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Ironside 7:29 Tue Jun 6
Your thoughts on this Millwall fan stabbed on Sat night?...

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Far East Hammer 4:51 Tue Jun 13
Re: Your thoughts on this Millwall fan stabbed on Sat night?...
Not sure I know anyone who I would consider brave who considers themselves to be brave.

My late cockney great grandad (a former Hammer youth player pre-WWI) during WWI was injured yet still singlehandedly took out a German machine gun position, saving the platoon he was in. He was awarded a DCM for his troubles. Yet, he didn't want to talk about it and got embarassed whenever the subject came up - basically reckoned that anyone would have done the same in the situation to save his mates.

Ditto a guy who prevented the bombing of the Notting Hill Carnival in the early 1980's

Ditto the retired Staff Sgt in 22SAS who I know.

But this still doesn't mean they're not brave.

Private Dancer 5:48 Sun Jun 11
Re: Your thoughts on this Millwall fan stabbed on Sat night?...
Alfs 3:30 Sun Jun 11

Haha! Thanks for the post, and I'm glad I've got your attention. Try not to get yourself all upset with my views though, it sounds like you are crying.

Carry on reading my work..


Alfs 3:30 Sun Jun 11
Re: Your thoughts on this Millwall fan stabbed on Sat night?...
The more I read your posts, Private Dancer, the bigger prick I think you are. Maybe that's why you spout what you do, as you yearn for anything resembling a big prick.

Your words will not achieve this, though I do understand that there is a surgical process avalable.

normannomates 2:59 Sun Jun 11
Re: Your thoughts on this Millwall fan stabbed on Sat night?...
Typical old school wall bod..
Plenty of the minerals required..if they had a brain ..we would all be in trouble.

normannomates 2:04 Sun Jun 11
Re: Your thoughts on this Millwall fan stabbed on Sat night?...
Bravery is instinst.
Fight or flight
Some of us fight..some of us flight.
When the shit hits the fan..only then do you know into which catorgary you fall

Northern Sold 12:28 Thu Jun 8
Re: Your thoughts on this Millwall fan stabbed on Sat night?...
Just when I was getting used to your Millwall stench infecting our board I'm afraid I'm going to have to hunt you down now... and slice your face off with a rusty baked bean can.... mind your back

Eerie Descent 12:24 Thu Jun 8
Re: Your thoughts on this Millwall fan stabbed on Sat night?...
You are not a cunt.

But you are a liar.

Northern Sold 11:59 Thu Jun 8
Re: Your thoughts on this Millwall fan stabbed on Sat night?...
Now Now Mr Millwall... I maybe a cunt... but i'm 100% not a lying cunt... I could also tell you about the time I got a luger aimed at my head when our shop got robbed... but I suppose you would call `Beard' on that too..

Hammers1993 11:59 Thu Jun 8
Re: Your thoughts on this Millwall fan stabbed on Sat night?...

Anyone who is making scenarios up in their head to state he isn't brave says more about them.

He could of done what nearly everyone else was doing which was to run, but he didn't.

If one of ours had done that they probably would of had a murial put up for them by now.

Eerie Descent 11:47 Thu Jun 8
Re: Your thoughts on this Millwall fan stabbed on Sat night?...
'NS- sounds pretty hairy'

I think you mean it sounds completely made up.

That's because it was.

Northern Sold 10:58 Thu Jun 8
Re: Your thoughts on this Millwall fan stabbed on Sat night?...
To be fair to PD I imagine he shows the same bravery everytime he goes into one of his local bars… I mean does that girl have a cock or not?? Should I go for it or not?? Extreme bravery there….

Private Dancer 10:57 Thu Jun 8
Re: Your thoughts on this Millwall fan stabbed on Sat night?...
Yea right'o, Cough.

Toe Rag 10:56 Thu Jun 8
Re: Your thoughts on this Millwall fan stabbed on Sat night?...
Bloke in the light trousers in the vid? Last one they attack before they all get shot dead?

Northern Sold 10:55 Thu Jun 8
Re: Your thoughts on this Millwall fan stabbed on Sat night?...
Mace... granted...

Far Cough 10:54 Thu Jun 8
Re: Your thoughts on this Millwall fan stabbed on Sat night?...
How many times do you hear of stories of people in battle who do something incredibly dangerous, people who have won VCs etc, who say after the event, I never thought about it, I just did it, if I HAD thought about it, I probably wouldn't have done it?

PD, you're an idiot, fair play

Mace66 10:48 Thu Jun 8
Re: Your thoughts on this Millwall fan stabbed on Sat night?...
NS- sounds pretty hairy, but 8 against one with a knife isn't the same as 1 against 3 with knives ( and possibly bombs ) ;-)

Not sure if this fella is the same one who is in the SUN newspaper today ? From those pictures it looks like somebody wandered into the 3 of them unaware of what was going on. So that would shed a bit of a different light on what happened ....

Northern Solds Mate 10:47 Thu Jun 8
Re: Your thoughts on this Millwall fan stabbed on Sat night?...
It's been a while since we've had a MY MATE story. I wondered if everything was alright with me.

Northern Sold 10:42 Thu Jun 8
Re: Your thoughts on this Millwall fan stabbed on Sat night?...
Had a few knifes waved about in front of us… mainly for show… the one time it got really nsty was new years eve back in the 80’s at a notorious Southend pub called the Woodgrange… busy as you would expect and all of a sudden massive commotion with the group next to us… bloke had come in with a big long leather trench coat had unfurled a massive machete… tried to chop one of the blokes up… I reckon between his mob and our lot there was about 8 blokes that jumped on him… managed to dislodge the blade from his hand and got knocked on the floor… my mate picked it up and just stood there like a lemon with a big fuck off knife in his hand… screamed at him to get it behind the bar… anyway we took the bloke outside and kicked ten tons of shit out of him.. the bloke that he was trying to attack did not want any old Bill involved as did the Landlord… Oh and it was about 3 years later in the same pub that our lot (including our other halves) got the absolute shit kicked out of us including people getting glassed, coshes and me getting my head in a curb with 2 Northern builders jumping on my head… lovely boozer… !!

Mace66 10:41 Thu Jun 8
Re: Your thoughts on this Millwall fan stabbed on Sat night?...
I suspect that, confronted by three 12-inch-hunting-knife-wielding lunatics wearing 'suicide vests' , that most would be on their toes pretty sharpish.

Fair play to him

Private Dancer 10:38 Thu Jun 8
Re: Your thoughts on this Millwall fan stabbed on Sat night?...
No it's not, you fist. Nothing goes through your mind.

Doing something highly dangerous after debating said scenario is brave.

Far Cough 10:35 Thu Jun 8
Re: Your thoughts on this Millwall fan stabbed on Sat night?...
"Doing something on instinct and worrying about the consequences later doesn't neceassarily make you brave."

That's the very definition of bravery, you plank

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