: Team v Liverpool
If Kouyate out

Fernandes Reid Ogbonna Cresswell
Noble Obiang Lanzini
Antonio Payet

GreenStreetPlayer 1:43 Sat Dec 10
Re: Team v Liverpool
Hope we have no fear against them and with their defence shipping goals also, attack will be the best form of defence.

J.Riddle 1:38 Sat Dec 10
Re: Team v Liverpool
Kouyate Reid Ogbonna Cresswell
Obiang Lanzini
Antonio Payet

daveyg 1:21 Sat Dec 10
Re: Team v Liverpool
I'm with you there sidney
Arbeloa looked so far out of his depth I was baffled with his selection. He can't be asked to play against Liverpool who have more intensity.
This would of been ideal for Oxford to come in and show his worth but I guess he's still injured but have seen no updates on when he will be available.
I would rather have Nordveit there than Arebola,neither have played a good game so far and have made mistakes but Nordveit surely having had a good season in the Bundesliga last year has to come good?
Either that or Antonio at right back with Fernandes ahead of him.
Or Alex PIke comes in for his debut......
We're a bit stuck for options aren't we....

Antonio Reid Ogbonna Cresswell
Fernandes Noble Obiang
Lanzini Ayew Payet

sidneyshitcunt 6:47 Fri Dec 9
Re: Team v Liverpool
Lumping it to Carroll won't work as we won't have enough men forward, so it wouldn't do anything apart from clear lines.

I'd rather play a youth team player than Arbeloa. Can only imagine people suggesting his selection didn't witness that mid-30s guy who the young footballers from Arsenal's left side kept strolling past last week.

Sir Alf 6:25 Fri Dec 9
Re: Team v Liverpool
----------------------- Adrian
Kouyate ( Fernandes if Wily not fit ) Reid Oggy
Antonio --------------------------------Cresswell
------------------ Payet
------------------ Fletcher (Carroll)

Biggie Biggs 6:21 Fri Dec 9
Re: Team v Liverpool
theaxeman 6:19 Fri Dec 9

100% agree , give Pike a chance

theaxeman 6:19 Fri Dec 9
Re: Team v Liverpool

Pike Reid Ogbonna Cresswell

Antonio Noble Obiang Lanzini


.............. Fletcher

Biggie Biggs 6:07 Fri Dec 9
Re: Team v Liverpool
after last week , why would anyone play Arbeloa

dealcanvey 6:02 Fri Dec 9
Re: Team v Liverpool
Arbeloa Reid Ogbonna Cresswell
Antonio Lanzini Obiang Payet
Fletcher Ayew

young woody 2:12 Fri Dec 9
Re: Team v Liverpool
I would play Carroll and just lump it!

Sven Roeder 2:10 Fri Dec 9
Re: Team v Liverpool
Sky are saying Cresswell & Antonio available but not Kouyate

Eddie B 10:43 Fri Dec 9
Re: Team v Liverpool
Any update on Antonio and Cresswell?

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