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chim chim cha boo 3:57 Mon Aug 7
Could Liverpool actually buy Lanzini?
With all the usual media sources pointing to Manu being a replacement for Courtinio, could he do a Payet and leave? Are Liverpool still a big draw for a player or just also-rans as most people outside of Liverpool see them?

The way I see it is that we are FUCKED for creativity if he goes. In fact I'd like to sign a player that compliments him rather than replaces him.

The only thing 'world-class' about the Mickies is in their ability to tap a player up and that's what worries me.

If I've missed a fred which deals with this thorny issue comprehensively please accept my unreserved apologies.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

threesixty 1:52 Sat Aug 19
Re: Could Liverpool actually buy Lanzini?
it does amaze me how liverpool and everton keep pushing out tons of kids that can play in the 1st team and we cant even get Oxford on the pitch!

I hate when people justify it, "oh they're not ready, oh its hard etc..". But there are clubs that do it regularly, why cant we? (nice to see Rice playing but will he feature more?).

I have noticed that its mainly teams up north that play youth. Teams down south cant be bothered.

alfie romeo 1:09 Sat Aug 19
Re: Could Liverpool actually buy Lanzini?
threesixty 12:43 Sat Aug 19

The possibility is real. if you've just got a £200m injection and a huge wage bill off your books, you can afford to take a risk and make a statement.

Lanzini has a bit of magic about him. Friends with Messi too.

The answer for West Ham lies in youth. we'll never sign world class players but we might make them. Sack all the coaches and youth management, they've all failed. Recruit the finest scouts and development coaches known to man at a fraction of the cost of a snodgrass and grow your own. it's not easy but it's fucking simple.

threesixty 12:43 Sat Aug 19
Re: Could Liverpool actually buy Lanzini?

I said that last week. the Lanzini thing scares me.
I really dont think Lanzini is that much different to Coutinho and we'd let him go for 40m easy.

And barca have started to buy "average" players cos they've lost the plot.

threesixty 12:40 Sat Aug 19
Re: Could Liverpool actually buy Lanzini?
not in a million years!

He's already 25 yrs old, he aint going to get much better than he is and I dont think he is in that category at all.

He's about as good as Oscar/Willian or Douglas Costa. Maybe better at long range shots, but he's not "the difference".

When he's playing for liverpool its not like they are steam rolling teams or something. Now put Neymar in a liverpool shirt (or even Iniesta) and they would win the league.

Sven Roeder 12:16 Sat Aug 19
Re: Could Liverpool actually buy Lanzini?
They could offer £50m for Snodgrass & Ayew. That would REALLY show Liverpool

alfie romeo 12:06 Sat Aug 19
Re: Could Liverpool actually buy Lanzini?
What's to stop Barcelona saying fuck you Liverpool and making a £25m offer for Lanzini. OK he's not there yet but will get better. It also sends a message to teams in the future who think about blocking ridiculous offers and keep players who will then under perform and be resentful.

Sven Roeder 11:58 Fri Aug 18
Re: Could Liverpool actually buy Lanzini?
The price is ridiculous but I still think Coutinho is a very good player and certainly more suitable for Barcelona than Raheem Sterling.
He would be the eventual replacement for Iniesta who is probably in his last season but who knows whether he could carry the expectation of that fee on his back. In a way that Neymar fee is a problem as everyone they want to buy is suddenly double their real value.

threesixty 11:46 Fri Aug 18
Re: Could Liverpool actually buy Lanzini?
Couthniho is Fabregas pt 2.
Someone who looks good amongst a normal PL team but really isnt up to the Barca standard. It will be the biggest Albatros around their neck this signing if they get it.
You'll have an asset who isnt really that good that you cant sell because no one else can afford it.

It doesnt matter that not many other clubs can afford Neymar because just like Ronaldo and Messi, no one would ever want to sell him on. But Couthinho?

Is he even in the top 10 prem players? Even Sterling was ahead of him at Liverpool. It just seems like a signing a two bit journalist would make.

I think Barcelona are losing their minds right now. They'll be grateful when this window shuts.

It feels like a marketing job rather than a signing, Make another brazilian a galitico type player by spunking loads of money on him.

El Scorchio 12:26 Fri Aug 18
Re: Could Liverpool actually buy Lanzini?
'Also, big fish eat small fish'

So, so true. And no-one with the capability to do anything gives a single solitary shit about trying to protect the small fish.

Crassus 1:04 Fri Aug 18
Re: Could Liverpool actually buy Lanzini?
Couple of basic rules to observe chaps

Something is worth what someone is prepared to pay and effected by supply and demand - ergo historic pricing is frankly bollox

Also, big fish eat small fish

On players contracts and the way to deal with rebelious types, read into the Barca first lesson of kittens can't fuck cats episode when they tinkered around Varrati and he responded favourably - swift about turn, he remains and Barca had their arses handed to them

ludo21 12:10 Fri Aug 18
Re: Could Liverpool actually buy Lanzini?
Irons - out net spend isn't that great. Carvelho for 40m will only take it to about 60m which is what it should be.

Sale of Snodgrass should allow us to get another in, Jota?

CanningTownWA 6:48 Thu Aug 17
Re: Could Liverpool actually buy Lanzini?
? Yes

monto 6:13 Thu Aug 17
Re: Could Liverpool actually buy Lanzini?
Happier now that I've seen his latest twitter post.

El Scorchio 5:54 Thu Aug 17
Re: Could Liverpool actually buy Lanzini?
Coutinho is massively overrated at 90 million.

But if that's what Barca think he's worth, then there you go. They do have 200 million burning a hole in their pockets.

They are probably thinking the same as us. If Neymar is apparently worth 200 mill, then Coutinho must be worth at least 120, and therefore Lanzini must be worth at least 50.

Swiss. 5:51 Thu Aug 17
Re: Could Liverpool actually buy Lanzini?

"Lanzini is nowhere near good enough to be a Coutinho replacement; "

I wouldn't say that and I think Coutinho is overrated. Liverpool fans I speak to woudn't be happy having Lanzini as a replacement.

irons1979 2:50 Thu Aug 17
Re: Could Liverpool actually buy Lanzini?
The one thing that worries me is that a few weeks ago we were told that the summer spending was over and that we might get one or two more younger players.

Since then we are clearly trying to sign Carvalho and you have to ask whether this is being funded by money we already have OR whether they are considering selling one of the few assets we have.

Would you take Carvalho AND Wilshere for Lanzini if Liverpool did come knocking and he did want to go?

the exile 1:52 Thu Aug 17
Re: Could Liverpool actually buy Lanzini?
Two reasons I can't see this happening: first, Lanzini is nowhere near good enough to be a Coutinho replacement; second, if he was aggravating for a move I have no doubt we would have heard about it by now.

El Scorchio 1:38 Thu Aug 17
Re: Could Liverpool actually buy Lanzini?
Basically the only people who ever win in these situations are the buying/bigger club and the player.

It's always hard on the selling team as they lose a valuable asset for usually less than they are worth. We've been on both sides of it several times.

What really annoys me is now when they talk about players handing in transfer requests as a 'last resort' to get a move pushed through. Fucking snide cunts. Make all this noise and disruption about wanting to leave but don't do it officially as it means they forego money.

It should be made compulsory for a player to hand in a transfer request in these situations.

BRANDED 1:29 Thu Aug 17
Re: Could Liverpool actually buy Lanzini?

Of course

BRANDED 1:29 Thu Aug 17
Re: Could Liverpool actually buy Lanzini?
Yeah. Problem is in most work places you do charge a fee to "sell" a worker to another company. They usually do a bit of gardening leave and move on in the assumption there's a better offer or situation.

ludo21 1:25 Thu Aug 17
Re: Could Liverpool actually buy Lanzini?
Surely someone needs to turn up to work to get paid?

If a player says he's injured then it should be assessed by a medical team (independent if necessary) and if he is declared fit but still refuses to 'work' then he doesn't get paid.

Surely all that is in a footballers contract? Whole industry is a joke.

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